Chapter 5: Bad Ideas All Round

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Opening with Tav POV


Tav was staring into the cup Jaheira had given her like it contained poison. In a way it did.

Drink is a good way of masking its flavour, but the feint scent of nutmeg and cherry gave it away.

Tav glanced at Jaheira over her cup, "I have no intent of deceiving you. It would be very unwise for me to do so."

They were seated around a large table. Some of the others had already taken a swig of their cups and they turned their heads to Tav. Nyx had declined the drink, but she had covered the top of Astarion's cup with her hand. Preventing him from drinking it, receiving a frown form him for her efforts. Shadowheart and Gale knitted their brows at the untouched contents of their cups as well.

Jaheira's lips quirked, "I see you're also more wizen than I'd given you credit for."

Tav said, "I'm quite familiar with spy craft", and proceeded to down the contents of the cup to make a point. The rest were eyeing their empty cups too.

Tav reclined in her seat and stated smiling at the others’ concerned faces, "Klauthgrass; a truth serum of sorts."

There are ways around it even so.

Accusing and disappointed glances were shot in Jaheira's direction. Jaheira replied, "I have dealt with my fair share of True Souls and their Illithid masters.", she glanced briefly at Halsin, "You may not be their puppet, but I need reassurances."

Tav nodded, "Ask."

"You have an air about you - the parasite, it has changed you, hasn't it?"

"It has. We have been granted certain powers, but as with all power. It has come at a cost for each of us." There were grunts and nods around the table. Tav continued, "The artefact has helped us to remain who we are. Now we are here to help you, and to help ourselves be rid of them too. All roads lead to Moonrise Towers."


Jaheira considered her words and provided, "We are as good as stranded here. Two feet in the grave.", she looked around at the other Harpers, worry briefly touching her features.

She told of how the Harpers came to be at Last Light Inn, looking between each of Tav's companions. "There were strange reports in Baldur's Gate; people vanishing without a trace, claims of corpses without brains, only for the same corpses to disappear. The Illithid plague has been silently spreading through Baldur's Gate and someone has been sweeping its evidence under the rug. Those who tried to bring it to light have been eliminated."

Grim faces listened to Jaheira's tale unfold. She had tracked True Souls to Moonrise Towers only to be met with a man she had witness the Emerald Enclave put to death over a century ago.

Halsin straightened, he leaned onto the creaking table and said frowning, "It can't be."

"It can and it is. General Ketheric Thorm has risen from his grave."

Halsin gaped at her in disbelief.

She continued, "He yet readies an army of Absolutists intent to march on Baldur's Gate."

There was a collective, "What?!", from the rest of them, followed by shared expressions of shock.

"I have seen it for myself. I shudder to think what would happen if he succeeded."

Halsin declared, "Then we shall see to it that he is returned to his grave once more."

Jaheira shook her head and gestured, "I personally shot an arrow into his eye, only to see him pluck it out like a splinter. He has found a way to make himself invincible."

A long silence followed. Shadowheart, Gale and Astarion drained their cups as well.

Jaheira rubbed her head and said onto Tav, "You are our only hope."


--- --- ---


By the Abyss, Nyx realized, This is how 'heroes' are made. Borne out of necessity and desperation. Not nearly as romantic as one would imagine.

She set her mouth in a line, closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead, I'm the least suited for this role, and yet, she scoffed mentally, The poignant irony of it all.

Nyx could see the gravity of the situation coat some of the others. Lae'zel was the least concerned, not unexpected, seeing as her home was a different plane entirely. However, for those that hailed from Baldur's Gate, their expressions slowly hardened into determination. Nyx glanced at Astarion; a hint of disapproval marred his usual indifference.

This has become personal in more ways than one.

Tav carefully prompted Jaheira, "What do you have in mind?"

Jaheira's her eyes lit up approvingly and a smile crept onto her face, "First you make yourselves at home and be welcome. Much of the day remains. We are waiting on reports from our scouts. From those we can plan properly, together, tonight."

Tav gave a curt nod, and their group was escorted to their lodging by another Harper.




The discussion had, per usual, turned into bickering, although good natured. The Harpers had doubled up occupants on their own rooms to provide space for Tav's group. However, this meant doubling/tripling up for them too, since only four rooms were available.

Wyll and Halsin, the two gentlemen, offered to take one room. Karlach, Shadowheart and Lae'zel were fine with sharing another. However, Astarion was being troublesome about sharing the third with Gale, whereas Tav and Nyx would have shared the last.

Nyx schooled her face, but smiled inwardly. Tav had caught onto Astarion's scheming. Tav shot Nyx an expectant eyebrow, and Nyx pretended not to have noticed, rather concentrating on hiding her own smile.

Gale's brows furrowed, "It is not the first time I've had a roommate. You will find no finer mannered one. Besides, the rooms have separate beds."

Astarion crossed his arms and stuck his nose in the air, "Not interested, darling."

Lae'zel rolled her eyes and started to offer bunking with Gale instead, but Karlach elbowed her in the ribs. Lae'zel levelled a glower at Karlach and pointed with a sharp warning finger. Karlach wore her manic grin and winked at Lae'zel. Fortunately, Lae'zel has learned enough about the subtlety of such communication to let the rest of the conversation take its course.

Tav asked Nyx, "You're going to make me say it, aren't you?"

Nyx kept a straight face, albeit amusement in her eyes, "Oh? Whatever do you mean?"

Tav mimicked one of Nyx's snorts and announced, "Fine, fine... I'll bunk with Gale."

Gale's face coloured to pink. Karlach and Shadowheart shared a knowing look. Astarion flashed Nyx a grin, to which she shook her head smiling. Lae'zel hadn't figured it out quite yet, whereas Wyll's frown was slowly morphing into surprised realization.

Karlach stuck out an upturned hand under Wyll's nose and said, "Come on, a bet's a bet."

Wyll sighed and mumbled something about 'Karlach having an unfair advantage with Scratch as an informant'. He produced the coin and handed it over to a beaming Karlach.

By the Abyss, of all things to place bets on, Nyx ran a hand over her face.

The others disappeared into their rooms and Astarion sauntered over to Nyx. She informed him, "I know you did this for your own benefit. You're not fooling me."

"And yours too, my sweet.", his wicked grin on his lips and he gestured to the door, "Shall we?"

Tav popped her head out next door and called Nyx over for something. She turned back to Astarion and said onto his pout, "I'll see you later."




Tav and Nyx leaned over the top floor banister when they heard excited voices from the main hall below. The Harper scouts have returned; intact and bringing news about Moonrise Towers and other recent Absolutist activity. Tav promptly excused herself for her usual information gathering expedition while Nyx eavesdropped from above.

Two scouting groups were sent out earlier that morning, one to Moonrise Towers and another to check on recent patrol routes. The first reported that the army at Moonrise Towers gathers strength by the day with another contingency of Absolutists spotted heading to Reithwin Town. However, the Harpers took an opportunity to sabotage one of their undermanned outlook post by way of arson.

Hmm, likely a minor inconvenience. You’re going to need more than Guerrilla warfare tactics to make a dent in this situation.

The other scouting group reported to have found an Absolutists convoy with rations and supplies making camp in ruins at the far side of the Shadowlands. Nyx could see Tav's face split into a sly grin, Now there's an opportunity.

Nyx made her way down, collecting Karlach on the way when she came out of her room. The two of them, along with Tav and a few other Harpers organized a raiding party for the Absolutists convoy. At first the Harpers seemed reluctant, but when Nyx and Karlach offered to join, their own eagerness grew along with Tav's plan. They collectively agreed to the raid after dinner once Tav's team had received the resident Selunite Cleric's blessing.

Ah, the source of the protective dome.

Karlach was bounding on her toes and hurried off to recruit more of Tav's group for the upcoming raid. Nyx went to search for Astarion.




"'I', 'F' or is this an 'E'. Is this even a letter?"

Nyx paused at the door frowning. She placed her ear against the wood.

"What damned language is this?"

She knocked on the door and peeked in, "Astarion?"

He was partly undressed trying to reach for the scars on his back. He flung around exasperated, "Ah! What do you think you’re doing?"

She gave him a flat look and stepped into the room, closing the door before she answered, "I'm not doing anything. You're the one walking around shirtless in our room."

He looked a bit embarrassed. She moved to organize a few of her things and asked tentatively, "Trying to work out what it says?"

He straightened and gave her a sidelong look, "Cazador said it was a poem."

The scoff escaped Nyx's mouth before she could swallow it down. He gave her an expectant eyebrow and prompted, "You would disagree?"

She turned to him, "Yes, although I'm no expert so it'll only be my opinion." He smirked and gestured for her to continue. She said, "At first glance, it's not in common tongue, but", she paused for a moment, "It does seem, ritualistic."

He frowned looking down, "What do you mean?", and searched her expression upon meeting her gaze.

Nyx thought on it for a moment and provided evenly, "A spell perhaps? The way it is structured, I've seen similar patterns of organizing magic. Like Joslin had done."

Brief shock flashed over his features. He turned around facing away from her and asked, "Show me. Please."


She walked over. Laying one hand on his upper arm, he tensed, and she lightly touched two forefingers to his back. She waited. His shoulders relaxed, then she ran her fingers over what she saw.

"Three cones of power," she traced the circles, "Contained within one another, from the outer circle to the inner."

Placing her palm gently at the centre of the inner circle, "A focal point."

She returned her hand to the outer circle, "Words interlocked within the circles," she touched each set of words in turn.

"I'm not sure what these are," running her fingers along the several of the branching lines then moved to the one running down his spine, "But this one, seems to connect the three cones," and retrieved her hands.


He said over his shoulder, "Thoughts on the language?"

Nyx squinted her eyes and tilted her head, Why does it seem so familiar?

Cold recognition made her shudder and unease settled in her stomach, Shit. Raphael. The devil had waved numerous contracts with similar writing in her face before.

She hesitated then said, "It looks Infernal, but -"

He turned around wide-eyed and repeated, "Infernal? What has he done?", he paused and gave her an uncertain glance, "What have I run off with?", then he remembered himself, "Sorry, my dear I cut you off."

Nyx smiled softly and continued, "The Infernal looks different in a way... More elaborate? An older version perhaps?" His frown deepened and she offered, "I could sketch it for you."

He returned the smile briefly, then his sly grin slipped on. Before he could speak again there was a knock at the door and a voice announced, "When the bell rings. Dinner is served in the main hall."

Nyx thanked the voice and Astarion moved to dress.

She informed him, "There is going to be a raid on an Absolutist convoy later tonight. Would you like to join?"


"And why would this be of interest to me?", he asked into the wardrobe.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because there will be some untainted opportunities to hunt?"

A ruby glanced around the wardrobe door. She continued coyly, a finger tapping on her chin, "I might have asked Tav to prepare the raiding party for your particular techniques as well."

He lilted grinning, "That sounds like a terrible idea," and his posture became more predatory, "When do we start?"




Tav's knowing smile sent them off with a wave, "Have fun."

Wyll, Gale and Shadowheart elected to remain behind to assist Jaheira and Tav. They were surrounded by reports, maps and writing implements - their noses buried in the papers - expressions set in thought and discussing strategies.

Nyx grinned and quipped at Tav, "Operation Camp Gob?"

Her eyes flashed and she replied, "Operation RIP."

"Ah", Nyx nodded sagely in passing while the others snickered. Jaheira seemed to approve of the name too.


Nyx waited with Karlach, Lae'zel and Astarion at the courtyard fountain. Karlach remarked that Halsin wasn't joining either, because he wants to 'commune with the Shadowland's nature spirit'. Nyx queried whether that was a good idea and Karlach shrugged her shoulders stating that Halsin said 'it was perfectly safe, and he'll be fine'.

The Harpers arrived and introduced themselves as Olys, Skywin and Nyx's new favourite friend, Karrow. Mr. Shifty-eyes was already scowling at her and Nyx wondered why some people insisted on annoying others when they didn't like them.

Doesn't he have anything better to do?

She ignored him. Skywin elaborated on their destination and target. The convoy's own route to the Towers itself was well maintained, however their trek from Last Light Inn was tough going, but 'from the looks of Tav's group' they seem able enough. Lae'zel 'Chk' and Astarion's scoff replied in unison.

Skywin smirked and continued, "The ruin itself has sunken into the earth. The rations are stowed inside. The perimeter is guarded by Absolutists, goblins and worgs."

Lae'zel queried, "How do you purpose to return the rations?"

"We have a few spells to assist."

Lae'zel gave a curt nod and Astarion remarked, "Good, because I'm not carting your food back."

Skywin chuckled and quipped gesturing with her chin, "We are looking forward to seeing you hunt, darkling."

Astarion returned a fanged grin and lilted, "I'll be sure not to hold back then, darling."

Nyx mused, "Be careful what you wish for", and Astarion's grin grew.

Skywin remained amused. Olys and Karrow not so much. Skywin recited, "May the road rise to meet us, and the shadows keep at bay."

They set out.




The oily slick of the curse settled on Nyx as they passed out of the protective dome, but it felt further away from her skin, like she had more room to breathe. Isobel's, the Selunite cleric, blessing was even more noticeable when they passed through the thinner areas of the curse with astonishing ease.

The terrain was disconcertingly broken; unnaturally so. Eerie blue-green energy danced from the deeper cracks that had split portions of the land like the sea cleaved coastal rocks. Forming uneven islands jutting up and down over the landscape. Fortunately, the whole group managed, either by being nimble in footing or large enough in stature, to clear the gullies and trenches with a single jump. The ruin came into view, and they took position on a nearby ledge overlooking the convoy below.


The convoy was nestled into the surrounding cliff, and along with the sunken ruin it provided limited points for assault. The ruin was a circular stone watchtower and half of it was partially submerged in the earth. Sleeping worgs guarded the entrance to the tower and goblin sentries manned its walls. Two Absolutists were patrolling the road leading away from the ruin, whereas the remains of a fire glowed within the enclosed area nestled in the bedrock next to the ruin. Low visibility of that campsite meant that they couldn’t discern the number of guards sleeping there. Their group devised a plan in low tones.

Their raiding party leaned towards being proficient at using ranged weaponry. All the Harpers were trained as rangers. The harpers along with Nyx and Astarion, would prioritize neutralizing the fast moving worgs and any mage-trained sentries. Lae'zel and Karlach preferred their melee weapons; their far-reaching leaps meant they could ambush the fighters from above, even from this height.


Nyx and Astarion took up their respective vantage points. Nyx opted to kneel on the ground allowing her more stability while she adjusted the three arrows in her bow grip. Astarion stood behind, listening for her release. A smirk quirked her lips and she whispered, "Let's hunt."

Her arrows found their mark, shortly followed by Astarion's. The three farthest sentries clutched at their throats, gurgled and collapsed on the walls. The Harper's coordinated shots went next, but one sentry toppled from the wall, a terrible scream ripping from his throat as he fell to his death. The two patrollers flung around weapons drawn and the worgs sprang to their feet. Their howl signalled the battle. Both Lae'zel and Karlach answered the call while they launched themselves at the horrified patrol below. Blades gleaming in the turquoise light.


There were too many worgs to shoot down before they intercepted Lae'zel and Karlach. Nyx stowed her bow and wrapped her limbs in magic. Grasped one of the roots dangling over the ledge and swung herself down in an arc. She ran along the cliff wall, holding onto the root, then jumped once she had enough momentum. She reoriented slightly mid-air and landed squarely on the back of a worg, her momentum and her magic generated enough force for bones to break. The animal collapsed underneath her in a surprised yelp; its spine severed. Nyx quickly finished it off with her knife to its throat.

Karlach hacked one of the worgs into flaming pieces while Lae'zel decapitated another. Nyx felt someone brush against her whiskers from behind. Her knife met his when the Absolutist rogue stepped from the shadows. A different set of twin daggers flashed from the shadows again, and Astarion shivved the same rogue in his spleen and kidney. An incapacitating combination.

Nyx and Astarion's eyes met over the rogue's shoulder, his pupils where blown, and she recognized the hunger in them. Astarion restrained the man's arms, locking his head in place and exposing his neck. Twin fangs met their mark shortly after. Nyx stepped around them, bow in hand, briefly covering Astarion, slapping stray arrows from the air and returning fire toward the campsite.


Karlach's inferno roared past Nyx, and Lae'zel's battle cry followed. The scuffle around the fading campfire's glow didn't last long. The din of clashing of metal was punctuated by the whirring rain of arrows from above. More arrows followed the trail of two Absolutists who tried to flee. Nyx and Astarion intercepted one each.

A heavily armoured woman swung her sword wildly at Nyx, trying to carve her out of the way. Three of Nyx's magic-reinforced knives parried the sword, creating an opening for her other set of knives to seek vitals at the seams of her opponent's armour. Nicked arteries and rivulets of blood slowed her enough for Karlach and Lae'zel to catch-up to conclude the battle. Astarion had drained the last fighter; his body slumped to the floor, riddled with arrows.


The Harpers made their way down and their toothy grins were illuminated by the surrounding light.

Olys addressed Karlach and Lae'zel, "Those two patrol guards soiled their breeches when you two came flying through the air like that.", and his laugh joined his companions'.

Karlach's flames died down and she guffawed, "Aces." She rolled her shoulders stating with a curled lip, "Would have liked to fuck up a few more of them."

Lae'zel remarked, "There is plenty more Absolutist blood to be had at the towers."

Karlach swung her great axe over her shoulder, "Damn right. I'm sure Fangs over there won't mind more too."

Astarion sauntered over, "I'm game, one can never have too much blood, darling." His eyes surveyed their necks, making the Harpers uneasy at his lingering predatory attention, finally settling on Nyx's. She gave him warning look and he returned his wicked grin.

Nyx quipped, "You got a little something over there", gesturing to the side of her mouth.

He deliberately wiped the opposite side of his face and asked with a raised eyebrow, "Better?"

She snorted, "Your other left."

He stalked over to her, "You'll need to help me then, my dear", and turned his cheek towards her.

You're such a goof.

Nyx wiped the blood from his face. He snatched her receding wrist and proceeded to make a show of licking the blood from her fingers. Karlach was grinning like a maniac at watching the Harpers squirm, whereas Lae'zel moved to clean her weapon; uninterested.

His sly grin prompted Nyx, "How about a kiss?"

The Harpers chocked.

Nyx made a face, "Not with that bloody mouth", and he pouted.

Skywin cleared her throat and declared, "We'll prepare the rations for transport." The Harpers scurried off to the ruin. Karlach and Lae'zel trailed after at a leisurely pace.

Nyx asked smiling, "Enjoying yourself?"

He chuckled, "Positively dripping, my sweet."




The rangers had summoned three large wolf spiders and saddled them with the rations. The spiders helped themselves to the fallen bodies while they got strapped in.

Karlach stuck her tongue out, "Aw, gross," and turned to look elsewhere.

Nyx was admiring the spider's saddles; she would have never even considered using a spider as a draft animal.

Given the current terrain, it makes perfect sense.

Wolf spiders are accustomed to carrying their spiderlings on the back of their abdomens. As such, the saddle's satchel was constructed to protrude upward and away from the spider’s legs to preserve mobility. It had a slight curve at the top, pointing away from the spider.

Karlach moved to stand further away after being more grossed out by the wet feeding noises.

"There," Skywin said while closing the last satchel and announced, "Let's get these back to Last Light Inn." She made a series of clicks and whistles. The spiders abruptly dropped dinner, rose to their full height and chittered in return - first at Skywin, and then at each other, which included some probing at one another with their front legs.

Karrow informed Tav's group, first gesturing to himself then toward each spider in turn, "We'll take the lead. Anne, Susan and Charles will follow us. You take up the rear and watch our backs."

Nyx inclined her head, Lae'zel made a grunt of confirmation and Karlach was still wrinkling her nose at the spiders.

Astarion sighed inspecting his nails, "I suppose escorting spiders is better than lugging the stuff back ourselves."


Nyx grinned at the spectacle while they walked, "They look like they're wearing conical hats on their bums. Next fashion statement for Baldur's Gate?"

Karlach tilted her head, gazing after the bobbing spider hats and guffawed, "Gonna have to plug a hole for my tail first... Ooh, I want a curlier one, to match my horn.", she proceeded to lovingly pat her good horn.

Nyx barked a laugh, "I'm sure we can find a tailor to craft you a conical curly bustle." Nyx paused considering for a moment, "We can have it curl the other way, make it black and you'll be Karlach: Hell Scorpion."

Karlach's eyes flashed, "Fuck yes, I like that. I really like that. So much better than 'The Blade of Frontiers'," making sharp air quotes and she guffawed. She even hissed afterward and made stabbing motions with her tail. Nyx's laugh joined hers.

Astarion scoffed smirking, "Sometimes I wonder about you, darlings."

Nyx was sure she glimpsed the briefest quirk at the corner of Lae'zel's mouth too.


Couldn't find any lore on Klauthgrass so I just made something up.

Pre-warning: Act 2 is going to have a lot of spiders.

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