Chapter 35: Left In The Dark

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Astarion POV towards end of chapter.

Chapter contains censored scenes (rated 'M' not 'E'), uncensored available at AO3. Dark Romance.


"You're staring, my dear."

She gave him an incredulous side-eye. They were following one of the myconids, who had personally summoned Nyx from the greenhouse. She wasn't sure to where or why yet, but Astarion decided to tag along out of curiosity.

She replied, "You have to admit, they do have a fascinating biology."

Oh no, she gasped mentally, glancing at him.

His sly grin lit up his eyes and he didn't hesitate for a moment to seize the opportunity she created, "I'd rather you stare at my fascinating biology."

She chocked on, something - her foot, most likely, seeing as how she walked right into that one. She threw her head back and laughed at her own embarrassment. Her face was surely red, but not only from her blush, especially after taking in the feigned offense marring his expression at her reaction.

"I'm sorry," she managed in her defence between the tears, "I think I've both my feet in my mouth now."

He scoffed, looking away from her and stuck his nose in the air. She added quickly recovering, "I'd totally set myself up for that. Phew, besides."

He peered at her expectantly with one eye, a smile quirking his lips.

Her face was already red, so she might as well use it to remediate the situation. She said in a low tone, "I've been doing more than just staring at you."

His eyes and fangs flashed, leaning forward he lilted, "And why, have you kept this, tantalizing confession, all to yourself? I feel most left out." His eyes roamed over her and the dangerous purr continued, dripping with delight, "Unless, my dear", his fingers fluttered, "Would these, intrusive dirty little thoughts about me, be the source of your constant blushing?"

Oh, you silly man - now you've gone and walked right into mine.

The myconid veered into an adjacent room. It was filled with other fungus folk, and she could hear a conversation between some of their own companions.

She paused before entering and smiled coyly, replying over her shoulder, "A lady never tells."

He pouted briefly, but grinned after her with immense satisfaction.

I'll leave him to simmer in it for once. Though it is such fun when there is a smidge of truth to it.


She focused her attention back on the myconid, who strolled towards the huddle of people occupying one side of the room. Several myconids were tending to other fungus folk and humanoids scattered on the ground.

An infirmary?, she surmised.

Tav noticed her and waved her over. Nyx joined to find a lone gnome on the floor between them.

Tav provided, "She's one of the villagers that survived the duergar attack. But-"

The woman groaned loudly, clutching at her stomach and grimacing up at them through clenched teeth and jaundice eyes.

Nyx didn't require any additional explanation, "Poison, on it."

Tav gaped then smiled while making space for Nyx's closer examination.

Mushroom toxicity was so common in the Underdark that most of its denizens were highly tolerant of their poisons. Unfortunately, drow poison retained its potency, since exposure to it was rare. However, her drow pursuers being fond of it themselves meant that she herself had worked up an even rarer resistance to it. Being so familiar with it also meant that she knew its antidote off by heart, relying on it heavily, prior to her immunity.

She settled herself down next to the gnome and prepared the antidote. The myconid escort loomed over her, its beady eyes watching with interest as she combined charcoal, cloves, turmeric, and several other mushrooms from the Underdark. The myconid even stopped her to sample the mixture before she gave it to the gnome. Nyx couldn't determine whether it approved or not, considering it didn't have any facial expression, but the results of the mixture will speak for itself.


Nyx rose waiting for the antidote to take effect. It was her turn to observe the myconid attendants. She watched with somewhat morbid interest as one of the myconids hunched over what looked to be a corpse close by, seeding spores into the cuts of the dead duergar. Another myconid rose from his, err, gardening and Nyx gaped when the results of his work stood up reanimated - mushrooms sprouting from the cuts on its body in rapid succession. There was a peculiar glow emanating from the fungus dwarf's eyes, his head jerked unnaturally, and he walked off stiffly.

Gale quipped close by, "Disturbing, isn't it?"

She tilted her head and said, "Ingenious actually", Gale frowned, and she continued, "Turning your enemies' remains into hive-mind servants."

Gale's hand stroked his beard considering, "I'm not one for necromancy."

She shrugged and mused, "Me neither, but this seems more - constructive, as though it helps the colony to grow, unlike pure necromancy. I'd like to procure some spores myself. I can think of a few people I'd like to turn into fungus zombies."

Gale’s eyebrows shot up and he chuckled, "Remind me to stay on your good side."

Nyx snorted.

The gnome moaned again, but in relief this time.


"Garl's garters! The ghost of my mum was speaking to me! If you didn't arrive when you did, I'd be resting in my grave too. Thank you.", the gnome said onto Nyx and Tav joined again. After taking a brief moment to herself, the gnome announced her immediate departure to save her captured friends, and attempted to stand up.

"Woah, easy there.", Nyx said while she and Tav each grabbed an arm when the gnome swayed on her feet, "I make a decent antidote, but you’re going to be out for the count for some time to come."

They settled her back down and Tav continued to ask her about the attack on their village. The gnome, Thulla, provided that the duergar had snatched them up from the village and put them to work digging out some old ruin across the same lake that flanked the village. She heard them mention the name Nightsong, an artefact of some sort. Tav frowned, she seemed to recognize the name.

Zealots hoarding powerful artefacts doesn't bode well.

Thulla pleaded with Tav to help her captured kin then almost jumped up again with excitement at Tav's mention of the giant centipede assisting them. Thulla's excitement was replaced with a near sobbing gratitude, "Freana defended us as best she could. She ripped them duergar up good, made them scream. But there were too many and I didn't want her to die. I told her to run, her babies would not survive without her."

Thulla begged for them to give the centipede a piece of her clothing to follow the scent back to the myconids. Nyx was set on doing it herself, but Tav had already made up her mind and took the proffered cloth even before all the 'Please' and 'Thank yous' from Thulla.




Elminster's reputation preceded him, and curious faces watched while Tav and Gale spoke with him at length. They were gathered together in a clearing within the myconid colony, provided by the head of the colony for them to setup camp for the night. Halsin had gone to speak to this Sovereign Spaw on Tav's behalf after Elminster arrived. Karlach's comment about mistaking Elminster for Gale's grandad was met with laughs. Nyx sobered at Tav's frown when she and Gale returned.


Gale wore an expression of shock and gratitude when everyone protested at the ‘task’ he had been assigned by Mystra.

Shadowheart frowned shaking her head, "Surely you're not considering this daft plan."

"I assure you the severity of Mystra's request could not be clearer and weigh more heavily on me. It is an apt solution to our problem", he countered.

Karlach blurted gesturing wildly, "If blowing yourself to smithereens is proving yourself, then she's not worth worshipping."

Nyx puffed out her cheeks, Wowzer. Some wide-eyed gasps followed from the others.

Gale answered calmly, "I'll appreciate the sentiment behind that Karlach, but if the goddess of magic herself and the greatest wizard who ever lived could not find an alternative then this solution stands."

Tav provided crossing her arms, "Gale, we are nothing if resourceful. I'm not going to just stand by and watch you blow yourself up. We'll find another way."

He countered with a raised hand, "Let's save such certainty for when the decision is upon us, once we know what we're truly up against."

He abruptly bowed and took his leave. Tav frowned disbelievingly after him, shifting her weight.


Nyx deadpanned, "Now we know why she's not the goddess of good plans", and some of the others snickered.

Karlach huffed, "Fucking wizards man! They always need help to pick the simplest, obvious answer."

Wyll chuckled, "I was hoping my first encounter with the famed Elminster would be a touch more optimistic.", he waved a lazy hand in Gale's direction "I don't know what drives such devotion, but it sounds more like nonsense to me."

"Preaching to the choir, darling."

Shadowheart countered, "I can respect such devotion, but sacrificing someone like Gale doesn't make sense."

It was Lae'zel's words that surprised them the most, "The Githyanki know of Elminster, but it does not mean his every word carries wisdom, however. Near as I can tell, Mystra demands Gale's faith - but holds no faith in him or the mighty company he keeps."

Tav gave Lae'zel an appreciative nod and set her jaw in determination, "I have faith in him."




Nyx was wrestling with a mix of emotions, each duking it out for dominance. On the one hand she was quite amused at the notion of sitting here in the gloom, drawing mushrooms in her sketchbook while waiting for a rendezvous with Astarion. On the other hand, she was a bit anxious, several scenarios playing out in her mind.

She snorted, recalling herself actively seeking out a private place still within the confines of the mushroom colony - the whole thing was reminiscent of youthful folly and forbidden infatuation. A smile quirked at her mouth.

She would prefer the, err, act to be more spontaneous - but his words repeated in her mind after the hag incident, "You just caught me off guard that's all", and she could understand his need for forewarning. Although, it was a bit strange, This conflict between his touch aversion and his casual approach to sex. The overt flirting, but reluctant personal involvement. She did the same when it came to not tying herself too closely to other people, but she suspects that their reasons for doing so were quite different.


She could feel him approaching, brushing against her whiskers. She greeted not looking up, "Bellinor."

"My dear, you have a knack for finding stunning viewpoints", he stood next to her. She paused her illustration and admired the scenery too. They weren't on the highest point in the myconid colony, since that was reserved for the top mushroom, but the view of the Underdark from here was nothing to sniff at. She set aside her sketchbook and gestured for him to sit.

She quipped, "Thanks. Not exactly a sunset, but I'm sure you'll get bask in them again soon enough."

He flashed her a grin and asked, "Feel at home down here?"

She frowned slightly, pursed her lips and shrugged, "There is some familiarity, but I think that has more to do with it being wilderness. It's just a different sort of wilderness." Then a random thought occurred to her and a mischievous smile crept onto her face, "Or were you expecting this version of the answer?", giving his narrowing suspicion her best Karlach-shit-eating-grin.

She cleared her throat and made a serious face trying to imitate some overbearing drow sorcerer. Fisting a hand as though she held a staff and wriggling the fingers of the other, "Ooh, yes. I can feel the superior power of my homeland coursing through me now. Mhwa ha ha!"

He gave her a blank look and she burst out laughing.

"Did you just mock me, my dear?", a predatory grin on his face.

"Mock you? Never. Amuse myself by taking a stab at my 'ancestry'. Definitely."

He chuckled, satisfied with the answer and she prompted, "I take it you prefer 'up top'?"

"Of course, darling. However, I did expect the Underdark to be..."


"Touché", he smirked then took a deep breath through his nose, "Once I've gotten used to the cacophony of smells it's actually not so bad."

"Not to mention the vast array of culinary delights," she swooped her hands across the view.

He tilted his head and lulled, "There is one thing though," he placed his hands over his ears then lifted a hand from each in turn, "That incessant annoying hum."

Nyx nodded, leaning backwards and closed her eyes. Noise didn't travel far due to the dense growths around them, but the air was always abuzz with a low ambience. She opened her eyes to find him watching.


He grinned and purred, "Hello, beautiful."


He leaned towards her, a hand gliding over her thigh and nuzzled his nose into her neck, "Go on."

"Wicked wordsmith", she breathed, lacing his one ear between her fingers.

"And?", he nipped at her skin.

"Too dangerous for your own good."

He smiled into her neck, "Yours too, my sweet."

Her mouth found his and he gathered her around the waist, pulling her into his lap to straddle him. They leisurely relieved each other of weapons, hers being more numerous meant she had time to search for something else.

Where are they hiding?

Her hands roved over his chest and around his midsection. He shifted to look at her hands, and gave her a raise eyebrow, gesturing loosely with one of her throwing knives he asked, "My dear, what are you doing?"

Her eyes shone with mischief and her hands continued to search his armour, but found nothing. After a while she crossed her arms and gave him a flat look, "Are you even carrying lockpicks?"

A challenging smirk replaced his quizzical amusement, "I highly doubt you'll find them. My turn."

His cool fingers made her shiver when they slipped under her tunic, roaming over her skin searching for something else entirely. She shimmied out of the tunic and his hands travelled up her back. A smile touched her lips when he stopped and lulled, "My dear Nyx, you've been holding out on me."

Beneath her bandeau under-armour was a wide tattoo that ran across her ribs over her diaphragm. A slight frown creased his forehead, he tilted his head and brushed his fingers over the galloping scene of intertwining animals that concealed a flat scar below.

She draped her arms over his shoulders and said evenly, "The first time my magic manifested. Brought a whole house down on top of me. Tufani rangers found me under the wreckage."

His eyes returned to hers and he lulled, "Any other surprises?"

She gave him a coy shrug and his lips split into his wicked grin, his fingers trailing along the inside of her waistband. She raised a finger at him, "Ah, your turn", tugging at his tunic.


She had to keep herself from gasping when his statuesque body was revealed. She brushed her fingers over his chest, sliding her hands around his waist and up his back. The slight tension in his body made her pause when she touched what felt like thick raised scarring. Their eyes met and she recognized what past behind his.

”He was a monster to us all.”

She promptly removed her hands, quickly placing a finger over his lips before he could speak, followed by a soft kiss.

This is about us.

She held his face in her hands and placed another kiss on his chin. Brushed her lips along his jaw. He turned his head, and one more kiss wetted the skin at the base of his ear. She softly blew air on the area and a small appreciative sound came from him. Her teeth whispered along his ear, finishing with light pressure at the tip. He released the breath he held, and his eyes returned to red upon meeting her gaze. A soft smile touched her lips, regarding him for a moment then she stood.

He watched with interest as she slipped out of her pants taking care to conceal her left leg. Only revealing herself fully by dropping the piece of clothing to the floor. His eyes settled on her left leg and his lips parted. Another tattoo ran its length, from her thigh to her calf.

He motioned to kneel around her leg, studying the design, tracking the phoenix from its head down to its feet. His fingers followed the thin branching network of scars that spread from the main body into the wings, and into each elongated tail feather. He looked up at her expectantly.

She replied smirking, "A training session gone wrong. I directed my magic into my body, and it started to tear me apart."

He cradled her thigh and trailed kisses up one of the feathers, gauging her response. She reached down for him, cupping his face and beckoned for him to stand. She said onto him looking up, "Astarion, I've reclaimed my scars many years ago. If you'd let me, I would like to help you reclaim yours."

His expression softened briefly. She wondered whether she even truly saw it after his signature grin snapped back into place.

He removed the rest of his clothing and insisted on relieving her of her smalls himself. The quiet fire burned between them as their roaming hands explored each other. He filled his arms with her and guided her to the ground.

--- --- ---

Astarion settled himself against her and she shuddered at the contact. He gave her a knowing smile, "You'll warm me up soon enough, my dear. Especially considering your fever."

She replied smouldering, "I don't mind you taking your time", her fingers brushed over his torso and arms, "More to enjoy."

He chuckled.

He recognized the subtle hunt of those healer's fingers, since he was well versed at that game, more than she knew. He was, after all, an expert at finding his lover's desires. The key to unlocking that was to discover what made them hunger. Entice their cardinal lust to the point where they pleaded for him to slake it. He would dearly like to hear his name, cried, from her lips.

Her hands continued their probing, deft fingers pressing at specific points along his body. She smiled into his mouth when her methodical search yielded a response from him.

However, he was most adept at finding hers.


Her searching hands found his face and she sought his mouth with hers. There was a significance behind the kiss, and he chased after it. Regretfully, he relinquished the pursuit when a chilling shadow crept up his spine. Leaching a familiar poison into his mind. It moved swiftly, and ruthlessly strangled any significance he wished to have found. It proceeded to crawl over his face. He resisted its attempts to smother him at first. He stifled a shudder while he fought against the cold surge within him. But the current ultimately pulled him under. An endless black sea of twisted emotions tore at him, threatening to drown him - centuries of condemnation raking through him. He couldn't hold it back, couldn't keep it at bay. Instead, he fled, succumbing to numbness. The absence greeted him like an old friend. Longingly. Possessively.


He held onto her a little longer, nuzzling into her shoulder. She embraced him slowly across his shoulders, combing her fingers through his hair while he waited for the last shadows to fade. He shifted in her arms and her dark eyes searched his.

Fear jolted through him for the tainted secrets she may glean - he wanted to flee again; he didn't want her to see. Yet there was a softness in her expression that gave him pause. He felt a blissful sense of reprieve when she reached out to him with those healing hands, bringing him closer yet again. Her sweet tenderness caressing his face and lips. Gently. Soothingly.


She watched him collect their clothing, only settling next to her after redressing in his pants. She motioned to pull on the rest of her armour, but he stopped her grinning, "Wait, my dear, I haven't finished looking at these."

She gave him a knowing smirk and stretched herself out on her right side, crossing her left leg to rest its knee on the ground and propped a hand under her head. Her amused smoulder followed his fingers over her torso.

There were several different animals in the design; deer, birds, wolves, horses and large cats. They were either running or jumping a path across her skin, carried along by some swirling force linking them together in ink.

He moved to the exquisite detail on her leg. Flames danced between the feathers of the phoenix. Its wings spread upwards as though it had just been reborn, its feet covering the main scar from which all the others sprouted.

He lilted with a sly grin and a hand resting on her thigh, "Lovely as they are, my dear, I do find myself rather jealous of the artist who got to touch you in this a way."

Her conviction replied softly, "And yet, you've painted my canvas in a far more intimate and lasting way."

He regarded her in comfortable silence. He could make a jest or deflect her remark, but he didn't want to. Instead, he leaned over to kiss her. Intently. Deeply.


--- --- ---


He was realms away at one point and she wasn't sure whether she had lost him to pleasure or something else. He seemed not to have wanted her to notice, perhaps even regretted that she did. She consoled him the only way she felt was appropriate at the time.

However, the remainder of her worry for him abated after he kissed her like that. He pulled away and she sighed, both in appreciation and relief, his rubies shining with that self-satisfied smugness of his.

He tilted his head and lulled onto her, "We should be heading back, my dear, I won't want to keep you awake all night. Even if that'll be my pleasure to do so."

She rolled her eyes internally and replied smiling, "I wouldn't want you to be missing out on your beauty rest either."

He grinned and purred, pulling on his tunic, "Very considerate of you, my sweet." He stuck his nose in the air and lulled with one hand on his chest, "I am, after all, the envy of camp."

She laughed wholeheartedly at his antics, and he was delighted by it.

"That you are, Bellinor."


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