Chapter 2: Between a Shadow and a Cursed Place

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Shadow and Bone (TV series) Easter egg.

This is my second shot at writing 'a first chapter' and I went with the recommendation that it should be a 'summary of sorts for the rest of your book to set the mood and expectation'.


No Man's Land.

That's what Halsin called it. A transient phenomenon, likely due to the shadow curse expanding. Nyx squinted into the perpetual gloomy twilight, wondering whether it was the Absolute itself or something else that was the cause of the expansion. They had been walking for a while and the landscape has not changed. Everything looked the same, no matter which direction you chose to gaze into. It was so desolate; one couldn't even call it a wasteland.

Sheesh, even a salt pan has more life than this.


Lae'zel declared, "We are going in circles, I'm sure of it."

Tav checked her compass again, "No, we've been keeping northwest this entire time."

Astarion complained, "Then how much longer do we have to trudge through this dead place."

Tav gave him a sidelong look and Gale provided, "Until we get to the Shadowcursed lands."

Astarion scoffed and Halsin chuckled, "Only a few more hours at most."

Astarion threw his hands in the air, "Hours!", and sighed dramatically, "It's been hours already."

Karlach ventured, "Could we stop for lunch, yeah?"

Tav took a breath to speak but Halsin answered instead, "It will have to be a walking lunch. We should preferably not stay the night."

Tav frowned at him askance and Halsin answered pre-emptively with another chuckle, "There are creatures here just as starved as the earth. It would be best not to tempt them with our presence."

Tav's eyebrows bobbed, and she nodded sagely.


Nyx could sense the encroaching shadow curse, not as acutely as Shadowheart or Halsin, but it was there. Like a whisper upon the breeze. One you can't quite make out, yet you know it was not merely 'just the wind'. And it was becoming more noticeable with every step. Nyx focused on the other's conversations instead. Shadowheart was negotiating with Astarion for Lathander's mace.

Astarion was being purposefully difficult, "And why should I?"

"Because I asked nicely. Besides you can't use it properly."

"Hah! I'm sure I just need to swing it in the direction of the monsters."

"That being the problem. I can do a lot more with it and I don't even need to swing it."

"True as that may be, darling. I still haven't heard what's in it for me."

Shadowheart rolled her eyes, "Other than your odds of survival increasing dramatically?"

He tilted his head considering, "I can think of a few ways to achieve that without handing over anything."

Shadowheart glanced pointedly at Nyx and made a face. Nyx snorted and offered in general, "Shadowheart is the most suited to wielding the weapon, being a cleric and all. Perhaps you could trade something in exchange?"

Shadowheart wasn't pleased with the suggestion, but Astarion grasped at the opportunity making a show of thinking it over, a finger to his lips. "Hmm, what could Shar's little disciple have that would be of interest to me?", and his eyes lit up.


"But you didn't even hear what I want."

"I am not giving you the Shroudwalker's ring", she shook her head making her ponytail sway.

"Then you have nothing I want."

Shadowheart huffed in frustration and glared at Nyx.

What? Just because we 'snogged' doesn't mean I get to tell him what to do.

Nyx was grinning and it irked Shadowheart even more.

Tav quipped from the sidelines, "Perhaps she could 'borrow' the mace? For a small fee, of course."

Astarion's lips split into a sly grin and Shadowheart glared at Tav as well.

Shadowheart countered pointing, "In that case, the Shadowfell creatures could have at the lot you, for all I care."

Astarion placed a lazy hand to his chest and lilted, "My dear, why didn't you say you wanted to protect me?"

Shadowheart's eyes flashed, and she motioned to kick him in the shin. He sidestepped with ease, made a mocking twirl and lulled at her, "You'll need to be quicker than that."

Wyll sidled between them and regarded Astarion.

Astarion tutted, "Here to defend her honour?"

Shadowheart scoffed and Wyll replied unfazed, "No, she is fully capable of doing that herself and it won't be good for my odds of survival to attempt it.", he chuckled, "However, Astarion, do consider that Shadowheart not only is better equipped to use the mace, but we should also better equip her to help us during the coming battles. Or have you already forgotten about the situation with the Githyanki Inquisitor?"

Nyx nodded to herself, A sound appeal. Help the cleric stay alive to help us stay alive.

Astarion made a disgusted face, "Ugh, fine."

Shadowheart smirked vindicated, "Thank you, Wyll. A true gentleman as always."

Wyll smiled at Shadowheart and Astarion scowled at them both. He begrudgingly agreed to 'lend' Shadowheart the mace with the full understanding that it still belonged to him, and he could ask for it back whenever he pleased.




The curse shifted and the rippling magic reverberated through Nyx's body like rolling thunder. Her hackled magic stood at ends in response. She shared a concerned glance with Shadowheart, and Halsin informed the others. Unease blanketed the group along with the rapidly dimming light and something changed.

The area looked the same, bare and featureless, but something was definitely here with them in the darkened gloom. Nyx couldn't pinpoint where-here, but they readied their weapons, nonetheless. The presence settled itself, like a satiated predator, almost biding its time - not ready for the chase just yet.

Nyx probed, "There is something watching us. Anyone else picking up on more?"

Halsin and Shadowheart mentioned feeling its omnipresence and agreed that it was related to the curse, but they cannot discern more either. Nyx gave Astarion an expectant eyebrow and he shook his head in the negative. The others didn't have much else to add other than feeling 'creeped-out' and chuckling nervously.

Astarion lulled in response, "More like being hunted."

Nyx tilted her head considering, "Hmm, feels more passive than active though," and she stifled a shudder.

"Let's hope it stays that way," he remarked, and she made a noise of agreement.

After some debating amongst one another they decided to illuminate the group, erring on the side of seeing the inevitable attack coming rather than being blind-sided due to low visibility. Shadowheart supplemented Gale's magic lights with the radiance from Lathander's mace and they continued onward.


It became increasingly darker, which according to Halsin was a good thing as they neared the Shadowcursed lands, however Nyx's magic instincts starkly disagreed. A massive dark cloud came into view, it hung to the ground like a wide curtain stretching as far as the eye could see in each direction. Halsin paused in front of the swirling black mist.

Tav ventured, "We've arrived?" and he nodded solemnly.

Halsin said, "This is the threshold, once we cross it, we will be in the curse's full embrace."

There were snorts and scoffs.

Nyx caught movement from the mist.


Nyx turned her gaze onto the location, but the movement was gone. She extended her magic whiskers. Nothing. I surely hope my eyes are playing tricks and there isn't something lurking. Fortunately, it remained in the shadows, For now.

The black mist was opaque and impenetrable. Halsin and Tav moved to enter the mist and Nyx called, "Hold up wait. You're just going to wander in there without knowing what is waiting on the other side?"

Lae'zel made a loud grunt of agreement, "Only fools enter where they cannot see."

Halsin answered unperturbed, "It's a risk we can't avoid.", and he looked between Nyx and Lae'zel.

Lae'zel scowled and Nyx puffed out her cheeks.

Wyll asked, "How long to reach the other side?"

Halsin shrugged, "A few feet."

Nyx scoffed mentally, Considering whose feet, those are going to be an uncomfortably tedious 'few feet'.

Astarion lulled at Nyx, "We could hold hands if you like."

The others snickered. Nyx gave him a flat look and quipped, "I'm having a Déjà vu moment here - specifically regarding 'snatching aboleths'."

Gale extended his hand toward the curtain and sent a magic light through it. The black mist merely engulfed the shining orb, and it disappeared. He hmmed and stroked his beard. Shadowheart attempted something similar using her radiance spells with the same result. Tav retrieved and lit a torch, waving it into the mist, but its light was also consumed.

Tav announced while stowing the torch, "Well, that's that then. Let's be quick about it and stick close together. Keep each other in line of sight and at arm’s length."

There were nods and grunts of agreement.




They were huddling as close together as their drawn weapons would allow, heads scanning for trouble. Nyx could barely make out the silhouettes of the others, the depth of the darkness around them reminded her of a deep underground cave. Tav prompted for a roll call, and they answered their names in low tones while they walked. The round was almost finished when Nyx heard Tav take a breath to confirm her own name, but the mist moved again. Nyx instinctively grabbed Tav by the arm, and something seized Tav by the other. Tav cried out and was violently yanked off her feet. Nyx reinforced her limbs steeling against the opposing force. A yelp escaped her own throat when she was simply dragged off along with Tav.


The confused and shocked calls of the others were soon enveloped by the soundless darkness. Nyx was wrestling with her position, dust and soil scraping against her eyes and mouth. She wrapped her magic around her face, wiping it vigorously with her free hand - her other hand a vice grip around Tav's arm. Nyx looked up into the red glowing eyes. Tav's cries turned to screams when the monster suddenly stopped and started to maul the limb it had seized. Nyx jumped to her feet and flung her knives at its red eyes. The creature screeched, sounding disturbingly human in nature, and melted into the mist. Nyx motioned to stand over Tav, who was sprawled on the ground.

What is that!?


Nyx could feel things trying to touch her mind; cold vines iced with fear and sorrow. Nyx threw her mental defences against them and retrieved her quarterstaff reinforcing it with magic. The mist was moving around her again, mocking her. Tav was crying, repeating the same words through the sobs, "They're dying! It's my fault."

Nyx looked down at her grief-stricken face and remarked in clipped tones, "I am here Tav. It's a trick. The others going to find us."

The rest of you better not make me a liar.

Nyx's limbs were shaking with adrenaline and anticipation for the next attack. Tav was whimpering and her wounds required healing. Nyx extended her whiskers as a sphere, leaned on her staff and tended to Tav's injuries, keeping half her attention on her whiskers. Nyx laid a hand over Tav's arm and healed it. She turned in time when the red eyes tried to seize Tav again. Nyx clobbered it hard across the maw, dislocating bones and it flailed backwards.

Its sinuous body was hunched over on all fours, drenched in matted strings of clotted blood sprouting from its visible spine. It recovered and hissed at her, glaring through the strings covering its face with recognizable intelligence.

By the Abyss. It is human!

It wrapped a hand around its jaw. Its five human fingers were fused into a three-digit hand. Two fore fingers, and the last two digits, were each fused into a set ending in a pointed claw. Its clawed human-like thumb was clearly noticeable while it slid its lower jaw back into position, bones clacking then snapped its teeth together. It spoke through elongated canines that had grown beyond its chin. A raspy whisper voiced, "Hungry."

Nyx and the human-monster were at an impasse. It was just beyond her reach and Tav was sobbing beneath Nyx at the imaginary scene playing out in her head. It was heart wrenching to listen to Tav reduced to her present state, Whatever had ensnared her mind struck directly at her deepest fears.

"Tav," Nyx attempted, "Try to reach out to Gale. If they can't see or hear us, lead them here another way."

Tav only sobbed, inconsolable, now muttering Gale's name.

Abyss take it.


Nyx didn't hear or see the second creature approach, only felt its stampede shaking the ground. Her whiskers sensed the charging beast, and it burst from the mist behind her. She dropped to the floor, gathered Tav in quick succession, barely rolling them out of the path of thundering feet. Tav clung to Nyx in desperation when she tried to stand. Nyx shook her shoulders, "Tav! It's a trick! Talk to Gale! He's alive, use your tadpole!"

The human-monster snarled, Nyx unceremoniously dropped Tav, setting her throwing knives upon it. She furiously cut away at the bloody strings, seeking vital areas below. The ground shook again and she reluctantly moved away from Tav, retrieving her quarterstaff wrapping it in layers of magic. She backed away towards Tav again, sending more knives to fend off the glowing red eyes circling around her. The other beast charged.

Nyx lowered onto one knee. Holding her quarterstaff at one end she swung upward toward the bulky reptile-like beast and cracked the side its head, aiming for two sets of eyes there. It veered off course and ambled past them, shaking its head. The blow seemed more like a nuisance than anything else. Nyx retrieved and threw a bottle of grease between its legs. The heavy creature skid, its momentum pulled it over. Nyx tossed a second bottle onto the animal after it fell. Tav cried out below.

The human-monster had snatched Tav away by the arm, digging its two fused claws into Tav's upturned wrist. It dodged Nyx's swinging blow, and Tav screamed both in pain and grief. Nyx noticed the black claws turning red with Tav's blood as the creature extracted her life essence using its claws like a syphon. It had its other hand raised in warning, ready to strike at Nyx.

Abyss take you!

Nyx lined her throwing knives along her quarterstaff and used the staff to direct them, several at a time, aiming for the exposed vitals. She stalked toward the creature, forcing it to swat at one set of knives while she severed the tendons in its syphoning arm using the other. It screeched and withdrew its claws - Tav's blood gushed from the ruined arteries. The monster's rear legs were more exposed, and she cut tendons in those as well. It howled and retreated limping. Nyx shot a glance at the reptile, still trashing in the muck behind, huffing and grunting in frustration at its failed attempts to stand.


The spell on Tav's mind was broken and she mumbled incoherently while Nyx tended to the wrist. Tav was weak and pale. Nyx worked as quickly as she could; her whiskers feeling for the still-lurking human-monster. After administering a healing potion, Nyx attempted again, "Tav? Can you reach Gale?"

She remained weak and scared from the dual assaults, but mercifully responsive and managed a reply, "I'll try."

"That's all I need. Now keep still, hold your arms and legs close to your body."

Tav made a groggy noise of understanding and shrunk her limbs into her body. Nyx rose searching for the glowing eyes, her heart hammering in her chest. The armoured reptile had risen to its feet, and it squared itself with Nyx. Its silhouette standing as tall as she did. She heard the other's breathy taunt, "Hungry."

Nyx tightened the grip on her staff, shaking with agitation, and faced the reptile.


The armoured reptile turned its head to the side. Several other shapes materialized from the mist and pounced on it. It roared and snapped its huge jaws at them. Yelps and whines emitted from the swarming mass of shadow. Nyx picked out the assaulting shapes between shaky breaths. Those she recognized and it made her blood run cold, Nightbeasts.

Nyx could only watch as the creatures tore into one another. Tav whimpered between the unsettling snarls, whines and yaps. Nyx scanned for the human-monster with her whiskers, not taking her eyes of the Nightbeasts before her. The grotesque noises gradually faded into silence. The reptile had killed the Nightbeasts and remained standing, albeit heaving. Shadows moved beneath it and a remaining Nightbeast gripped the reptile by the throat, bringing it down. The two tussled violently with each other on the ground until the darkness fell silent once more. Nothing moved. The sickening smell of disembowelled corpses filled the air.

Nyx startled when Tav whispered, "N-Nyx?"


"Gale needs a magic signal to track us."

Nyx sighed in half-relief and chewed the words, "You're in no state for that. Ideas?"

Nyx flung around to face the sound of another breathy 'Hungry' from the mist and Tav whimpered in reply. Anger rose it the back of her throat while the creature toyed with them, Fuck you asshole!

Focus Nyx; tracking spell. If my whiskers aren't enough. Then, what else? Tracking spell...

Nyx recited, "Ssussun Faye," calling on the one of few spells she knew off by heart. She always viewed her natural inclination towards Faerie Fire to be as useless as it was childish. Until a purple glow cast her shadow before her.



The last of the Nightbeasts wrapped its trap-like jaw around her quarterstaff and her knives dropped to the floor. She wrestled with the black monster. It was pulling her away from Tav. Another breathy whisper distracted Nyx and the Nightbeast reared backwards, lifting her off her feet.


It slammed her into the ground, moving to stand over her. Snapping jaws baring down. Nyx shoved her quarterstaff into its jaws again like a horse bridle's bit. The purple outlined Nightbeast would have been comical if the situation wasn't so dire. It leaned into her quarterstaff, pinning her in place. Drooling and snarling.


Nyx watched with horror as the glowing red eyes dragged itself towards Tav, inching forward using one arm.


The only reply was inconsolable sobbing anew.

"TAV! Snap out of it!" Nyx was yelling, her desperation and fury was mixing with her magic.

Graces, no!

The black tendrils were swarming while she fruitlessly wrestled with the Nightbeast, its jutting jaw drawing closer to her face. Ragged black fangs glistened with saliva. Its breath hot and rank of flesh.

Nyx was on the brink of sobbing too when the human-monster hovered over Tav, its claws poised to strike. Power brimmed inside her.

I can't! I'll kill Tav too!



A searing beam of brilliant energy rend through the darkness, creating a tunnel of mist in its wake. Nyx witnessed the human-creature both set ablaze and instantly charred before the light blinded her. The Nightbeast howled above, and its weight lifted from her staff. She couldn't see, frantically blinking the spell's aftereffects from her vision. More heavy footfalls sounded, but a familiar roar was behind them. The Nightbeast whelped when Halsin bodily lifted it from the ground and tossed it away from Tav and Nyx. Nyx was on her feet again, taking position over Tav, ready for the next attack. Blood streaming down the side of her head, blurring her vision in one eye, but she stood fast.


Instead, more of their companions joined the battle, emerging from the mist one-by-one. Karlach was like a beacon through the mist, charging towards the feint purple glow. Nyx could see other fighting silhouettes, but the mist deafened the sounds. Another silhouette approached and Nyx's rattled nerves took a moment to recognize it as Shadowheart, Lathander's mace cleaving through the darkness. Shadowheart looked almost angelic in this moment.

Nyx took in a deep shaky breath and quipped in a small voice, "Thank the graces. What took you so long?"

Shadowheart chuckled with a familiar head tilt and ponytail sway, "Jokes? You must be faring better than I expected."

Nyx wanted to laugh, but replied grimly, "I can't say the same for Tav", and she made way for Shadowheart.

Tav was still whimpering, huddled on the ground. She startled when Shadowheart touched her then flung around and clutched Shadowheart into a sobbing hug. Shadowheart stiffened, gaping at Nyx. Tav muttered between sobs, "You're alive! I'm so glad you're alive!"

Nyx provided, "The curse got into her mind. Showed her things."

Shadowheart frowned and patted Tav on the back shushing her until the sobbing stopped. She peeled back Tav's arms and steadied her enough to tend to her injuries.

Nyx's frayed nerves were still searching for monsters. She took deep breaths, easing away the pressure of power that lingered in her own mind.


Several silhouettes approached, a fiery Karlach among them. Then Gale's voice rung out.

"Weave's woe! You're absolutely covered in blood!"

Nyx's mouth moved of its own accord, "Head wounds tend to do that."

"Let's see to it."

Gale motioned for her to sit and instead of finding Gale's eyes when she looked up, she was staring into Halsin's. Nyx tensed at his touch. Her mind was swimming, and she snapped more of her mental defences into place.

He chuckled and remarked, "You don't need to brace for my healing magic."

Heh, if you only knew. Now you're not going to either.

She replied with a simple 'Thank you' and he continued to heal her wounds.

Gale remarked in awe, "Did you kill all of them yourself?"

Halsin's bulk took up Nyx's view of the others, so she answered to his chest, "No. The Nightbeasts appeared and they attacked the reptile monster."

"Dreadfigure", Halsin provided above her head.

She hmmed and continued, "It was that human-like...," Nyx could feel her anger bubble and she clenched her fists, "Fucking blood-covered piece of shit that stuck its claws into Tav, whose charcoal bones I'd like to stomp into the ground."

I'm sounding like Clive.

There were some gasps at her swearing, followed by snorts and snickers when she continued to rant, "It kept taunting us about how 'Hungry' it was. All the while I'm trying to keep Tav alive and she's half delirious with grief at watching you all die in her head."

A long silence followed.

Nyx huffed, her agitation shaking her body.

Fucking asshole.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be unkind", she said curtly followed by a sigh, "I'm still going to stomp on it."

She received light-hearted chuckles in reply. She grimaced when her head stung. Halsin met her eyes and remarked in a low tone, "It is wiser to share information, no matter how unsettling. It could save any one of us in a similar situation."

Nyx set her mouth in a line, "My bedside manner needs some work."

He chuckled, "It’s understandable." He briefly glanced over to Tav and returned his attentions to her head. He elaborated in general, "The Shadowcurse has tainted more than the land itself. Several villages were trapped within its corruption. The fortunate died immediately. The survivors wished for a death that could not be delivered. Some turned to forbidden magic in a desperate attempt to appease the curse and Bloodmanic beasts were borne from one those rituals."

Now I just feel sorry for it.

Halsin continued, "Devoid of blood they seek it manically to feed their hunger. Similar to the endless need for flesh like the Nightbeasts."

Fine, I won't stomp on it anymore.

Wyll asked, "And the Dreadfigure?"

"An opportunist. It likes to hunt with other creatures, especially ones that are faster. The Dreadfigure's stony hide offers valuable protection to its allies. It can withstand foes several times stronger and larger. In return, it receives more meals than it would hunting alone."

Gale remarked, "Mutualistic in nature.", and Nyx added, "Impressive but unnerving - beasts working together like that."

Halsin made a sound of agreement, "This intervening plane lies closest to the Shadowfell and allows the Shadowcurse greater influence on its surroundings. Once we leave this place, situations like these should become less common."

Good. That's good. Looking forward to it.




Both Shadowheart and Halsin tended to Tav; who was despondent. Halsin surmised that the curse still clouded her mind. He wanted to find a safer place to camp and see to her properly. Halsin gathered Tav up and carried her as though she weighed nothing. The rest fell into a tight formation around them, and Shadowheart led the way out of the mist and into the Shadowcursed lands proper.

Nyx sighed deeply, relieved to be able to see further than a few feet before her. Night was approaching and the shadows were darker than usual. The omnipresent sensation coated Nyx's senses like oil. She shuddered.

Halsin and Shadowheart pushed on, leading them into an area where the curse was thinner. However, camping in the curse was going to take more effort than merely setting up tents.


Gale, Wyll and Shadowheart were discussing wards and protections. The rest of them took up sentry positions while preparations were underway. Nyx puffed out her cheeks scanning the twisted landscape around them. Gnarly trees, withered vegetation and broken earth as far as the eye could see. Muted eerie blue-green light shone between deeper cracks in the earth - strangely welcome, nonetheless. Except for the shadows moving in her peripheral vision, their owners remaining out of direct sight, yet mercifully keeping their distance.

Astarion glided next to her, and she quipped without looking at him, "Perhaps holding hands wasn't such a bad idea after all."

He barked a laugh, "You only need ask, my dear."

She snorted and smiled at him.

He gave her a lopsided grin and lilted, "The others were in a dreadful state when we lost the two of you."

"'The others', hm? I succinctly heard you say we."

"Did I?"

"Yes, you did. And I'm going to steal a quick kiss from you."

He grinned, "In front of everyone?"

She scoffed, "They're too busy to notice", and motioned to give him a peck on the cheek. He leaned in then turned his head to meet her lips, stealing a kiss from her instead and pulled away smirking.

He returned his gaze to the shadows and lulled, "I for one, can't wait to leave this place."

Nyx nodded solemnly following his gaze, Welcome to the Shadowcursed Lands. We have evil monsters, tormented souls and plain pure bad luck.



Drowic incantation:

Faerie Fire - Ssussun Faye: Fairy Light


Latin incantation:

Lathander's Blood Mace (Sunbeam) - Incendē: Set on fire/Inflame.


So, per usual, I added some more monsters for variety. None of these are official Shadowfell monsters, but for the 'intermediate area' between the 'normal' and Shadowcursed lands, I thought they would fit well. As well as setting the scene for Act II.

The Bloodmanic Beast inspired by the Bloodstarved Beast from the Bloodborne RPG (Have not played the game myself)

The DreadFigure modified from CandidCreations' DreadFigure

The Nightbeasts modified from Toni Leivonen's Nightbeast

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