Chapter 11: Pay Your Devils Their Due

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Nyx and Astarion POVs. Opening with Nyx POV.

Chapter contains censored scenes (rated 'M' not 'E'), uncensored available at AO3.


Astarion snapped, "You'll 'get back' to me? This is important, devil!"

Goodness, what had Wyll done?

Nyx rounded the corner to find none other than, Raphael. Speaking to Astarion. Alone.

Of all the places for the asshole to appear... Then again, this place would be overflowing with desperation.

What she didn't expect was the desperation in Astarion's voice. He scoffed making a dramatic sway of his body and asked, "When?"

Neither did she appreciate Raphael's response, "Don't worry. I'm motivated to help you", the devil mused with a hand over his chin, "Scars often tell such wonderful stories. I think yours might be truly exquisite", gesturing as though he were selling Astarion a luxury carpet. Raphael made eye contact with Nyx and inclined his head.

Nyx rolled her eyes and turned to leave.

He's not sucking me into anything.

Raphael's voice receded slowly as she made her way to the stairs, "It's something very important to your master. But is it a love letter, a warning, or a deed of ownership?"

By the Abyss, he loves the sound of his own voice.

"I could give you all the gory details. See you later."

What a prick.




She met Tav on the top floor, lyre in hand. There was going to be another 'more formal' celebration tonight seeing that Tav and the others had not only saved the tieflings and gnomes, but also absconded with even more supplies.

Nyx smirked, "Z'rell must be foaming around her canines."

Tav laughed, enjoying that line more than she should. She sobered and said, "Wyll and Karlach told me about your little escapade. I wish I was a fly on the wall.", that familiar twinkle sparkled in her eyes, and she gestured, "Alas, I'll have to live vicariously through you and so, I have a question."

"Question away."

"How did it feel clobbering Z'rell over the head?"

She replied maliciously, "I had to resist beating her with my staff a few more times."

Tav burst out laughing again.

Nyx reached around her own neck. Tav watched with interest and Nyx dropped the moon-pendant into Tav's hand, who admired its glow.

"A Moonlantern prototype of sorts."

Tav was taken aback, "You're giving it to me?"


"I, um, thanks, but don't you need it?"

Nyx shrugged and hooked a thumb over her shoulder, "Astarion already has one and considering our 'close' proximity lately, I'll probably be fine. So, let's spread the protection around a bit more?"

Tav glanced back at the pendant then clutched it to her chest as though it were so very precious, "Thank you. I appreciate it, more than you can know."

Nyx's eyebrows rose briefly, and she nodded smiling.


--- --- ---


Astarion hesitated at the door. Nyx’s conversation with Tav didn't give any indication at her potential irritation with him. He scoffed at himself, Why would she be? The devil approached me after all. He wasn't doing a good job of convincing himself either.

Another door opened and Shadowheart stepped into the hallway. She noticed him and queried, "Not joining the festivities? Tav and Alfira are planning something special apparently."

"Maybe later," and he went into the room before she could make some undoubtedly snarky remark.


"Nyx?", he said into the empty room.

"Here," she walked out of the bathroom, still dressed in her gear and rummaged through her wardrobe.

"I, uh," he felt completely inadequate for reasons unbeknownst to him. His own fidgeting annoyed him, and he fisted his hands at his sides instead, "I was going to tell you about the devil."

She peered at him from around the wardrobe, "Astarion, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"But I do, want to," he admitted too quickly. A long sigh escaped him, and he gestured, "He is the best suited to get the information I need."

She moved to stand in front of him and said sincerely, "We both know that I don't trust 'the devil' as far as I can spit at him." A smile quirked his lips and she continued, "But it is not my place to tell you what you should or should not do. It's none of my business and remains your choice."

He was stunned.

"What I would ask is that you be careful. He has a tendency of making very sweet deals the first-time round. All to reel you in for more, and before you know it, you belong to him."

Astarion recovered and reassured her, "I will make sure to brush up on infernal contracts. I'm not about to trade one master for another."

She gracefully inclined her head, satisfied.

He smiled, "You're full of surprises, you know?", then he chuckled wryly, "Honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing sometimes."

She snorted and informed him, "Join the club, we're all pretty much making it up as we go."

"Oh? It doesn't seem that way, especially when it comes to you."

Her eyes shone with amusement, "Well, let me tell you my secret," and his ears perked up. She leaned in and spoke plainly, "I simply have a better Dragon's Draw face."

"Ha! Touché, my sweet."

Something crashed in the kitchen, startling them both. Someone called out 'I'm okay, I'm okay'. Nyx frowned at the door ajar and motioned to close it, grumbling about 'rowdy partygoers already breaking down the place'.


--- --- ---


A small sound escaped her after stopping short, almost walking into him.

A smirk touched his lips, and he took a step closer, reached around her and locked the door. Leaving his hand on the handle, he placed the other on the opposite side of the door to stand over her.

He hadn't even touched her yet, though her body reacted. The light from the window made him seem ethereal, casting a luminescence onto his skin that was in stark contrast to the red of his eyes. She fisted her hands into his tunic and beckoned him closer. Her back straightened against the door as he pressed himself into her. Music started in the background and people cheered.

Nyx snorted mentality and remarked sarcastically, "You're going to miss out on the 'party'."

He lowered his lips to hers, "Not even remotely interested," and made sure to illustrate why. There was an edge to his kiss. His fangs nipped at her jaw line, and he dragged them to her ear, whispering past it, "Any requests?"

"Other than you?"


She could feel the question in the tilt of his head. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and continued.

"Other than your mouth?", his teeth tugged at her earlobe, and she caught her lip between her own.

"Your hands?", his slid under her tunic making her shiver as he appreciated all her curves.

"You?", he gathered up her one leg around his waist, leaning into her and her hips replied.

He groaned into her neck and said, "You are much too dressed." He let go of her leg and pulled away, "But first."

She huffed in frustration, Where is he going?


He ducked into her wardrobe and removed her backpack.

What is he doing?, she crossed her arms watching him with a grin. He promptly strolled into the bathroom, the window slid open, blaring music came-and-went with the closing of the window.

She quipped when he reappeared, "I hope you didn't chuck him into the lake."

Fangs flashed and he replied closing the washroom door as well, "No, my sweet, but I do assume he'll get the message from the view."

She snorted, "Oh, yes. Loud and clear.", and met him halfway, already stripping her gear.


They undressed each other between the kissing and the familiar coolness of his body was soothing against her heat. He didn't tense when her fingers brushed over his back while he guided her to the bed.


She repeated the motion once more and his body tensed completely. He stilled.


He didn't answer, she retrieved her hands clutching them to her chest.


Have I lost him?

She tried again, "Astarion?"

She had lost him. Alarmed, she wanted to pull away, but he gripped her tighter and whispered, "Don't go."

She waited; he was struggling against something. She recognized the cold sweat breaking out on his skin, how his body quivered, and he hid his head into the crook of her neck. Her own heart pounded. The unsettling silence continued. She wasn't sure what to do while he clung to her. It reminded her of how she had clung to others during some of her darkest hours.

He's afraid? Of what? Graces I hope I didn't hurt him.

She embraced him slowly, wrapping as much of herself around his shoulders. Her fingers finding the pressure points along his scalp. She took deep steady breaths hoping it'll help with whatever he was going through.

What causes him to become so fearful? To retreat within himself in this way?

She had an inclining. He had already been spooked earlier, on the way back, but she hadn't realized the extent of it. Anger and sadness brimmed inside her, making her quake within. She pushed those emotions away and concentrated on her breathing instead. Listening to him and attuning herself, meditating while she held him.

The tension eased from his body, slowly, and eventually he didn't cling to her so desperately anymore.


"I'm here."


She asked tentatively in a small voice, "Did I hurt you?"

He took a moment to compose himself not letting her go, "No, my love." He shifted in her arms and gave her a sheepish sidelong ruby gaze, "I'm not used to others caring about my pleasure."

She turned her head to look at him properly, a frown creased her brow, and he continued, "It's a bit overwhelming, that's all."

I'm sure it’s more than that. So much more, but she doesn't know how to broach it with him, especially considering his reaction. She gave him a long look, searching his expression and stated calmly, "We take it at your pace then. I don't want you to be uncomfortable. Especially not with this."

With us.

A soft smile touched his lips and eyes, he said onto her earnestly, "My love, I don't feel uncomfortable when I'm with you. Besides, these healing hands of yours aren't even capable of hurting me." He reached for her hands and kissed them intently then kissed her mouth drawing her closer, breathing her in.

He hummed into her collarbone, "I enjoyed having your hands on me. Very much indeed."

She wanted to ask, Until? Then decided, If he doesn't want to talk about it, I won't pry it out of him. I'm here when he's ready.


However, she wanted to be clear about this from her side, regardless. She brushed the hair out of his face and said onto him, "You know that you can change your mind about anything at any time, right? You don't owe me explanations and I'll respect your choice."

His expression became unreadable. He considered her silently for a long time while things passed behind his eyes.

Eventually, he gave her a sly smile, "R'hunni'vah, you know that you're beautiful, right?"

She narrowed her gaze with amused suspicion, "Bellinor", and kissed him softly. He hummed again.

Stroking her thigh with the back of his hand, he asked grinning, "Looking for a cuddle?"

Affection coloured her voice, "You can stay in my arms for as long as you like, Bellinor. I'm here with you. All night long."


--- --- ---


They were sprawled diagonally across the bed. Both the music and laughter slowly faded. She had fallen asleep some time ago and he'd given up on trancing. His shades were still lurking, hunting, waiting for any opportunity to pounce. Numbness has abandoned him, it refused to protect him from them - but listening to her sleep made it easier to tolerate them, however scarcely.

He carefully slipped his arms under her, and partly draped himself across her to rest an ear over her heart. A steady, strong rhythm complementing her breathing. The music of the living. He felt a sense of newfound appreciation for it. And for her.


Her sense of virtue could rival a paladin's and yet it is not same childish notion of 'good and evil'... It's nuance, but rational... strangely intuitive even.

"You can change your mind about anything at any time."

Of course he could. He was, for-better-or-for-worse, free of Cazador and he's damned well going to be free of this haunting influence too. She shifted and an arm came to rest over his shoulders, gently drawing him into a sleepy embrace. Nuzzling into his hair.

"I've got you, Erenerhym."

Stubborn, but compassionate... And real. I want us to be something real.

Even if she had said that she required no explanations from him, he had to wipe the slate clean. Start over. He didn't want to continue their relationship on the, tainted foundation or the now-meaningless pretences he had brought coming into it.

She deserves better. R'hunni'vah.

And he wanted to give that to her.


--- --- ---


Nyx awoke to his body adorned over hers. She considered the arrangement of their bodies and concluded that Astarion must be half feline for him to be comfortable in his current position. If he was ‘awake’, there wasn’t anything to suggest it. No heartbeat, no breath, his body lukewarm due to its proximity to hers.

He is so quiet like this, another stark contrast when compared to his usual flamboyancy.

Far away footsteps struck a patrolling beat and the dome’s din carried louder through the silence of the early morning.

She moved to comb her fingers through his hair, and he sighed appreciatively.

She kissed him on the head and said softly, “I won’t mind staying here for the rest of the day.”


He hmmed an agreement then mumbled, “My sweet, is this your attempt at getting me to follow you around naked?” 

She choked on a snort, “No. Not initially, but now that you mention it.”, she tilted her head, “Although, the others may not enjoy it as much.”

He lifted his head to look at her, “Pfft. They ought to be grateful; to bear witness to the magnificent bastard that I am.”

She burst out laughing and had to clamp her hand over mouth not to wake everyone else. He grinned delighted. She sobered, continued to comb her fingers through his hair and purred, “Perhaps I don’t want to share.”

“Oh?”, he lulled, “Neither do I”, and leaned forward to kiss her.


Fangs teased at her lips until they flushed while he kissed her senseless.


He moved to her neck and nibbled at the skin beneath her ear, at the base of her jaw. She hummed, leaning into his mouth. A snarling bite marked her again. He derived an immense amount of satisfaction from doing so. She must admire his finesse at not drawing blood.

They had agreed to him not drinking her blood, but she was under no illusions. She was in a relationship with a vampire, and she didn’t mind indulging him in certain things. Besides, she was thoroughly amused at the idea of him giving her literal love-bites, fangs and all.




Nyx was fidgeting at her knives. Tav’s whole gang was gathered around for the momentous occasion: Karlach’s engine was to receive its next upgrade. Tav was biting her nails, and several others were restless with anticipation. Karlach appeared from her fitting and was bounding on her toes, but said nothing.

Tav huffed and smirked, “Are you going to put us out of our misery or not?”

Karlach threw her arms wide open and Tav practically jumped into them.

“Whoop, whoop, yeah!”, Karlach hoisted her into the air and took them for a spin.

Tav cried, giddy with laughter, “I’m getting dizzy!”

“That’s the point!”


Grins as wide as Karlach’s watched them twirl a few more times. Karlach set Tav down, who took a shaky seat on the fountain's loadbearing wall. Karlach proceeded to do her rounds with hugs.

She grabbed up Wyll, in one arm, and Shadowheart in the other, “Come here you two!” Their dangling feet trying to find the ground, and cheeks puffing against hers.

Gale’s eyes sparkled as he offered his hug freely, and she patted him after hard enough knock the air from his lungs.

Karlach challenged, “Gimme your best shot!”, and wrestled a grinning bear hug from Halsin.

“Githyanki do not partake in such ritua-”

“Aw, shut it and get some!”, Karlach squeezed Lae’zel hard, eliciting a grunt from her, and a blistering glower after.

“Not the hair!”, she headlock Astarion and ruffled his head. He weaselled out of her grasp, scowled viscously and threatened pointing, “I am going to kill you”, while fixing his hair. Karlach threw her head back in a mighty guffaw.

Nyx sized Karlach up, they narrowed their eyes at one another. Nyx tried but failed to keep a straight face when she offered her hand to Karlach instead.

Karlach frowned at her hand, “What’s that?”

“It’s called a handshake.”

“Oh, right. Nah, not for me.”, she clamped her arms around Nyx, pinning Nyx’ arms against her body. Karlach lifted her clear off the ground and Nyx felt things pop in her spine.

Nyx managed to secure enough breath for a chuckling gasp, “Karlach, even I need to breathe!”

“Oops,” and she set her down. Nyx’s legs almost gave way.

Wow. I think all the stress has been squeezed from my body. Hm, feels good.

“Last, but not least.”, Karlach proceeded to stalk Dammon in exaggerated motions. He looked a bit sheepish but received the wide swooping hug with a toothy grin of his own.




The whole of Last Light Inn had rallied behind Tav and her companions. Showering them with gratitude, favours and the pick of some of the best supplies.

Being the loot gremlin he was, Astarion was keen to snatch up 'a few items'. He said into one of the crates, “I’m starting to see why Tav insists on helping people.”

Karlach asked hopeful, “For the warm fuzzies?”

“Oh, Gods no.”, he scrunched his nose then lilted, “All you need is to do a favour here, stab someone there, and people are ready to gift their first born to you.”

Nyx snorted, “And what, pray tell, are you going to do with a firstborn?”

Ugh, no... No, you’re right; children are disgusting - it was merely a turn of phrase.”

Wyll chuckled, “Good to know. I was getting worried there too.”

“My dear warlock, I’d much rather take my firstborn payment in gold, thank you.”

Shadowheart quipped, “Well, at least you have your priorities straight.”

Nyx watch them smiling, the crates sported nothing of interest for her. Dammon called her over to the forge while the others continued their perusing.


“I’ve got those prototypes for you”, he laid out a set of two throwing knives on the stone table. Nyx picked one up and inspected it. The knife had a transparent tube embedded within the blade itself. She squinted at the design, “Is that a, pipette?”

He nodded and provided, “Made from tempered volcanic glass, resistant to almost any liquid as long as it’s not lava.”

Nyx retrieved the other. They had the same style overall, but the edges of the blades are slightly different, and the glass pipettes were different colours too; dark emerald green and yellow ochre. She queried him about it, and he elaborated, “To assist with the delivery of different liquids. The green knife’s hollow point edge is meant for viscous liquids like most poisons. And the yellow’s asymmetrical ‘V’ is meant for acid or similar.”

Her eyebrows climbed into her hairline, “Wow! How does it refill and dispense?”

“A minor enchantment. Place the knife, tip first into the liquid, tap the bulb,” he took one from her and flicked the bulb twice with his fingers, “After it’ll deliver a small amount of liquid per impact. The lethality would depend on the liquid used I suppose.” 

Astarion sidled next to Nyx and studied the knives. He retrieved his daggers with a flourished sleight of hand and asked, “Would you be able to do something similar using these? Not for throwing, of course.”

Nyx rolled her eyes at the last remark, but Dammon didn’t seem to care and said, “Hmm, let me have a try with some cheaper blades first.", he surveyed his own supplies, "I may not have enough glass left for two, though. Once back at Baldur’s Gate I can make the remaining four knives and the other dagger.”

“Sounds like a deal, darling.”, and Astarion proceeded to haggle a price while Nyx paid Dammon. She set her mouth in a line when Astarion tried to get his daggers for cheaper than two of her knives.

Seriously?, she shook her head and Dammon gave her a knowing smirk. Fortunately, Dammon was no pushover either, regardless of his wholesome demeanour.


All the hustle and bustle was in preparation for an outing into the ‘heart’ of the Shadowlands to search for the Elder Tree. Halsin had determined its location and was certain that with the assistance of Thaniel, the nature spirit that resided inside, they could not only weaken grip of the Shadowcurse on the land itself, but perhaps obtain more information about Nightsong - the relic Ketheric sought so dearly.

Tav confirmed everyone's readiness, and they headed into the opposite direction of Moonrise Towers.




Dragon's Draw is my made-up slang to refer to the poker-like game of Three-Dragon Ante in DnD lore.

Oh, my little black heart... these dark topics.

Fang finesse, Fanged fatale?...

Knives with pipettes are of my own design. Not sure what to call them yet... Liquid Death?

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