Chapter 15: Shadows Remain

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Nyx, Tav and Astarion PoV. Starting with Nyx


Seated on the floor, Nyx watched it burn. Her mind and limbs numb.

By the Abyss... What did I just do?

She grimaced at another explosion. This time ending in a rain of colourful sparkles and crackles. The smoke bellowed out of the fanged cave; an angry dragon woken from its slumber. She, too, had been abruptly awoken today, twice.


At first, heaving and coughing after washing up on the shore of her inner sanctuary. She had a vague recollection of throwing herself off a cliff to escape being drowned by the flood of power she had unleashed within her mental landscapes. Then a vile stench assaulted her, and she gasped for breath. Jarring her awake for a second time. In the hag's lair.

Panic jolted through her, but she found Auntie Ethel next to her on the floor. Slowly turning into an amorphous pool of goo. The smell of the it pushed her body over the edge, and she retched terribly. The resulting purge was a disturbing and disgusting combination of blood and curse - bits of glowing teal in between. She scowled at it and then the hag with a hand over her mouth.

Auntie Ethel was not only dead; Nyx's magic had obliterated hers. Ripping it apart at the seams after the hag had already been overwhelmed by a fleeing stampede of shadows, shortly followed by a wave dying demons.

Not the party you'd hope for, eh? I'm told I'm allergic to fun.

Nyx's tactless snicker was cut short when the ground trembled. Her magic had not only rend the hag to pieces, but it rippled through her lair. It was disintegrating all around, and something caught fire.


A cautionary survey from her current viewpoint would suggest that she was the last to stagger out of the cave. Another explosion warbled and strange wobbling bubbles floated from the cave. A biting, tangy undercurrent of scents filled the air, reminiscent of fermenting fruits and foreign smoky incense.

Nyx probed at her mind. It was eerily quiet. And it was wonderful. She indulged herself in a moment of peace then started to sweep the flood-battered landscapes. She whistled assessing the damage.

Nothing that can't be fixed. I'll need to meditate. A lot.

Nyx knit her brows, and she made a face.

Ugh, yuck, and spat again trying to rid herself of the lingering taste in her mouth, enhanced by the smells emitted from the cave. She reached for some water from her backpack.

What! Where is it? Did I lose it in the fight?, patting at herself. Suddenly aware of lacking its familiar and comforting weight around her shoulders.

Shit. Where did I put it? I can't remember, searching the ground around her.

Bugger, I'll go look for it later, and shambled to her feet.

Things moved in her peripheral vision, and she regarded them silently. There were Shadows about, but they kept their distance. Darting out of sight when she turned her gaze onto them.

Nyx softly called to the Shadowweave and it answered, Still cursed then.

She wasn't pleased about that fact. Then shrugged and decided to settle for finding a river instead, Let's go get de-mucked physically before I address the muck in my mind.


--- --- ---


"Whoa, I think I saw Avernus down there!"

Tav slapped her hands over her yawn and Karlach guffawed. There were some snickers and chuckles from the others too. She swept her eyes around the room smiling at them, albeit sheepishly. It filled her heart with gratitude, nonetheless, seeing them more like themselves. Joking and jesting. Nyx's presence was sorely missed, but they remained hopeful.

She shot a cautionary glance at Astarion, the tension in his posture had settled too. Yet, he still felt Nyx's absence the most, remaining aloof and guarded about the subject. Even though he had confided many things to Tav regarding his past and his wish to rid himself of Cazador's influence in perpetuity - she was certain that Nyx was his true confidant. Their bond had grown deeper and was more genuine than what any of the rest of them had anticipated it to be, even Tav herself. His behaviour was more telling than anything he would admit willingly. And she was happy for him; almost equal measures surprised and proud too. He had come so far from the power-hungry and conniving mask he had worn initially.

We'll get Nyx back, she made a silent promise, and a prayer to Tymora.

Her gaze fell to Gale, he too had come a far way, stepping out from Mystra's shadow. 'Gladly and eagerly journeying with Tav to new horizons' as he put it. She dearly hoped he would remember that when he was faced with the choice of going through with his goddess' wishes or to trust Tav that they'll find another way.

A thick blanket of fatigue weighed on her then. These dark thoughts reminding her of how little she had slept. Only allowing herself to fall asleep once she was too tired to dream; for the nightmares to steal them away. A firm hand tugged at hers, releasing her from her spiralling thoughts.

Gale's eyes shone with mischief as he gave her a lopsided grin. She raised her eyebrow, and he gestured with his chin to the base of the stairs. Isobel and Shadowheart were conversing.


Isobel may not look it at first, but she was Shadowheart's match when it came to both snide remarks, and underhandedness. Shadowheart was gaping at the amulet Isobel had entrusted to her. Shadowheart's instincts warring on her face and she hissed when the injury on her hand flared.

Isobel remarked, "You are the best suited to use it and lead the others to finding Thaniel's missing essence within the curse."

Halsin added from atop the stairs, "My magic cannot pierce through the darkest part of the curse, which is likely where this missing piece resides."

Shadowheart glared at them in turn while Tav strolled over. She sidled next to Shadowheart and received a glare as well.

Tav ignored it and asked concerned, "Does this go against your goddess' wishes?"

Shadowheart was taken aback for a moment and replied earnestly, "I'm not sure. It's not that clear to be honest. Loss is served either way, whether the loss was," she hesitated searching for the words, "to the land, or will be to the curse itself."

Tav's eyebrows rose into her hairline, she never considered it so, literally. However, the glint in Isobel's eye did not go unnoticed by Tav.

Tav admired Isobel's setup, Well played indeed.




Tav took steadying breaths at the threshold of the dome. She watched the other groups set out, vanishing into the darkness beyond.

Aedric Stoneshield and his contingency were to assist the Harpers, who planned to intercept another convoy of supplies - more heavily guarded this time. After which the Fists were headed in the direction of Moonrise towers, they wanted to scout the place themselves. Become familiarized with the movements, tactics, the comings-and-goings of its inhabitants. Also, looking for opportunities to potentially covertly sabotage any operations.

Jaheira watched them go smiling, then turned to inform Tav and the others, "The courage of your group has inspired my people anew. It is something that cannot be bought or sourced and I am in your debt for restoring that to them. Even the once reluctant gnomes have taken up arms to hold the Inn."

Karlach's head was going to burst at the high praise from one of her personal heroes. The others sported a mixture of abashed pride and awe. Tav returned a toothy grin and thanked Jaheira in kind. They departed after Tav shared a parting, knowing look with Jaheira. For returning the priceless gift, that was morale, to her companions as well.


Before splitting up into their respective assignments, Tav made sure to confirm that each one of them were to be careful and ought to treat the curse with more respect than previously. Karlach, Gale, Wyll and Lae'zel were to determine a way through the shadows to the Thorm Mausoleum without taking unnecessary high risks. Whereas, the remainder of her crew were to look for Thaniel's 'missing essence', heal his being, and hopefully secure his assistance against the curse. Especially, if they were to venture into its heart that was the Mausoleum. Tav wondered for a brief moment whether he'll be able to help lead Nyx back home too. The two groups bid each other good luck and dispersed.


--- --- ---


The trees moaned under the strain of being hoisted back into position. Nyx dusted her hands and patted one of the trunks, staring up into its rapidly sprouting canopy. Movement in the silt below caught her eye. She quickly dispatched the half dead shadow before it could free itself properly. A few more were revealed by the restoration, but they proved no challenge. She mucked out their remains.

Nyala, still in drider form, resurrected another section of trees at the other end of the clearing and they both took a deep breath at the relief it brought. The forest was taking shape, and its familiar sounds came alive, signalling the return of the animals.


Nyx probed at her mental kingdom. The tadpole had not been seen or heard of since, and she didn't know whether this was a good thing or not. She hoped to unearth its body along with the shadows or demons, but for now she was more concerned with the black pit.

Nyala skittered over and announced, "The primary and secondary seals remain intact. Only the tertiary surface is broken."

Nyx nodded sagely, "The demons have retreated, keeping vigil at the pit itself. We need to clear them out first if we want to address the damage."

"Fortunately, it seems as though our, err, cascade had been rather effective this time round.", the shroud announced. Both Nyala and Nyx snapped their heads around.


She, or rather it, was a swirling mist of black with a vague inky humanoid silhouette beneath.

Nyx remarked snidely, "Your intervention was rather fortuitous."

The shroud snorted amused, "And your paranoia remains still."

She harrumphed and Nyala giggled. Nyx gave her a disapproving glare, "Don't encourage it!"


Nyala pointedly ignored Nyx and asked the shroud, "What is your name?"

"What?!", Nyx exclaimed, "Seriously? We are not asking its name."

"But she helped us."

"That is beside the point - look at it!", Nyx levelled an accusing finger at it and continued, "For all we know it could be some shadow or demon, or worse; some ploy by our 'dearest mother' to get into our mind just like she did before. 'By pretending to help. Pretending to care'."

"So cynical," the shroud teased, "I wonder where you got that from."

Nyx gave it a flat look, "From surviving."

It continued, "Perhaps it's time to do more than that?"

See? Mind games.

Nyx replied in an even tone and waved dismissively, "Not interested. You can go now. Back to wherever it is you came from."

It snorted again, "I wouldn't even know where that is. Not to mention; do I not even get so much as a simple 'thank you'?"

Nyx warned, "You not ending up like the shadows and demons covers that."

The shroud laughed at her then, irking her even more. It sobered and inclined its head. Before it could leave another glimmer lit up the darkening horizon similar to an evening star.

They announced collectively, "Time to go."


--- --- ---


Strangely, the trek, although perilous due to the terrain, was blissfully free from Shadows and undead. Astarion briefly entertained the notion that Shadowheart may have become a better guide, but he attributed their unaccosted state to the cleric's new amulet instead. It nearly outshone Lathander's mace in the suffocating darkness.

They continued in silence keeping their attention to their footing and preserving their energy for scaling cliffs or traversing dried up ravines. Gradually, the earth seemed to settle, becoming more pleasant, but they all froze when the darkness suddenly lifted like a curtain being drawn. They shared uneasy glances and Tav whispered, "What happened?"

Shadowheart replied casually, "I think we've arrived", squinting in the distance.


Astarion suppressed an incredulous laugh when they looked upon a shabby, yet quant little house. The light of a candle burning on the other side of a broken window to boot. Where this not the Shadowcursed lands, he'd think they'd happen upon the 'friendly neighbourhood woodsman's house'. A smile quirked his lips when he imagined Nyx snorting at the remark.

Not sure of what to do, they regarded the house a while longer. Listening and waiting for something, or someone to appear. Alas nothing.

He prompted, "Well? We don't have all day."

Halsin chuckled, "Actually, we do", garnering a dramatic sigh in reply. However, to the druid's credit he did silently volunteer to take the lead and continued toward the house. Astarion graciously took up the rear of the approach.

Someone has to watch our backs.


"Halt!", a voice demanded, and they acquiesced, snapping into upright stances. The youthful voice continued, "I am the Sheriff of this town, and you look like bandits."

Astarion scoffed.

Tav said astounded, "Another child?", meeting Halsin's eyes askance.

"I am not a child! I am the Sheriff! Snuffles won't hesitate to attack disrespectful bandits."

A low menacing growl sounded around them in the same omnipresent way the child's voice did.

Halsin and Tav rose their hands in the air. Tav's glare suggested Astarion and Shadowheart to follow suit. They did so reluctantly.

Halsin announced, a hand to his heart, "We are not bandits. We've come looking for help. My name is Halsin, Sheriff?"


He made a small bow, "Sheriff Oliver."

I am not going to bow to a brat!

Tav introduced herself as well mimicking Halsin's gesture. Fortunately, for everyone present, she didn't insist on Astarion or Shadowheart to do the same and instead made introductions on their behalf. Halsin and Tav convinced Oliver to speak to them in person regarding their need for assistance, which only 'the Sheriff' could provide. The other three gasped when the child stepped from the shadows.

Astarion tutted, What did you expect? The child had been in the curse for more than a century.


The child was practically the twin to the other, albeit the cursed one. Half of the child's face was covered in a branching network of black scar tissue, streaked with lines of blue-green similar to the magic emanating from the surrounding chasms. The scars enveloped his right eye, and it too, glowed turquoise. Astarion observed the child's his red hair, which was suspiciously similar to the red leaves from the living part of the corrupted Elder tree.

Tav and Halsin made their appeal to the child. Astarion was keeping closer attention on the cursed dog at his side. A large, black mastiff. Glowing drool dripping from its snarling jaws; open and poised to strike at any moment. Blazing eyes watching them fervently.


Negotiations went sour after Halsin suggested for the child to 'return to Thaniel, to become whole'. He declared that he had no need for his twin, since he had found a 'new family'. The mastiff grew more agitated with each round of failed appeals until the child decided they were 'sneaky bandits after all' and saw it fitting for them to meet 'the rest of his family'.




The child's shadow family did prove challenging, but the ensuing scuffle didn't last long. Astarion and the others were experienced, and more than equipped for it. However, the child escaped through some portal. Halsin threw his magic against it, forcing it to remain open as he urgently beckoned them through. Tav and Shadowheart disappeared into it without hesitation. Astarion paused for a brief moment, I know I'm going to regret this, sighed and delved in after.


The portal spewed him out a little higher off the ground than he expected. His body reflexively dropped into a rolling landing, and he recovered quickly. Halsin grunted behind, greeting the floor with a thud. Bouts of shouting confirmed that indeed, he regretted throwing himself into that portal. Tav and Shadowheart were trying to talk down a group of Absolutist goblins and their huge drider leader in the middle of Reithwin Town's plaza.


--- --- ---


Tav frantically searched for Oliver, but he was nowhere to be seen. The drider's head snapped to look past Tav. She could feel both the drider and Halsin calling their magic upon locking eyes. Shadowheart readied her weapons and Tav made way for Halsin's thundering charge in bear form, scattering the goblins and drider alike.


Shadowheart intercepted a goblin skirmisher, its blade held high while it ran to strike at Halsin from behind. A Booyagh continued to narrowly evade Halsin's snapping jaws, landing fireballs with each sidestep. It angered Halsin more than anything else, raging after the goblins as his bear nature took hold. Shadowheart keeping the others from taking advantage of his increasing lack of awareness as a result.

Tav and Astarion, stood side-by-side, desperately trying to prevent the drider from calling on its magic. Forcing it to shield itself against their barrage of arrows and blots, however it only needed one hand to sustain the shield. The other was calling up a spell that made Tav's stomach drop at sensing its power.

My magic is no match for his.

Sung prayers to Tymora spilled from Tav's lips when the drider levelled this hand at them. She poured as much of her magic and faith into buffing them against it. A final, "Please take care of Gale," escaped her throat as the drider's spell ultimately fired in their direction. Its magic blinding all her senses. She pinched her eyes shut, held her breath, fisting her hands around her crossbows.


Time slowed to torture her further, dragging her final moments out in agonizing heartbeats. One heartbeat passed in her ears, then another. On the third her tadpole squirmed and Shadowheart quipped in her mind, "You can do that yourself." Tav didn't realize she had projected her last words telepathically as well. Tav pried open one eye, then gaped disbelieving, her heart pounding in her ears.

Nyx stood between them and the drider's spell, she moved her arms in smooth rhythmic motions, dismantling it, the power fizzling out and away from them.

It's, beautiful...

Tav gazed upward at the individuals streams of magic floating above her head like a river. The flickering strands being returned to the weave once more. Their harmonic notes faded into nothingness and the Shadowcursed lands flooded her senses. Astarion took a breath to speak, but darkness enveloped Nyx and she disappeared from Tav's blurry vision.

His voice broke, "Gods, no."

Tav couldn't believe that Astarion's voice could hold more anguish than it did that night, until her vision cleared enough for her to witness the scene before her.


It was definitely Nyx; Tav recognized her movements, but she was drenched in black magic. The liquid coated her arms and legs. Her fingers elongated into viscous claws, glistening in the sparse light as she engaged with the drider. The magic was in constant motion, flowing and responding to Nyx's movements while she dodged and ducked the onslaught of spells. Then Tav noticed the all-too-familiar mark of the Shadowcurse on Nyx's face.

"Tymora, let it not be so."

Tav's feet had become rooted in place. All she could do was stare at the duel. Trying to reconcile the fact that Nyx had been cursed; it marred her face like Oliver's.

Like Oliver's.

She grabbed onto that with both hands, and Tav's heart brimmed with hope.

She is not lost to us. We can bring her back.

Her attention returned to Nyx and the drider. Tav wanted to help, however Shadowheart and Halsin needed it more. She shot covering bolts their way while Astarion managed to assist Nyx - his reflexes being able to keep up with the faster movement of the duel without hitting Nyx in the process.


--- --- ---



Nyx was wearing it down faster than Astarion's arrows. The drider brought his shield back up and the arrows bounced off. It reared onto four legs and proceeded to pounce at Nyx. Astarion's chest lurched, but she rolled out of the way effortlessly. Simply to step out of the shadows next to the drider and bodily ripped one of its legs clean off! It cried out and staggered backwards.

"My queen," the mad drider implored whatever god it could in hissing intonation, "Give your servant the power to destroy this monster."

That's rich coming from you, Astarion scoffed mentally. Has it even seen itself in the mirror?

The drider's pleas fell on deaf ears as Nyx shadow-stepped around another of its dwindling spells. This time she reappeared right in front of it and sunk her claws deep into the stomach of its drow-part. She disembowelled the drider in one clean motion, dragging her claws through its fused section. Nyx slid beneath it while its limbs tried to grab her in futility, her claws following underneath and along the spider's abdomen, cleaving him open. The drider collapsed into a pool of blood and gore; subsequently overwhelmed by death throws. Nyx proceeded to slit the pitiful creature's throat, silencing both its dying breath and twitching body.

Nyx made distance between her and the dead drider. Staring down at it she whispered, "Itty bitty drider, killed by the chaos spider."

Astarion didn't have time to work out what she meant when Halsin's bulk stormed towards her. His eyes burning with rage and muscles rippling beneath the fur. Nyx didn't respond and Astarion's body moved of its own accord.


--- --- ---


Tav cried out to Halsin, but he had already set upon Nyx, fully intent on mauling her next. Tav's hands covered her face when Astarion stepped between them, standing his ground. She forced her legs to move and ran towards them, calling to Halsin, trying to get through to him. He was too far gone. More bear than man at this point.

Astarion unsheathed his daggers and snarled, shouting at Halsin, "Don't you dare touch her!"

Something changed in Halsin's demeanour, and he came to a skidding halt, claws digging into the decaying cobblestones beneath. Huffing, his bulk heaving a few feet away from Astarion. He roared once and audibly snapped his jaws together several times. The sound rattled though Tav, bringing her to a halt as well.

Astarion didn't budge, he leaned forward, daggers gleaming, "Come any closer and I'll turn you into a rug to decorate my tent."

Tav managed to croak, "Halsin, please." She swallowed and slowly placed herself between him and Astarion.

Tymora's luck be true, her legs quivered while Halsin's eyes burned into hers. She raised her hands and repeated his name in what feigned confidence she could muster, "Halsin, it's me. Tav."


Recognition settled and his eyes softened. He backed away panting and grunting with effort. Tav took a deep breath after he shifted back.

Halsin's eyes remained wide, "Silvanus forgive me. I didn't mean to lose control. I-"

Tav waved him down, "No harm done. Just scared the Nine Hells out of me!", she doubled over holding her mid-section.

Astarion protested behind her, "I think not!"

Tav turned to him, and said onto his snarling expression, "Astarion, he backed off. You should too. It's over and I don't want to argue about it now. We have more pressing matters." She pushed past Astarion toward Nyx and he swivelled around too, remembering himself.


Nyx stood stock still, her head turned away from them, gazing off into the distance. Seemingly unaware of her surroundings.

Tav ventured, "Uh, Nyx?"

She didn't reply or respond, as though she hadn't heard her.

Astarion repeated, "Nyx, my dear."

Tav startled when Nyx suddenly took a deep breath, her hands twitched and the inky liquid seeped from her body, pooling onto the ground at her feet. The glistening claws dripped away onto the floor. Nyx stood before them proper. Nevertheless, the mark of the curse remained. Nyx turned to them slowly and Tav's breath caught in her throat.

Nyx's eyes were completely black. The cursed mark on her face hadn't spread as far as Oliver's, but it ran from her left temple, down her jaw and halfway down her neck. A teal spot glowed next to her left eye. She regarded them silently.

Astarion tried again, "R'hunni'vah?"

Nyx blinked once, "Erenerhym?", then shook her head. The black drained from her eyes as well. She swayed on her feet, holding her head for a moment. She straightened and looked around in confusion, then to Tav and Astarion, "Where am I?"

"That's neither here nor there," Astarion stated and suggested, "Why don't you come with us?"

"I, want to but-", her head snapped as though she heard something.

He prompted, "So, what is keeping you from do-"

She whipped her head back to him, her eyes wider than Halsin's before.

I've never seen her so afraid!

Astarion took another breath to speak, but Nyx's expression pleaded with him not to, a shaking finger to her lips. She shrunk into herself, closing her eyes, her body held rigid and not moving.


--- --- ---


What in the hells is going on!?

Astarion didn't know what to do, sharing a concerned glance with Tav. Nyx's shifted her weight. The finger to her lips dropped and she signalled quickly, Can't. Talk. Hide(ing).

Hiding? Hiding from what? The curse?

He looked around, but they were the only ones remaining.

How am I supposed to reply to that?

She continued, Find. Later. Star. Light.

And with that she disappeared into the shadows once more.




"Astarion? What did she say?"

He recovered from the shock at barely finding her, only to lose her again. Shadowheart had joined them at some point, he only noticed it now. He cleared his throat and provided, "She said she was hiding and that she'll find us again."

Tav's eyes searched his and she declared, "If we can help Oliver; we can help Nyx."

"I," he gaped at her for a moment then managed a small, "Yes."

Tav gave him a satisfied nod and smiled brilliantly, newfound enthusiasm lighting up her features.

His lips quirked in response, but why, then, does his chest feel so awfully heavy?


Published: 17 Jan 2025

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