Nyx, Tav and Astarion PoV.
"Poor Sob," Gale stood frowning at the grotesque display and mumbled, "Not my taste in art, surely."
Nyx sidled next to him, "I don't think it was meant to be welcoming."
It was a warning, and a cruel joke. The body parts were dutifully arranged on the pikes; limbs splayed or stacked unnaturally. Whomever the person was had met a horrible end, since the brutality of their demise was just as apparent.
Shadowheart remarked, "A cultist by the looks of it."
Tav ventured, "Balthazar?"
Nyx considered the body and said, "From what we glimpsed in his quarters, I won't put it past him. But why murder helping hands, even if they are a nuisance?"
Astarion drawled, "More likely Raphael's acquittance did the deed."
Nyx made a face, "How disturbingly appropriate."
Astarion chuckled dryly. Gale shook himself out and they trailed after the others, Shadowheart in the lead.
Their footsteps pattered a soft rhythm down the imposing corridors, lined with Shar's statues and cold silent flames. Nyx quite liked the magical fire, albeit void of heat and sound it was strangely comforting, and she didn't need to shield her eyes from it.
I wonder what it's made of. She probed at it with her magic, it resonated softly, but it wasn't from the Shadowweave.
Gale provided, "Nocturnium essence."
She turned to him with a quizzical look, "Alchemical?"
He nodded and continued, "Mainly distilled from night-time blooming flowers, and a few harder-to-come by ingredients. Brought to existence in a somewhat elaborate ritual." A knowing smile crept onto his face after a quick glance in Astarion's direction, "I don't know it off by heart, but Sorceress Sundries in Baldur's Gate should have a tome with its recipe."
Nyx inclined her head and said sincerely, "Thank you, I would definitely look into that."
He made a small bend at the waist.
Their attention was drawn to Tav querying Shadowheart on the nature of these 'divine trials'. Shadowheart mentioned that she didn’t know the specifics, which was part of the test and that she'll have to find out for herself.
Sounds like a sure way to die, if you ask me.
Along the way they had stopped by several rooms, mostly abandoned and sporting little of value. Shadowheart paused at another towering door, the engraved plaque next to it read 'Trial of Faith'.
Inside the small, unlit chamber waited a single altar. A statue of Shar holding her symbolic disc in an expectant manner, as though something ought to be placed in it. Tav attempted to peer into the flat bowl, but Shadowheart motioned for her to stand aside.
"Allow me," Shadowheart retrieved a knife from her pack, "Lady Shar requires us to shed ourselves in return for her favour." Shadowheart removed the glove from her one hand and held it above the offering plate. She took a deep breath and said mostly to herself, "I'm ready." One clean cut dripped blood onto the disc.
A whisper floated above them, "Come into the Nightsinger's embrace," and a shrouded portal appeared next to the altar.
Tav took a cautionary step back and locked eyes with Shadowheart. She asked one last time, "Are you sure?"
Shadowheart gave one curt nod, "You cannot follow. I need to do this on my own. I'm ready.", and she disappeared into the portal without waiting for a reply.
Tav blew out a long sigh, "Tymora's luck upon you."
Shadowheart would likely not approve or want that. But it is a fine sentiment.
After a few moments, the shadows yawned in the room and the Shadowweave pressed in around Nyx. Things brushed against her magic and her mind; she shook her head throwing her defences against it. The air felt thick and the ground a little unstable. She closed her eyes and shifted her weight. Her own magic responded, and a trickle of it dismantled the creeping effects. She sighed softly.
Tav's voice cut through the chill, "Nyx?"
Nyx found them watching, concern marring their faces. She stated, "I could feel Shadowheart's progress in the trial."
Tav's wringing hands fell to her sides and she asked urgently, "How is she?"
Nyx didn't want to answer.
"Please tell me, I know it won't be good.", she said in a small voice.
That's an understatement.
Nyx took in the worried faces and blew out an exasperated breath. She lowered her defences and reached for the tug of the Shadowweave. It ushered her in; however, the temple didn't appreciate her eavesdropping. There was a thin glazing of pain, but Nyx pushed through it easily.
--- --- ---
Tav had no idea what she had asked of Nyx, until Tav felt Nyx channel the Shadowweave. Tav sucked in a breath when Nyx's eyes turned black from the power. Fortunately, the rest of her transformation seemed unnecessary.
Nyx shook her head again and flexed her fingers. Tav was about to tell her to stop, since it was clearly uncomfortable, but then Nyx began to describe the trial.
"It is dark. A darkness through which I cannot see. Whispers. I cannot make out what they say…”, she tilted her head, “But the words have the weight of a sermon. I can feel Shadowheart, embracing each line as though it were lifeblood."
Trepidation seized Tav's stomach while Nyx continued. The restless shifting of the others added to the growing tension in the room.
"There is something with her now," Nyx shudders visibly, "I don't know what it is, and it doesn't approve of my presence. I am going to move to a safer distance."
Tav exhaled the breath she held, although Nyx held herself taught like a bow string.
"Shadowheart is accepting its test. She -", Nyx flinched as though she had been struck. The others were uneasy as well, gripping their weapons reflexively.
Not like this.
Tav said gently, "Nyx, it's alright. I don't want you to continue."
Nyx closed her eyes and stated evenly, "I can't leave. It won't let me."
What!?, Tav gaped, dread seizing her heart. Astarion shot her an accusing glare.
Karlach implored, "Soldier, you need to stay safe. We don't want you dragged into whatever is going on in there."
Nyx nodded absently, "It's alright. I've played this game many times before."
That wasn't reassuring at all.
Nyx looked to the side, as though she was averting her gaze, "She is watching the Shadows rip apart all that is important to her. She is not allowed to interfere."
Tav held her hand over her thumping heart. I was only concerned for Shadowheart. I didn't mean for this.
Nyx declared, "I am moving away now."
Tav chewed her lip and managed to keep her voice steady, "Nyx, I'm sorry. I didn't -"
She replied gently, "I know", then shook her head again. However, it was in sadness this time, and said, "It is better that we know. Better to be reminded."
Tav vowed that she won't ask such a thing of any of them again. She was supposed to lead and protect; not throw one companions to the wolves with the idle hope of helping the other.
Shadowheart has made her choice. I can do better. Nyx is strong, but she has been through enough. It is not fair to ask more. I will find another way.
Tav only relaxed when Nyx sighed in relief, shortly followed by the return of her natural eye colour. A strained smile met Tav's apologetic expression, and Nyx gestured to the portal. Moments later Shadowheart emerged, her face blanched.
Alarmed Wyll caught Shadowheart's elbow when she swayed on her feet, "Easy, I think you need to sit down for a moment."
Shadowheart's eyes snapped to Wyll's and she swept her gaze over the room. Silence punctuating the tension. She frowned at Wyll's hand and tugged her arm away stating coolly, "No need. If you'll excuse me."
Shadowheart held out both hands in front of her in a cupped gesture. Power swirled within her hands and Wyll's eyebrows climbed into his hairline, taking a step back. The Shadows peeled from the walls and were sucked into the vortex forming in Shadowheart's hands, her hair whipping from the gust created. They stared as a purple glow enveloped the dark central point and an orb finally materialized, dark magic now swirling within. It throbbed with power and dimmed, Shadowheart raised it for all to see.
A voice whispered, "Earn two more and claim the Nightsong."
Their collective startle was replaced with raised eyebrows and looks of confusion. Shadowheart grinned and stowed the umbral gem.
Tav queried carefully, "Are you alright?"
Shadowheart blinked at the question, "Of course I am. Why won't I be?"
"It sounded harrowing."
Shadowheart frowned, levelling a poisonous look at Nyx and said, "I thought someone was snooping. My Lady Shar's secrets are meant to remain hidden from those unworthy."
Nyx regarded her with dark calm. Tav interjected, "I asked her to. It won't happen again."
Shadowheart's disapproval appraised Tav for a moment and she chewed, "Fine. We need to move on besides."
The momentary slip of Shadowheart's aloofness did not go unnoticed by Tav. Tav tried to keep her next question casual, "The Nightsong is here?"
Shadowheart gave a curt nod and said, "Yes, it is part of becoming a Dark Justiciar."
Is that why Ketheric wants it? Some connection to his old Sharran powers perhaps?
Tav chewed her lip and gestured for Shadowheart to take the lead.
--- --- ---
Nyx felt queasy, staring at her feet while they walked, focusing on her breathing. What she had witness had disturbed her deeply. The savagery of the curse was one thing, and the monsters it conjured were to be slain. However, watching the monsters take apart apparitions that resembled her companions too closely was heart wrenchingly wrong, regardless of the knowledge that it wasn't real. Even if she could only glimpse the muted blurred scene.
I don't understand how Shadowheart could simply stand by and watch. Is she truly that callous?
Nyx shivered. Fortunately, Tav had enough sense not to ask Nyx to do that again - not that she would agree to it for a second round. Astarion glided beside her, and she returned a warm smile to his unspoken question. They continued in companionable silence while Wyll, Karlach and Gale were discussing the surrounding architecture. Their nerves getting the better of them and so they resorted to filling the silence with casual talk.
Shadowheart led them down several corridors to emerge at the opposite side of Shar's grand dancing statue. The shadows quivered and leapt across the walls. Everyone caught the movements. Nyx's magic prickled and she stopped short.
Shadowheart too came to an abrupt halt at the front and motioned for the others to keep quiet. They listened. Nyx's magic hackles rose, something had disturbed the temple, and it was retaliating.
Shadowheart informed the others, "The guardians have awoken."
Before Tav could extract more information, two magical vortexes appeared like spinning flat discs on either side of the group, blocking off the exists. Dark figures stepped from the portals.
Nyx felt the intent of the armoured constructs and placed herself firmly between them and her companions. Astarion flourished his daggers next to her. More constructs emerged and Shadowheart added quickly, "Shadow Justiciars, those who died in service of the Nightsinger."
The closest construct stepped into shadow and Nyx called to her dual magic to meet it there.
--- --- ---
There was an undeniable edge to Nyx's power, and it wasn't only the curse. She disappeared next to Astarion while he gathered up some of his own magic and flung a cloud of daggers at the portal when another justiciar stepped from it. Sparks sputtered from the portal and the justiciars alike.
A crackle of lighting whipped between the justiciars. Wyll's rapier flashed between Eldrich blasts, keeping the opponents off Gale’s position. One swift movement brought Astarion into striking range of a construct, its movements jerky and uncoordinated from the magical assaults. He dug his daggers into a seam of the armour drawing black liquid from it.
He glimpsed Nyx reappearing and grabbing another from behind, sinking her claws into its face via its open helmet. It fell to the ground and spasmed while she intercepted another heading for Gale. Astarion side stepped his opponent's weak counter and drew more black blood from its exposed joints. Another round of dancing brought the construct to its knees, and he drove his blades into the helmet's eye slits.
He joined Nyx in picking off the constructs surrounding Wyll and Gale. Even though her movements were not on par with his own grace, they were laced with lethal precision - she required only one direct hit to bring an opponent down. Astarion ducked a sweeping blade and kicked the construct in the knee. It fumbled to the side, and he carved a line into its lower back.
They may be Shadows, but they bleed like people.
He found himself grinning when he noticed the deadly synchronicity between himself and Nyx. Their movements complementing each other, his reflex and speed matching her shadow strikes. A final coordinated assault of blades, claws and magic brought another construct down.
A quick survey found Karlach and Lae'zel bringing down the last construct. Shadowheart was seated on the ground tending to Tav, but the injury seemed minor.
Astarion tiled his head, regarding one of the Justiciars at his feet. It too was disintegrating after Nyx's touch. His puzzlement was short lived when Nyx heaved and sunk to the floor.
--- --- ---
Nyx was staring up at three concerned faces. She realized she was sitting on the floor once again. Her vision cleared and the throb of her power receded. She gave them a lopsided smirk and quipped, "I don't think the curse likes me anymore."
Astarion grinned and offered her a hand up. She had to do a double take, Gale and Wyll's eyebrows in their hairlines too.
Gale declared while she got to her feet, "That was some magic you used, and not only the Shadowweave."
Curious glances waited for her reply. She dusted her hands and scrapped her thoughts together.
It was bound to come up.
She remarked, "Astute as always," receiving a brilliant smile and continued, "Using the Shadowweave comes at a cost."
Gale's eyes sparkled inquisitively and Shadowheart frowned in the background. Nyx didn't care if Shadowheart approved of what she was about to share and said, "However, I don't think the curse meant for me to use it to...", she scrunched her nose in thought, "'Refine' my control over my own magic."
Gale beamed, "Do tell."
Nyx elaborated that the curse inflicts pain whenever she called to the Shadowweave, but that her mentor's techniques allowed her to channel the pain to control her own power instead. Nyx looked down at her hands and flexed her fingers. "But, the Shadowweave isn't responding the same way as it did before, and I pulled too much of my own magic - hence the, err, meeting with the floor." There were chuckles and she added evenly, “I'll need to adjust."
"Fascinating.", Gale pointed at the broken construct, "So, that's your doing I take it?"
Nyx nodded and he stroked his beard followed by hypothesizing on how her 'force' magic was able to pull apart the magical binds of the construct.
Nyx blinked. My 'force' magic..? Alright, sure. I'll leave that card on the table.
Wyll remarked impressed, "I'm glad you’re on our side."
Nyx snorted, "You and me both. Cannot say that I'm upset about the curse's rejection either, the feeling is mutual."
They barked a laugh, and the mood lightened even more once and Tav was back on her feet. Shadowheart gave Nyx a strange look but said nothing.
Nyx's heart was brimming with gratitude. Her newfound abilities being met with curiosity and humour settled many of her lingering reservations. And yet, a dull guilt draped itself over her, dragging at her heels.
I need to come clean about its true source at some point. I don't know whether my control will remain intact after we lift the curse and..., she stole a glance at Astarion, At the very least I need to tell him about it.
Tav's questions to Shadowheart pulled Nyx from her ruminations. Shadowheart confessed that she doesn't know why the temple guardians were attacking their group (or rather her more specifically), but that it doesn't dissuade her from completing the trials.
Nyx set her mouth in a line, Not looking forward to it.
Astarion's posture changed, and Nyx gave him an expectant eyebrow. He announced, "I smell death."
Lae'zel scoffed, "This entire place smells of dust and death."
Shadowheart scowled.
"No," Astarion drawled, "Recent. Rot, not bones.", and wrinkled his nose.
Tav slowed down and they closed the distance, she queried, "Can you pinpoint where?"
They stopped at an intersection and Astarion gestured with a lazy hand to the left. Shadowheart looked between him and the long corridor, "That's where we need to go."
Karlach reached for her hammer and rolled her shoulders, "Bring it."
They chuckled and followed suit. Proceeding quietly, magic and mettle ready.
Clanking of metal rang down the corridor. They snuck up to the source and cautiously peered into the large chamber ahead.
Wyll whispered, "A merregon foot soldier? The fiend must be close by."
Karlach pulled her lip into a snarl, "Remember, if we find ourselves face-to-face with the Orthon: steer clear of its grenades."
Nods and soft sounds of agreement replied. They kept back, silently watching the merregon.
It hissed, searching the ground and swung its halberd at the floor. The impact reverberated through the room. Nyx squinted her eyes, but there was nothing other than the lone merregon. It stood still; halberd raised above its head. Nyx studied it more intently.
It was a small, hunched humanoid with a helmet cast to resemble a child's face. That along with its stature made it look like a top-heavy oversized toddler in dull brass armour. She spotted tiny corpses laying in pools of fresh red blood around its feet.
The merregon hissed again and swung its halberd at a lightning-fast shape scurrying past. It huffed and stomped its boots in frustration after another failed blow.
Nyx asked incredulous, "It's attacking rats?", sharing confused glances with the others.
Karlach scrunched her nose and gripped her hammer tighter. The rest of her companions held their breath, ready for her mark. Flames lapped from Karlach's skin, and she dashed into the chamber when the merregon's back was turned, the rest of them hot on her heels. The scuffle was quick and didn't make much more noise than the halberd blows to the floor did.
Karlach glared at the felled merregon. Her flames snuffed suddenly when her attention was drawn to the rubble nearby. Several beady black eyes gleamed from within along with a chorus incessant squeaking. Karlach leaned on her hammer and raised her free arm's hand in defence.
Tav prompted, "Uh, Karlach?"
A smirking Karlach held up her hand to Tav signalling for her to hold on while she continued to listen to the rats. The chorus died down and Karlach provided turning to the rest of them, "They said they represent the 'Legion of Lyrthindor' and that we should state our reasons for trespassing, or they'll drive us out."
Astarion's pitched laugh escaped him, "Oh, how precious! I'm practically quaking in my boots."
Wyll quipped grinning, "Threatened by rats. That's a first."
Tav smiled and crossed her arms, "Tell them we're here to help 'drive out' the merregons and their commander."
Karlach nodded sagely and relayed the message. The tide of squeaking rose and receded. A huge shit-eating-grin was plastered on her face. "If we 'commit and follow-through on such a feat' then they'll 'be inclined to help us in return'." She paused for another wave of squeaking and added, "Instead of driving us out."
Nyx snorted and some of the others chuckled.
Tav's list of successful negotiations yet grows in length, and awe-inspiring variety.
Tav nodded in grinning confirmation, and Karlach received directions from the chorus of hidden rodents. Shadowheart remarked that it seemed to be the same destination that she was being guided to, and their group set out - the stench of rot becoming more noticeable with every step.
It's amazing how a simple rearrangement of events gets the writing juices flowing again.
Published: 07 March 2025