Chapter 8: Souls for Gold

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Nyx, Tav and Astarion PoVs. Opening with Nyx.


The bags around Gerringothe's waist dropped to the floor and gold coins spilled from them. Everyone froze. The coins shimmered and moved, swirling around Gerringothe's legs, pattering like metallic rain. She hissed leaning forward and lunged towards Tav; the sea of gold coins carrying her with alarming speed to her target. They dove out of the way, scattered and separated by Gerringothe's initial attack.


Nyx stood from her roll with unsheathed knives, meeting the white-hot gaze of the gagged mask. Chains in sets of two erupted from either side of the mask to snatch at her. She dodged and parried the quadruple grasping shackles, glancing at the current situation between counter strikes.

Gale's thunder wave roared, parting Gerringothe's sea of coins and driving it back as its waves threatened to drown him and Tav. Tav's song supplemented Gale's magic while she shot bolts between the openings. The bolts were simply being swallowed by Gerringothe's malleable armour.

Wyll was heaving on one knee, his hands around his neck, struggling for air while the elegant mask mocked that his 'riches' belong to it. Shadowheart clobbered the feathered mask from behind, temporarily dazing it and releasing its chokehold on Wyll's golden chain that he wore around his neck. A blur of colour carried the mask to safety after Wyll levelled an Eldritch blast at it. Shadowheart pulled Wyll to his feet. They faced the mask together.

Each swing from Lae'zel was being thwarted by a spray of acid from the broken mask's mouth. It cried again, "It's my gold! You can't take it away!", followed by another jet. An anger filled battle cry ripped from Lae'zel's throat when the acid scalded her right shoulder. Her furious strikes were gaining ground on the mask, nonetheless.


Nyx was grappling with the gagged mask; a chain clasping around her wrist. Its gaze burned white again behind the bridle and it demanded, "You will kneel and obey."

Subservience clawed at Nyx's mind and she threw her magic against it, willing the entity from her thoughts. Nyx barely dodged another chain aimed at one of her legs and she swatted the others away with her magic.

Abyss take it! I need my hands free.

Nyx was desperately looking for a way to free herself. She jumped over a swinging blow toward her feet, then fumbled into a flailing stumble when another bounced off her middle bruising her ribs. She magically yanked at an incoming chain and directed it around one of the others tangling them up, eliciting frustrated grating from the mask.

She braced herself against the pulling of the chain around her wrist, blood pooling and running down her arm while struggling magically against the last remaining untangled chain that hovered just in front of her throat.


The door to her left rend into splinters when a flaming great axe split it open followed by a bellow from a raging Karlach. Karlach blazed past Nyx, her inferno barrelling down on Gerringothe. Nyx returned her focus to the mask, whose chain had inched forward during the distraction. The telltale whirr of arrows caused the chain to slump to the floor, then receded to intercept Astarion's next arrows instead.

Thank the graces.

Nyx took the opportunity to reach into her pack while the mask's other three chains were fully engaged with Astarion's rogue dance and intermittent ranged assaults.

Strength coursed through Nyx's veins as the fortitude potion took effect. She gripped the chain with the same hand, twisting it around her reinforced arm. An arrow struck against the mask's head, chipping and cracking the porcelain. The mask grated in agony.

Nyx pulled the mask towards one of the tree's protruding roots and wrapped the chain around it. She doubled up on her magic, using the torque of the chain around the tree to increasingly restrict the movements of the floating mask. It hurled another chain in her direction. She caught it with ease and proceeded to restrain it further using both the chains simultaneously while Astarion's arrows continued to find their mark.


--- --- ---


Tav and Gale were being backed into a corner, battered and bludgeoned by coins. None of Tav's appeals reached Gerringothe's paranoid fury. Even with Tav's buffs, Gale was struggling to ward against the attacks as well as driving Gerringothe back. Tav's own weapons were useless against the onslaught of coins. Gerringothe's armour seemingly absorbed any weapon blow made against it by melding the resulting seams shut.

Tav's back touched the cold wooden wall of the building, and she shared a wide-eyed look with Gale. Tav was about to say a final prayer to Tymora when orange flames lapped behind Gerringothe's shimmering sea.


Karlach's flaming axe came down, melting straight through Gerringothe's golden armour. She shrieked in surprise and pain. She veered away from Karlach, coins whirring around her and its torrent crashed into Karlach. The coins simply melted after being touched by the hellfire sprouting from Karlach. Karlach maintained her close advance on Gerringothe.

Tymora bless you!

The air gleamed with orange, gold and blue-green as hellion rage proceeded to cleave pieces of armour from Gerringothe, slowly revealing the shrivelled Sharran undead beneath.

"No my gold! My precious gold!", the feathered mask flung itself at Karlach. Wyll and Shadowheart intercepted from behind ripping it to shreds with magic and mettle.

Tav called out, "Lae'zel, redirect the jets!", and gestured to Gerringothe's exposed form. Lae'zel required no further instruction, directing and goading the broken mask into attacking, only to dive out of the way while Tav called for Karlach to do the same.

Both the mask and Gerringothe shrieked in unison when the belching stream of acid burned the undead's flesh. Gale threw up a protective barrier in front of himself and Tav, unable to avoid the incoming attack themselves.

Lae'zel finally sunk her blade into the mask and its shattered pieces rained onto Gerringothe below.

Another screech of metal drew Tav's attention to Nyx magically tearing the gagged mask's chains from its head followed by Astarion digging his daggers into the cracks of its porcelain. The mask turned to dust and its empty bridle clanked to the ground.

Karlach's flames danced from her skin as she loomed over Gerringothe, who lay broken between them and whimpering on the floor. Her golden armour stripped away.

Tav took a deep gratifying steady breath. She wriggled her hand free from Gale's, returning a warm smile at his sheepish expression and stalked over to Gerringothe.


--- --- ---


Nyx assessed the situation. Tav was visibly shaking, frowning at Gerringothe who huddled on the floor.

The undead's hands were over her ears and she muttered incoherently, shaking her head. She looked different to the Sharran undead they have faced before. She didn't have the curse's glowing markings, and her body was haunt, like an ancient corpse; her discoloured skin pulled taunt across her bones.

Tav clenched her jaw and fists, "How can he do that to his own flesh and blood?"

The others shared concerned glances.

Nyx provided after a few moments of consideration, "Not everyone views blood relation as the sacred bond it should be."

Deep sadness filled Tav's gaze while she searched Nyx's face, then she nodded solemnly.

Karlach prompted, "What do we do with her?"

Astarion scoffed, "Is that a serious question?"

Lae'zel grunted from her seated position, while Shadowheart tended to her wounds, "Threats should be eliminated."

Gale gestured at Gerringothe's muttering heap, "She is hardly a threat to anyone like this."

Shadowheart chimed in, "Until they put her back together."

Gale threw his hands in the air, "So we outright murder her!?"

Tav grimaced.

Astarion lilted mockingly, "Oh, you want to save her? Isn't playing hero what got us into this mess to begin with? Almost got you killed?"

Gale glared at him and Wyll provided softly, eyeing Tav's dispirited expression, "I think she has been beyond saving for a while."

Silence lingered and they all watched Tav work through it. The decision weighed the heaviest on her.


Tav didn't take her eyes off Gerringothe. She took a shaky breath and said quietly, "Let's do it quickly and painlessly."

No one looked eager to commit the act. Lae'zel stood promptly, gathered her blade and walked over to Gerringothe. Tav turned away while Gale gathered her into his chest. Lae'zel made one graceful emotionless swing with her sword and Gerringothe's body stilled.

Sometimes death is the greater kindness.

Gale led Tav out of the tollhouse followed by a frowning Karlach and Wyll. Nyx desired to leave the unsettling scene behind as well, and trailed after.




Nyx sighed taking in the new scenery, trying to settle her nerves as the effects of the fortitude potion subsided. She rubbed at her healed wrist and itching ribs. Her migraine lightly threatening at the back of one eye.

Abyss take it.


The others were loitering about while Tav got herself together with additional reassurance from Gale.

Tav discussed next steps with them after consulting her map and getting her bearings, "The rest of what remains of Reithwin town covers the area opposite the tollhouse and past the main plaza", she pointed behind the group. Nyx turned to squint into the gloom, making out buildings beyond the broken and slanted plaza's fountain. Tav waved a hand in the opposite direction stating, "Our destination should be that-a-way."

Nyx scrunched her nose, but the shroud was blocking the view.

Tav double checked her map when Astarion sidled next to Nyx and gave her a wink.


She tried her best to give him a flat look, but her smirking lips betrayed her. She said gazing through her fingers rubbing her temple, "You have impeccable timing as always. It was fortunate you arrived when you did back there."

"Why thank you, my sweet", he returned his sly grin and lulled, "If it is all the same to you, I'd rather be the one cuffing you. I promise, it will be more fun that way."

She chocked on a snort, but the sharp pain in her eye quelled her blush. She returned the grin regardless, "You don't need to restrain me to have my compliance Astarion."

"Hmm," he gave her an appraising look and lulled, "I'll be sure to test that."

Her smoulder started to rise, and he made a show of taking in her scent. Tav moved to depart before Nyx could think of a reply and they strolled after.

Bloody Astarion.




Nyx could feel the disturbance through the ground - a low rhythmic throb and it wasn't being made by anything 'natural'. None that she recognized. She caught Astarion's eye and signalled, Feel (that)?

He nodded and returned, Hear. (It). More.

She frowned at him, unfocused her eyes and listened more intently reaching out with her magic.

Vibrations on the wind... Sound.

"Drums?", she asked in conclusion. He gave another curt nod, and she followed up, "Out here?"

Tav affirmed from up front in a grave tone, "And many of them."

Confusion settled between the group. A few steps later brought the sound into range, and it became audible for all to discern.

War drums, Nyx shared a concerned look with Astarion, By the Abyss, the sound grew as they neared.

Tav stopped, her attention toward something on the right.


Straight ahead was a gloomy silhouette of huge towers atop a large garrison. Something gleamed around it, like Last Light Inn's dome, but it was mottled and stained. Light reflected against it; its source captivating Tav and the rest's attention. Nyx took a few more steps and a deep trench came into view, one half of it filled with water - a river leading away from the towers. The other landside half, flanking the towers, was littered with lights.

Lit fires and torches, as far as the eye could see, and with it, the trembling drumbeats boomed through the air and the earth. Their vibrations resonated in her chest.

They stared gaping at the army before them, shadows moved past the lights, giving the slightest inclining of the mass assembled. The smoke thickened the shroud of the curse overhead and dissipated against the protective dome of the towers. Burning wood and meat touched Nyx's nose briefly.

Tav motioned with her arm at the scene and said in a sombre tone, "The road to Baldur's Gate is through."

Karlach blew out an exasperated breath, "Fuck."

Nyx chuckled bitterly and Shadowheart quipped, "Couldn't have put it better myself."

They sobered and continued to Moonrise towers.




How odd.

Nyx mused out loud inspecting the shimmering glow around them, "Why does this feel like the Inn's?"

Shadowheart stated curling her lip, "That's because it is."

"Selune's magic? Surely no Selunite would be assisting them?"

Shadowheart's ponytail bobbed in agreement, "I don't like it either."

Hmm, bodes unwell. Something more is afoot than the obvious... But how many layers deep will it run?

Tav, Gale and Wyll returned from 'formally announcing' their group to the guards at the terminal end of the bridge. The familiar twinkle in the returning party's eyes settled nerves; grins replacing anxious expressions.


Tav announced smiling, "There will be a formal greeting of newcomers after lunch, but until then we carry on per usual. Spread out, take in the sights, sounds, converse with the locals and sample anything interesting along the way," and she made a flourishing welcome bow, beckoning toward the towers. The group dispersed with amused grins and snickers.




Vile smelling creatures.”

Two winged ghouls snapped their jaws at Astarion’s back while he sauntered on into the towers. Nyx rolled her eyes and snorted when she heard the ghouls mocking him in passing - something to do with his 'puny teeth'. She found him picking lint from his tunic in the empty hallway.


“You know”, she started, “These upfront insults of yours is going to get you into trouble.”

He gave her a long look, “Oh, I’m counting on it, my dear. And when that does happen,” he grinned showing fangs, “I’ll have to rely on you to get me out of it.”

“Is that so?”, her eyebrow rose intrigued and she replied evenly, “Come to think of it. Perhaps I won’t, and I’ll watch you squirm instead.”

His eyes flashed and that wicked grin split his lips. He took a step toward her, and she turned to square herself with him crossing her arms. His ruby gaze roamed down her body and her quiet fire ignited. He placed a finger to his lips offering, “If, my sweet, you were to… let’s say...”, the same hand drifted to her throwing knives and his forefinger ran over one, “Wear these to bed.”

She tilted her head, amused at where he was going with this.

He took another step closer, peering down at her and lowered his voice, “Perhaps we can even have a little knife foreplay,” he gripped at her thigh around one of the knives, “Then maybe I’ll do so much more for you.” Her blush warmed her face, and he moved to whisper past her ear, “Or to you.”

She leaned into him, her hands settling on his chest as he brushed his lips over her cheek, but he pulled away from her searching lips. She narrowed her eyes and huffed, “Such a relentless tease.”

“Such a delicious fever.”

Her three factions wanted to strangle him. She scoffed at his challenging smirk and schooled her face into defiant indifference. Deciding to see what the others were up to instead and left him pouting after her.


--- --- ---


Astarion was more relieved than he'd like to admit. That he could still hold her attention, preserve her interest in more ways than one.

Specifically, her coorperation.

He wouldn't want for her to tire of him and seek out something, or someone else. And take with it her alliance, skills and resources. He took in the lingering scent of spring forests, blissfully evicting the less than savoury smell of goblins, ogres and worst of all: the ghouls. He scowled when their putrid smell threatened to harass him again and he followed hers.


The smell and voices of other people greeted him in the foyer. He surveyed the area. The cold, ancient structure maintained a sense of stature, especially with the high ceiling above. A door demarcated the wide room on either side, and a large set of arching doors stood straight ahead from the entry hallway. Astarion was hoping for some more information, or at least gossip, but alas - all the cultists could talk about was 'winning the favour of the Absolute'. He sighed.

Then picked up on Nyx and Karlach's out-of-sight conversation through the din.

"But was she friend enough for you to truly feel that there are no strings attached to this 'gift'", the concern in Nyx's voice piqued his interest.

"I don't know", Karlach admitted, "She made a lot of effort to get it to me."

"That may be, but you know devils better than I do - surely she is not above leaving some hook in you, only to yank on its line later?"

Karlach groaned in frustration.

Nyx continued, "If you are that set on this soul coin, then buy it outright, fair-and-square. Would that not at least nullify any hidden 'favours' attached?"

Astarion smirked, My little advisor, I would be remiss if I didn't consult you on my own devilish plans.

Karlach sighed defeated, "You always talk too much sense... I don't want it anymore", and her receding voice grumbled, "I'm saving up for beer; the coldest, biggest, frothiest pints you ever did see."

Nyx chuckled and asked someone other than Karlach, "How much?"

"After all that, you're going to buy it?", the voice asked confused.


"What for?" Then he sputtered and added quickly, "Not that it is my place to question what my paying customers do with their well-gotten wares."

"The best solution to ruinous temptation: is removal."

Astarion grinned, Hmm, so what kind of temptation have I been, little advisor?


--- --- ---


Nyx was looking for some peace and quiet, but every level attached to this winding staircase revealed too many people and the noise that accompanied them. She made sure to turn back after spotting a very surly looking priestess on the topmost floor, effectively blocking whatever exits there may have been with the sheer power of her scowl.

Nyx was leisurely sipping on her latest anti-migraine potion while she walked across the room toward the descending staircase on the opposite side. She had given up on 'curing' her magic induced migraines and resorted to bargaining with it instead; more pain than she liked, but she could endure that, in favour for less of the other debilitating symptoms like dizziness, blurred vision and fatigue. She made a sudden halt at the foot of the staircase, the potion sloshing at the motion.

"Oh! Sorry about that," Nyx managed not to spill the contents of her precious migraine-relief and she stared up into the leering grin of a half-orc.


Nyx wondered why the woman hadn't replaced her one blinded eye, like Wyll had.

The half-orc took a final step from the stairs, bringing her onto the floor proper. She mused, "One of the new True Souls? Haven't seen your face around here. I would have remembered." She loomed over Nyx and invaded way too much of her personal space.

Nyx gave her a flat look and the half-orc pointed at Nyx's potion, "A woman after my own heart; never too early to satisfy one's needs."

By the Abyss, she sighed inwardly.

Before Nyx could reply, the woman continued, leaning against the banister, blocking the stairs, "Broody, silent type, eh? There are other ways for us to talk, privately."

Nyx's muted tadpole squirmed, but the half-orc's message died at the front door - so to speak. Much to Nyx's own relief, I do not take kindly to this unwanted intrusion. I've had enough of things coming into my house uninvited.


Nyx shifted her weight and regarded the woman unimpressed, "A monk's mental discipline doesn't allow for such brutish intrusion."

Her leer simply widened, "Pardon my manners. My experience has taught me that the broody types need a little push. I am Z'rell and I would very much like to know your name."

Nyx wanted to rub her hand over her face at the less than subtle approach, Why don't you just leave me alone... Go away...

"My name is Nyx, and I am very much taken. Now if you don't mind, I'd kindly like to pass."

Z'rell made herself even more comfortable, leaning on the banister with one arm, propping her head on her fist and cross her one leg over the other. She cooed, "What's the password?"

Abyss take you! No. I am not playing your games.

Nyx downed the rest of her potion, garnering an amused and even more interested leer. Fortunately, enough time had passed for the previous half of the potion to take effect. Nyx wrapped her legs in her magic, sidestepped the staircase entirely, slid over the remaining banister behind Z'rell to land halfway down the staircase and descended without looking back. A low suggestive growl came from the top of the stairs, and Nyx pointedly ignored it.


When she reached the floor below, Nyx spotted Astarion's amused smirk.

"My sweet, and here I thought I'd need to come rescue you."

She narrowed her gaze, "Hm, you were planning no such thing. Was that retribution? Listening to me squirm instead?"

He feigned being affronted, placing a hand on his chest, "I would never. Besides you were handling it so well by yourself. There was one part in particular that I enjoyed."

She rolled her eyes and informed him, amusement betraying her attempt at indifference, "I'm going to find somewhere nobody can leer at me. My head hurts too much."

"Why didn't you say so? Come, let me kiss it better."

She sidestepped his pretentious display of open-arms then mimicked his 'I'm-sticking-my-nose-in-the-air-now' and said, "No, it's too late. I'm going to go sulk somewhere dark and isolated."

His wry chuckle followed, "Our little-hide-and-seek? But first, I'm feeling a bit peckish. See you later, darling."

Nyx waved dismissively over her shoulder, yet a grin matching his remained plastered to her face.




Bless the architect of this building.

Nyx was literally hiding in the rafters of the ground floor. It was dark, wonderfully quiet and there were only at most two goblins up here at any given time. They stared at her curiously, but got bored quickly at her lack of doing, well, anything.

Probably a good idea to get them accustomed to my loitering up here in any case.


"There you are, my sweet.", he settled next to her with his usual post-hunt predatory smugness. He draped his legs over the platform too and asked, "Feeling better?"

She gave him a warm smile, "Yes, thank you. You are in fine form also I see."

He preened his hair pleased, spotted the goblins and remarked with a curled lip, "Ugh, privacy is at a premium again."

Nyx and Astarion watched the people below in comfortable silence. After a while a dramatic sigh escaped him, he glanced back at her, "What do you know of spirits, my dear?"

"Not much I'm afraid, other than staying well clear of them. The friendly ones are smart and don't tend to involve themselves with people. The unfriendly ones are guaranteed to have some nefarious motives. Dealing with the nefarious and opaque motives of people are enough for my liking." Scrunching her nose she queried, "Why?"

"Hmm, that necromancer's tome still alludes me. It is infested with spirits and fending them off while trying to read it is getting rather bothersome.", his shoulders slumped as though a heavy load had settled on them.

Nyx's eyebrows climbed into her hairline, and she said alarmed, "By the Abyss!"

"Don't worry, my dear, I've been resisting their tempting suggestions to slit everyone's throat in camp thus far."


Her eyes widened, "You are not reassuring me in the slightest. Please be careful."

"I'm always careful, my sweet."

She scoffed, a smile returning to her lips and said, "Perhaps Gale could help?"

Astarion whipped his head around, "No! He is not having my tome for breakfast!"

A laugh escaped her, and he added grinning, "If it doesn't want to share its secrets with me, I'll simply use it to bludgeon Cazador to death," he imitated the swing. Leaning towards her, he prompted, "Any other ideas?"

She pursed her lips, "Your holy mace would be more fit for purpose, then the book can be your shield."

"I believe you'll find that Halsin is better suited as a shield."

That's terrible!, she snickered, and her imagination ran with it, "Or you could strap the book to Halsin's chest like plate mail and add a bucket helmet. Between the shock of Halsin's outfit and distracting spirits; you could sear Cazador face off with a radiant blast.", she gestured downwards as though she were holding the mace like a wizard staff, "Zap zap. Bye-bye asshole."

She animated dusting her hands off and nodded once with a satisfied hmm.

"Ha! Your deviance is delightful."


Tav and Gale strolled into view on the far side of the room and passed beneath them to the kitchen area. Astarion straightened, searched for something, took in a deep breath and his nostrils flared. He lilted, "What in the hells is that?"

Nyx's brows knit and he provided smirking, "Let's go find out, shall we?"




The three masks: Greed (left, showy), Avarice (middle, broken) and Obedience (right, gagged).

Those drums. Those war drums stayed with me.

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