Chapter 13: Shadows Come To Play

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Mainly Astarion and Tav POV. One Nyx section. Starting and ending with Astarion POV.


The smell of blood jarred him from his trance.


He darted out of the tent, snapping his head in the direction of the scent. His mouth ajar in disbelief and his limbs sprinted. Before the shadows consumed her, he was left with the parting scent of her tears. He came to a skidding halt, portions of broken earth falling into the cleft below.

Her name ripped from his throat as he stood on the precipice.

It can't be.



The others woke in a flurry of cries and weapons being drawn running from their tents. He heard them heaving behind him, ready for battle, but the thief had already claimed its victim.

Plucked Nyx right out of camp!

Tav's confusion coloured her voice, "Astarion? Where is Nyx?"

He flinched at hearing her name, recalling the utter fear on Nyx's face in those last moments while she disappeared into the rolling mist. The deep chasm before him hummed, satisfied with its prize.


His body whipped around, and he searched for her. A few steps brought him straight up into Shadowheart's face and he spat, "Tell your bitch goddess to bring her back!"

Several gasped around him and Tav stomped her foot, "Astarion!"

Shadowheart pulled herself up, "I will not have you speak about My Lady Shar in such a way", her fury matching his own.

Tav implored, "Astarion please. Tell us what happened."

"She's gone."


Wyll prompted disbelieving, "What do you mean 'she's gone'?"

His glare turned on Wyll, who was fully geared up for watch. Astarion asked with a curled lip, "And where were you while she was being dragged off by the curse?"

More gasps followed. Wyll was taken aback, wide-eyed he breathed, "No. That's impossible."

Astarion warned in a low tone, "I asked you a question."

Lae'zel answered, "There was a disturbance at the opposite periphery. We dealt with it.", as though that settled the matter.

He started to snarl, but Karlach interjected, "Soldier, we can see that you're hurting. But, fighting us isn't going to help."

Gale added, "We all feel the pain of Nyx's loss."

Astarion's pitched laugh escaped him and he leaned in Gale's direction. He snarled baring fangs, "What do you know of pain? Wizard from the gilded tower. You. Know. Nothing."

"I assure yo-"

Tav's sobs cut through the arguments.


She was sitting on the ground in front of Nyx's open, empty tent. Her eyes followed the drag marks on the ground, one hand over her mouth and the other clutching the moon-pendant.

"It's all my fault," she whimpered.

Gale rushed to console her while Karlach approached Astarion. She queried, fire in her eyes, "You're sure she's gone? We can follow her trail, yeah? Get her back." She rolled her shoulders readying herself to start the search.

Astarion sighed bitterly, "No. She's gone. Her scent. Gone.", he turned his head away, "Her... heartbeat."

Halsin added calmly, "I can't sense her magic either."

Tav was crying and Karlach's rage flared, "Fuck!" She made some distance between them as flames sprouted from her.

They heard Clive's voice next, "Feck me!", then he grumbled as though he already knew the answer, "Nyx?"

Gale, holding Tav to his chest, replied into the tent, "Gone. The curse... took her."

The silence stretched while the ramifications dawned on each of their faces.

Astarion swivelled on his heel and saw himself to his tent.


--- --- ---


They were arguing again. Going in circles. Tav was standing in the middle of camp getting ready to head out. She was exhausted and raw from crying the whole night despite Gale's efforts to comfort her. Her eyes swollen and scratching with each blink. She watched them argue. Torn between finding Nyx and getting Thaniel back safely to Last Light.

Getting us all back to safety.

Halsin sighed addressing Astarion, "Once we have Thaniel back at the inn, we can coordinate a search with their help. We are in no position to do that here."

Astarion appealed exasperated, "But it'll be too late! Surely Nyx is just as important as the child", he waved a hand toward Halsin's tent; Thaniel still asleep inside.

But Halsin's lack of response made Astarion's shoulders rise, and his lip pulled into a snarl. Astarion dropped his shoulders suddenly and looked away from Halsin for a moment. Although he composed himself, sadness betrayed his voice and he said onto Halsin, "I'll remember this."

Halsin declared with an open beckoning hand, "We will look for her once we are able to do so."

Astarion countered snidely, "Once it is convenient, you mean? Well, let me know when it'll fit in your schedule and I'll note it on my calendar.", pointing into his hand.

Halsin's jaw moved, and he loomed over Astarion. He warned, now frowning down at him, "I've given you my word that we'll do everything we can for her."

Astarion harrumphed, not backing down, "If you'll excuse me. I'll see to her things, lest that become an inconvenience too." He decidedly sauntered off.


--- --- ---


Astarion had seen Nyx pack up her tent enough times to manage by himself. He organized his own things and strapped her backpack across his shoulders, similar to the way she did.

It shifted and Clive rumbled, "Oi! Who is this?"

Astarion sighed dramatically.

"Ah, bloodsucker is that ye?"

He rolled his eyes and drawled, "Yes."

Astarion continued to get himself ready, then snapped at Clive, "Would you stop squirming!"

"Yer shoulders are lopsided."

Astarion sputtered indignant, "They most certainly are not! It's your straps that aren't properly attached! Just like the rest of you."


"Besides, how else did you think you were getting out of here?"

Clive chuckled darkly, "I have me ways, bloodsucker."

"Hmph, well. To be clear, I'm doing this for Nyx."

"Sure, yer are. Don't worry, yer secret is safe with me."

Astarion groaned.

"Har!" The backpack sobered and said with all seriousness, "When yer ready to look fer Nyx, I want in."

"You have my word."




Not only has the sanctity of camp been defiled, but Last Light Inn was attacked as well. Astarion glared at the gory remains scattered on the ground and wrinkled his nose at the stench.

Jaheira gave them a brusque update, "I thought I'd been thorough at weeding out cult traitors. Harper Marcus turned on us and tried to abduct Isobel. Using winged appendages, no less."

"Mystra's Mantle!"


--- --- ---


Tav snapped out of her gaping, and she asked hastily, "Is she gone too? What of the others?", she glanced around desperately, taking in the faces within view.

Jaheira shook her head, "Isobel was saved by the gnomes, they lost another defending one of the children from the flying ghouls. Fortunately, a contingency of Flaming Fists had arrived minutes before the attack looking for Grand Duke Ravenguard. With their help we killed all the monsters." Jaheira frowned pointedly at Marcus' broken body being added to a cart for burning and continued, "All-in-all, we withstood the attack. The extra hands and supplies swayed the odds in our favour."

Jaheira gave them an approving smile then her brows knit, and she stated coolly, "One is missing among you."

Tav had pulled herself together, yet a slight tremor remained in her voice, "Taken by the curse. We would like to get her back."

The skin around Jaheira's eyes crinkled with sympathy then she nodded once, "I will arrange for some of my best trackers."

Tav shoulders relaxed, and she straightened, "Thank you." She turned to Wyll determined, "We'll need to speak to the commander of the Fists too."

They departed and the rest dispersed.




Half a dozen in total. Hand-picked by Chancellor Florrick no less.

Tav was familiar with the Chancellor and the Flaming Fists. She looked them over. The stern expression on the well-worn face of the halfling suggested both age and authority. As did his uniform; the silver rimmed insignia was proudly mounted on his ornate armour that had seen many battles, and along with the short red cape indicated his rank as Manip. The halfling lieutenant had two Gauntlets and three Fists accompanying him. They had the battle-ready stance and gaze of hardened soldiers, unlike the cultists at the Towers.

Wyll gave them a formal salute, fitting of his station as the Grand Duke's son. The lieutenant and his guards snapped in response, but not without a wary yet curious glance at Wyll's horns.

If it did bother them, they had sense enough not to remark on it.

Wyll's posture eased and Tav could sense that Wyll already, too, trusted these people implicitly. Corruption was rife within the Fists' ranks, as with any other institute of power. However, Chancellor Florrick's reputation and judgement in choosing these men and women meant they were the real deal.

They looked the part too.


"Manip Aedric Stoneshield," his steely gray eyes casually sized up Wyll then Tav, "Chancellor Florrick sent us to find information on Grand Duke Ravenguard's whereabouts and potentially facilitate a rescue."

Wyll nodded sagely and said, "At ease, no need for formalities in a place like this."

Aedric gave a curt nod, "My finest," he gestured to the others in a swooping motion, introducing them. Gauntlet Yeva, a lean build woman holds herself with the confidence of an experienced fighter, her great sword gleamed in the candlelight. Gauntlet Dorran, an imposing half-orc as tall as Halsin with a grizzly appearance to match. His armour weighed heavy around his frame, and he sported a massive war axe on his back.

Fist Korran, Nima and Bram carried themselves with the same confidence as their peers regardless of their lower rank. Korran sported the weaponry of a sheath fighter, including a lithe half-elf built and dark skin to match. Magic shimmered around Nima's hands beneath her battlemage regalia. The tiefling's grey skin was inked with arcane tattoos giving her face a threatening appearance, highlighting her forward facing horns. A stocky dwarf stood calmly at the periphery. The metal rings braided into his beard caught the light as well. Bram stood propped up against a wall, leaning on a well-maintained shield nearly as large as he was.


Wyll introduced himself as both 'The Blade of the Frontiers' and the Duke's son. Fuelling the mixture of curiosity and respect. Tav didn't even need to introduce herself.

Aedric appraised her still, "The Chancellor mentioned we might find you here and that you are to be trusted."

"I am assured of the same, especially since you prevented the Inn from being reduced to cinders."

There was an almost imperceptible flash in Aedric's eyes, but didn't flinch at the last word. Tension evaporated from the Fists at once, and they became truly at ease. Wyll gave Tav a curious eyebrow.

Aedric remarked with a hint of warmth, "It is a relief to know we are among friends. The shadows haven't given us the best of welcomes." He grunted, "Neither did the Inn when the winged horrors swooped upon us at the gates."

Wyll barked a laugh, "Nor did we get one, even without the ghouls. It's becoming a running joke around here."

Tav smiled at each of them, committing their names and faces to memory.

These are people one ought to remember.

She sobered and stated, "Let's talk business."

Aedric made a noise of agreement and organized his group for 'tactical negotiations'.




Tav, Aedric and Jaheira were swimming in a sea of reports, plans and maps. It was both nostalgic and frustrating. Tav fretted at the moon pendant, fighting away the brimming tears.

If I had not been so eager for it myself, perhaps Nyx would not have been taken by my nightmares.

She chewed her lip and busied her hands with reports before her worry got the better of her again. Not to mention that she was too tired to cry any more. They had already sent a small group of Harpers in search of Nyx, as well as an understandably insistent Astarion and Clive to assist.

Cheers startled her from her ruminations.

Lae'zel had offered to spar with Karlach to 'work off her excess energy', which was an understatement. Karlach had been half raging ever since Nyx's abduction and the flames gave no indication of quelling on the way to the Inn. The flames only became more pronounced after the Harpers declined her assistance for fear of her attracting attention to them during the search. Thus, Karlach and Lae'zel's sparring, which had attracted a crowd of another kind, and bets alike.

Tav's gaze flited to Isobel's room when the door swung open again. Isobel saw to Thaniel immediately after his presence was made known to her. She had barely settled after the attack when she came looking for Halsin and the child. Promptly escorting them to her room. Harpers have been scurrying to-and-fro ever since with towels, pillows and other healing implements. The rest of the Harpers and Tav's crew were helping get Last Light Inn back on its feet, so to speak.


Tav leaned backward into her chair, blew out a breath and closed her eyes for a moment. A thud roused her before she could nod off. Her nose was greeted with the wonderful aroma of fruity floral tea, and her heart was greeted with the brilliant smile of the one who brought it.

"No rest for the wicked, I'm afraid."

He meant it as a jest, but it panged a little closer to her heart than she'd like to admit. She focused on the cup and after a cautionary sip smiled back at him, "As long as the food and drink keep magically appearing in front of me, I can't complain."

Gale chuckled and settled himself next to her, "How can I help?"

His presence alone was helping, but she handed him reports and maps after giving him a quick summary of what they were hoping to achieve.

She indulged herself in watching him work for a while, sipping at the berry flavoured tea. Jaheira caught her eye and gave a knowing smile. Tav blushed, cleared her throat and got back to work in rapid succession.


--- --- ---


How did I get here?

Nyx was standing on the shore of her inner spiritual sanctuary. It manifested as an island in her mind, separated by an ocean from the rest of her being. The twin blue and white moons shone above. Their light, along with the feint luminescence that touched the waves, was reflected on the smooth black pebbles beneath her feet. She preferred the feeling of small stones under foot to sand.

The rest of the island was surrounded by towering mountain peaks, and nestled between was a small woodland - and the building that housed the well of her life force. Its silver energy would drift from the structure and brush against the surroundings.

A good sign.

That reassured Nyx until an unfamiliar glow caught her attention to her left, and she turned her head.


Nyx gaped at the unfathomable scene of her mental landscapes, burning. Fires so high they could reach the moons above. Plumes of thick smoke obscured the rest of her mind. The chilling and unnatural cries of creatures were the only thing to reach her ears.

“It's worse than it looks”, someone said behind her and Nyx swerved to find Nyala.

You should not be here, alarm jolted through Nyx, but this Nyala was the Nyala from her memories.

She relaxed and Nyala continued plainly, “The seal is broken.”

Disbelief and dread gripped at Nyx’s stomach, “Graces have mercy!” She paused considering, “Wait… then why aren’t we cascading?”

Nyala gestured with her chin to the flames, “They are fighting each other.”

What?!” Nyx probed at her mind, It can't be!

The seals to the black pit were not only broken, but the pit was leaking into her mind, it's tendrils creeping... but they were, preoccupied with…. something… else…


Nyala provided, “Shadowfell creatures. The demons and shadow monsters are at war.”

Nyx was torn between two conflicting emotional states. Absolutely horrified at the idea of demons from the abyss having free reign in her mind.

Again! And I'll have to face them alone this time. Suddenly, she was relieved at the unexpected interference from…

No, no… that would mean.

A newfound horror seized her; her hands reaching into her hair.

“Yes”, Nyala confirmed bitterly, “We are afflicted with the Shadowcurse.”

White hot fury choked Nyx’s throat, and she spat, gesturing wildly, “Why? Why me? Is the fucking Demonweb Pits in my head not enough?”

“You know that doesn't change anything. It is, what it is.”

Nyx glowered at Nyala, tears of frustration threatening to overwhelm her because of the… the… Injustice of it all. Nyx wiped her tears away sniffing and steadied her breathing. She calmed herself and turned to Nyala, remembering, “What of the tadpole?”

Nyala looked away for a moment, her forehead drawn in concentration, “Escaped. Lost during the initial invasion.”

Nyx sighed heavily running a hand over her face, “Just my luck.”

They watched the flames for a while and Nyx declared evenly, “Well, fuck them all”, resolution settling in her chest as her defiance took hold. She turned to Nyala, “Let’s go show them whose kingdom this truly is.”

Nyala handed Nyx glowing silver weapons, laced with her life energy. She inclined her head in approval then greeted, “Good hunting.”


--- --- ---


You'd think that they would listen to the 'darkling' that specializes in hunting people. But nooo. No, why would they do that?

Astarion was deliberating the risk of abandoning the useless Harpers and searching for Nyx by himself. He crossed his arms, tapping his foot impatiently while they 'harped' on about the tracks in the dirt and signs of disturbance.

Nyx is not some 'animal', he scoffed mentally.

Clive grumbled to the same effect, "If Nyx doesn't want to be found, yer sure aint going to find tracks."

They paid the backpack even less heed than they did him. Clive shifted and whispered to Astarion, "Why don't ye ditch these bozos? We'll go find her ourselves?"

"The thought has crossed my mind," he replied dryly.

"So, what is stopping ye?"

"Tav," he sighed dramatically, "If I don't return with the others, she'll sent out more to find me. Hells, she'll even do it herself, given the state she is in."

Clive rumbled incoherently and said, "Aye, still there is nothing preventing ye from slipping away under the cover of darkness later. I'm sure yer well versed in that."

Astarion's lips split in a sly grin, "My dear backpack, well-versed doesn't do me nearly enough credit."

"Good. That's good."

They bided their time.




Unsurprisingly, Astarion, Clive and the Harpers returned to Last Light empty handed. He was already formulating a plan for that not to remain the case for much longer.

Sans the 'help' from the Harpers.

The Inn was winding down for the evening, but Tav intercepted him in the foyer. Deep fatigue blanketed her, and it was clear she dearly needed rest. Yet she insisted on checking in with everyone. Including him.

She asked in a small voice, "How are you holding up?"

Astarion didn't want to talk about it or his feelings. They'd only get in the way, and he doesn't want to be distracted from his hunt. He clipped at the words, "As well as can be expected," then he remembered himself and added a quick 'thank you'.

She smiled softly, wringing her hands, "And Clive?"

"Aye, lassie we'll find her. Don't discount Nyx either," Clive chippered.

Tav and Astarion frowned at each other and Tav prompted, "You sound so sure?"

"Har! Aye, that is because I know Nyx. Curse or no - she'll be stickin' her finger in Shar's eye if it meant she'll get back to us."

Astarion chuckled dryly, and a heavy weight visibly lifted from Tav. Her jaw set in determination and she locked eyes with Astarion, "Then we'll be sure not to give up hope."

"Aye, that's the spirit!"

Astarion shifted and bid the rest a good evening. He was planning on trancing through 'dinner' and sneaking out after. He made his way to their empty room, trying to ignore the longing that tugged at him upon noticing some of her belongings. A strange tugging; one he wasn't accustomed to.

I, I miss her.


I made Marcus a Harper instead of a Fist - his duplicity as a double agent works better that way in my opinion. Also the way the Flaming Fists 'conducted' themselves at Last Light Inn was a little lacking in my opinion, too much city guard vibes and not enough military. So, I made a few adjustments there as well.


Aaannd, the big reveal at last... Phew that was a long build up, and I'm glad its out so that I can expand on it openly now...


Note: The Demonweb Pits, also known as Lolth's Web, was originally the 66th layer of the Abyss. The plane is ruled by Lolth and every monster there serves her whims.


Published: 03 Jan 2025

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