Chapter 11: Cloak and Dagger

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Nyx PoV


Nyx woke to the sounds of bickering. More specifically the sounds of Lae'zel and Shadowheart's bickering.

By the Abyss, she groaned rubbing her eyes with the inside of her palms. Why do they make their personal issues with each other, everyone else's too? Can't they just ignore one another?

Tav wasn't exaggerating when she said 'scenes' were the norm in this camp.

She could hear Tav’s voice now, likely trying to talk them down.

Speak thy name, and ye shall summon them, as the saying goes.

Note to self, tent location far away from those two next time.


She wondered whether they realized that it was Tav keeping the camp from tearing itself apart during this tumultuous time. Nyx was convinced that some gods, or fate beings, or whatever - was having a jolly good time with it all.

“Let’s throw the most eclectic bunch of people together, stick tadpoles in their heads and watch as the mayhem ensues while they try to get rid of their collective affliction.”

Peace and quiet returned to the camp once more. She sighed.

Bless Tav. And I send my thanks to whatever entity had sent her.


She sat up staring unfocused into the gloom. All things considered, physically she felt fine. The potion and sleep have worked off the bloodletting aftereffects from the previous night. Her wrist was still tender though, but that may be psychosomatic. That line of thought reminded her of the encounter with the tadpole during her dreams. She extended her consciousness to it, it responded, but muted. Then she recalled it trying to use Nyala against her. Instead of being furious at it like she was last night, Nyx was, sad. An old, bone deep sadness crept into her body and mind.

She shook her groggy head attempting to lift the fog, Go for a walking breakfast, meditate. Then deal with the rest of the day as it comes.




Nyx had finished meditating. She found a secluded, scenic area in the forest to sort out her thoughts and emotions about a certain muted unwelcome guest in her head. She stood in the clearing, admiring the sunlight through the trees. She caught movement out of the corner of her eye. She startled, gripping her hunting knife. She released her knife when she recognized the silhouette and the wry chuckle that escaped it.

It makes so much sense now. That he has been consistently able to sneak on me like that.

"My, such a skittish littl-", he started. She cut him off.

"If you finish that sentence, I will knife you, and you'll have to go borrow someone else's blood.", she snapped at him despite her meditation session.

Get a grip Nyx, she told herself.


He stepped out from the shadows, a wicked smug grin on his face. He was enjoying this far too much.

"Being threatened with bodily harm, and it's not even mid-day yet. You spoil me, my dear.", he lilted.

Nyx closed her eyes and sighed.

I walked right into that one.

Nyx looked back at the trees. If she listened closely, she could hear the morning activity coming from camp. Best to head back, she turned in that direction.

"I'm surprised, darling.", Astarion cut through her thoughts. She started to walk looking at him askance while she passed by him. He joined, walking beside her, and continued.

"Not only were you able to complete your hunt last night, as I doubt someone else brought the deer to camp, yet you seem to be in fine fettle this morning.", gesturing at her with an up-and-down motion of the hand, "Also, there were no mobs with pitchforks and torches at my tent this morning either.", he smirked as they strolled back to camp.

She raised an eyebrow at him, measuring her words carefully.

"I was able to counter most of the effects from the blood loss with an anti-anaemia potion.", she explained evenly.

"A what?", he scoffed and blinked at her.

"A potion that-"

"Yes, yes, my dear, I know what you speak of. It's just so, unconventional.", he lilted and elaborated, "I expect most people would just sleep it off. Not devise some, strategy against it."

She gave him a blank look.

Well then, 'most people' are either lazy or stupid. Perhaps both.

She stated plainly, "There is no need for me to tolerate it when a solution exists.",  and they walked for a while. She could sense his impatience grow as she hadn't answered his other lingering question that was disguised in the earlier statement.

She stopped and turned to him, "I'm not going to tell anyone, if that is what you're concerned about."

"I", he hesitated, much of his bravado now gone. "Thank you. I appreciate it.", he finished in an uncertain tone and sheepish expression.

She frowned at him, it was clear that keeping his secret was important to him, she could understand that. She has plenty of her own, but she doesn't understand why he expected her to tell everyone - let alone, thank her for not telling.

"No thanks necessary. It was not for me to tell. Also, it is none of my business”, she shrugged, “Not really."

It was his turned to wear a confused expression. She continued with her hands on her hips.

"However, it might be a good idea for you to tell them yourself. Sooner rather than later. These things have a nasty habit of coming out in the most, inconvenient ways.", she finished gesturing with an upturned hand.

He regarded her for a moment with a sly smile on his lips, "Speaking from experience, my dear?"

Ugh, this is about your problems, not mine.

"Yes.", that simple retort caught him off guard and she quickly added, "Which will remain my business until I decide otherwise."

His sly smile returned, and she could see him scheming things, but he didn't push the matter.

Not yet, anyway.

He lulled at her, "More than just a pretty face, hmm?"

She sighed inwardly; she doesn't have capacity for whatever this was right now. She turned around and ignored him. If he wanted to have the last word, she was fine with him having it. She continued to walk back to camp without him.




A low whistle escaped Karlach as she watched Nyx. They were the first to be ready, waiting in Moonhaven's plaza for the others to join so that Tav could give directives for the day.

Karlach caught Nyx's eye and said with a grin, "A copper for your thoughts?"

Nyx gave her a quizzical look. Astarion sidled up, and Karlach greeted him with her usual 'Soldier' and a nod.

Karlach continued looking back at Nyx, "I'm sure you could smelt yourself a statue afterwards."

Nyx smiled at the smart use of wit, "Nah, don't mind me. Just working through some old nonsense.", she replied vaguely with a dismissive wave. She's not planning on sharing this story.

"Suit yourself.", Karlach said with a shrug, unoffended.

"I appreciate the offer though.", Nyx added and got an even larger grin in return.

"Anytime.", Karlach finished by way of it remaining an open invitation.

Nyx inclined her head in recognition of the generosity.

Probably best to let the ruminations lie in any case. No use picking at old scars.


The rest of the group trickled in. Tav led the discussions and there was a collective agreement to split up to cover more ground and make up for lost time. Tav, Nyx, Karlach and Astarion were heading for the swamps to check out the secret cache, whereas Wyll, Shadowheart, Lae'zel and Gale were going to scout the surrounding area for clues to the goblin camp and Githyanki creche.

There were some rumblings as not everyone was happy with their assignments, but for the sake of expedience they begrudgingly made no further fuss. They were going to regroup at Moonhaven by late afternoon. If the other party was not back by nightfall, then the others would do a search-and-rescue if necessary.




Tav and Karlach took point, Nyx and Astarion following. Nyx had dragged her thoughts back to the task at hand as they walked away from Moonhaven. She saw arms waving about out of the corner of her eye. Amused, she watched Astarion's annoyance at the local small flying fauna. He was swatting at biting midges as they continued to walk behind the other two.

All that blood has the insects abuzz with delight, she snickered and caught him briefly glaring at her.


Tav stopped momentarily to inspect her map. Karlach hovering over her shoulder.

"Ugh", Astarion groaned, then complained, "I thought nature is supposed to be beautiful and serene. The upper city gardens always looked so nice." He smacked one of the midges on his neck.

Karlach straightened, "Upper city, huh?", she asked turning her head, "Swish, never spent much time there myself."

"I'll happily take you, darling." he lilted with a slight bend at the waist.

"Sounds good. I'll keep you to it.", Karlach replied and followed after Tav again.

Astarion waved at a midge in his face and mumbled, "If we survive this bug's banquet."

Nyx remarked under her breath, "Perhaps you should bite back.", laughter in her eyes.

Astarion glared at her again and curled his lip, showing tips of his fangs. She reflexively made a face back sticking her tongue out at him.

He scoffed, "How uncivilized", and then smirked at her sideways.


As they walked, Nyx had removed her backpack and rummaged through it. Tav stopped once more at an intersection of sorts. Tav stared at her map then looked around, confusion on her face.

"This doesn't look like a swamp.", she stated scrunching her face at the beautiful area before them.

They stood at a transitory area between the forest behind them and a lush green wetland in front.


Karlach sidled next to her, "Are you sure you read the map right?".

Tav looked up and gave Karlach a humoured raised eyebrow, "Quite so."

Tav and Karlach proceeded to study the map together as well as the associated landmarks to confirm that this was indeed the place as marked on the map.

While Tav and Karlach continued their discussion, Nyx held out a small round jar between her thumb and fore fingers towards Astarion.

He tilted his head and squinted at the apparent ‘gift’, "I do prefer wine, my dear."

Nyx snorted, "Alright, if you want the bugs to continue their feast.", she motioned to put the jar away.

"Hold on a moment, I did not say that I don't want it.", he snatched it from her hands. She watched him take a cautionary sniff of the contents and rolled her eyes with a smile.

She took a step forward then said onto him, "You only need to apply a small dab to exposed skin. Should keep the beasties at bay for a few hours.", and she strolled towards Tav and Karlach. Leaving him to it.


Nyx joined Tav and Karlach at the bank of the wetland.
Something is definitely amiss here, she regarded the scene.
Tav and Karlach agreed that this was indeed the swamp area according to the map.
Karlach ventured, "Maybe its outdated and it changed into a wetland?"
Tav frowned and rubbed her arm, "Hmm, maybe. But it still, feels off."
Nyx closed her eyes and said, "Listen." The others followed suit.


Karlach stated after a while, "I don't hear anything."

Astarion joined them casting his gaze over the greenery, "Exactly darling, it's too quiet. No animals, no birds."

They all surveyed the area for a moment, trying to spot anything out of place.

Tav finally declared, "I know a performance when I see one.", she rolled up her map with a determined expression.

Tav stepped a little closer to the water's edge and started to recite a spell. Her melodic voice added an eerie, yet pleasant song like quality to the incantation. The scene before them began warping in places, shimmering in others. Tav increased her efforts adding more of her magic to the spell. Then the illusion shattered.

Raining sparks revealed the once lush and bright wetland to be the swamp area to their left and a bog to their right. The appropriate animal and bird sounds returned as well.

Karlach gawked, "Hells, what was that?"

"A glamour.", Tav provided over her shoulder, "Some very powerful fey has claimed this place and used illusions to conceal the area.", she scanned the new scenery.

Nyx shifted, "Best be quick about our business then. Fey are master tricksters, and we don't want to overstay our welcome," she concluded.

Tav nodded slowly in agreement.


As they followed Tav, Karlach asked, '"But why cover the place up like that?"

Tav's chosen route took them through the swamp to the docks via several shallow beam bridges between spotted high ground sitting above the murky waters. Tav spoke without looking back.

"Fey like to lure people into their cruel and twisted games.", Tav explained while she manoeuvred around a hole in the next bridge, "Playing off of our innate desires. Beauty, love, friendship -", she counted the list off on her hand.

"Pleasure", Astarion chirruped from behind.

"They like that one the most.", Tav conceded with a raised hand and finger pointed upwards, concentrating on her footing.

"Devious.", Karlach observed just behind her.

"Oh, very much so.", Tav chuckled and stopped when they reached a sandy islet in order to interrogate her map once more.


Nyx didn't particularly approve of walking into the territories of dangerous creatures. All her senses prickled with anticipation. She survived as long as she had on her own by actively avoiding such situations. She collected her bow and readied her quiver, double checked her throwing knives and hunting knife.

She brushed against her magic reserves, and saw Astarion eyeing her with a knowing smirk.

If he so much as mouths 'skittish little faun', she gave him a warning look in return, which only broadened his smirk into a sly smile.

Instead, he motioned to signal, Most. Kills. Wins, and sauntered off after the others before she could reply in the negative.

Killing is not a game. Not to me, she mental reaffirmed to herself with an annoyed expression on her face, then followed.




Another shallow rickety beam bridge later and they found themselves on a small island with a huge tree stump. The sunlight was obscured by the fog, casting everything in moody diffused light. After Tav declared they'd arrived at their destination, they split up to look for the secret message cache.

Nyx's prickling anticipation had not yet abated as she peered into another broken moss-covered vase. One of several, strangely scattered around the area. She wondered what this area was previously used for. She could spy some portions of pavement that had not fully deteriorated, creating a broken circle around the tree stump.

Tav declared that she may have found the cache, her voice coming from the other side of the stump. Karlach whooped and Astarion mentioned something about relief at leaving the swamp for good. But the jubilation was short-lived as a low rumble reverberated through the ground from Tav's general direction.

Abyss take it! What creature did we wake!?, Nyx wrapped her feet and legs in her magic and vaulted over the ground onto the stump. Nyx hurried to stand at the edge of the stump closest to Tav on the ground. Karlach and Astarion making their way towards Tav as well.

Tav was clutching another piece of paper to her chest and was looking around the area. She stowed the paper in exchange for her hand-crossbows. They watched as a dark figure rose from behind a fallen tree some distance in front of them.


In fact, the creature wasn't rising from behind the fallen tree as much as it was the fallen tree itself! Branches snapped and debris dripped down from the creature as limbs took shape in jagged, jerking motions.

Nyx gasped, It is a treant!, she tilted her head watching, More specifically, a Cursed Oak.

It was on all fours, hunched over with a horned tree stump-shaped face and glowing eyes. Sharpened branches stuck out of its arms and legs like spikes. More spiked branches across its back ending in a wrangled crooked tail. It limped towards them, Nyx observed it had three legs, not four. One forelimb was missing.

That counts in our favour at least.

It took another limping step towards them, then stopped. It looked around, as though it was searching for them. They all froze in their places.


After a few tense heartbeats, Tav asked in whispered tones, "What is it doing?"

Nyx replied, "I don't think it can see us."

Astarion quipped, "Would it be too much to ask that it's limp and blind?"

Tav responded, "How do we test that theory?"

Nyx noticed one of those vases close by the cursed oak, "I've got an idea."

She didn't take her eyes of the cursed oak as reached out a hand in the direction of the vase. She grasped the vase with her magic. A little pressure and it shattered with a burst, pieces of pottery falling down to the ground. She held her breath while keeping her eyes on the cursed oak.

Nothing. She frowned.

How odd.

Karlach encouraged over her shoulder next to Tav, "Try something else."

Nyx picked up another vase and hurled it at the creature with a small motion of her hand and arm. It shattered against the creature's trunk hide. But it stood motionless, still. Nyx proceeded to drag a third vase across the ground.

Nearly instantly, roots sprang up from the ground ensnaring the vase. The creature locked it gaze on it, shambled over, and proceeded to stomp on it once with enough force to render the vase to dust. Nyx raised her eyebrows. She repeated the dragging action with another vase yielding the same result, except that this round of stomping from the creature cratered the ground as well.

Hmm, Nyx wondered how that worked with a tilted head and pressed her lips together. Tav looked over her shoulder at Nyx from the ground. She could likely see Nyx trying to work it out and didn't interrupt.

Nyx squinted her eyes.

So, it doesn't respond to sound or throwing stuff at it. But scraping things across the floor... treant is a tree... roots in the soil... vase dragging over the soil... roots come up... then stomp...

Roots. Roots like another sense? Roots like eyes or ears? No. No, it'll be tactile... like hands or fingers...


Aah, so that's how it knows where the vase is, Nyx figured it out.

Nyx proclaimed to the others who waited patiently, "I'm just going to do another test. One moment."

Instead of dragging the next vase across the ground, she hopped it along as though it was 'walking'. Prompt stomping from the treant followed. Nyx was pleased with the outcome of her experiment and smiled to herself.

Nyx concluded to an expectant audience below, "It can feel the vibrations of movement in the ground."

Tav confirmed her understanding of the statement, "So as long as we stand still, it won't attack."

With waning patience, Astarion clarified, "Then, how do we get out of here without being bludgeoned into the next plane ourselves?"


Astarion directed at Nyx, "Can't you just, I don't know. Keep distracting it with vases while we make a run for it?"

"Uh, no. I can't move that many things at once.", she replied.

"What?", he spat and retorted annoyed, "You can command, like, six throwing knives at the same time."

"That's because they are custom made for that purpose and I spent a lot of time practicing with them.", she explained through clenched teeth, and he sighed disappointed in return.

There were a few more tense moments, in which they watched the treant. It merely stood in place, just bided its time, swaying slightly from side to side with bark and branches scraping together softly.

It is almost as if it had done this before?, Nyx scanned the area and saw a few too-bone like objects scattered around.

She swallowed, It has.

She shared her conclusion, "I think it has done this dance with other thieves before. If the bones laying about are any indication.", she stated as a warning.

"Wonderful.", Tav commented and Astarion groaned. Karlach was getting fidgety.

Not good, Nyx thought. Tav took notice of Karlach's growing discomfort too.


Astarion lulled, "Aren't treants supposed to be friendly and talkative?"

Nyx explained from above, "Generally speaking, yes. But this is a cursed oak. A treant corrupted by an evil of some sort."

Tav asked, "Do you think we can reason with it regardless?", receiving dubious glances from Astarion and Karlach on either side of her.

Ever the diplomat, Nyx thought sarcastically.

"I'm going to try.", Tav declared with a fisted hand. Ignoring the alarm in the other two's faces, she addressed the cursed oak.

"Excuse me, good sir.", she projected very politely, though not moving a muscle herself, "Would you consider letting us leave this place?"


"With our lives and limbs intact preferably.", Tav added.

The cursed oak remained as it was, ignoring their presence completely, until they move that is.

Tav concluded, "Well, that's that then."

"Maybe it's asleep?", Karlach hoped.

Nyx snorted, "Unlikely, it is a guardian after all. It will fulfil its duty first."

Tav gasped. "Good thinking, Karlach!", she declared and Karlach wore the same confused expression everyone else had.


Tav exclaimed as much one could in hushed tones, "I'm going to sing it to sleep!"

Tav continued over her shoulder, "Nyx, do you see a way out from up there, considering our guardian friend over here is blocking the way in?"

Nyx took a cautionary look around without moving her feet and heard Astarion grumble something about having different definitions of the word 'friend'.

"Yeah, there's another bridge behind us. Doesn't look like it fully extends to the other side, we may need to make a swim for it.", Nyx reported.

Karlach asked out loud, "Can treants swim?"

Now there's an inspired question, Nyx conceded.

Nyx replied with a smile spreading on her face, "No, I don't think so.", the smile was noticeable in her voice too.

Astarion lilted with a waging finger, "You think? You don't know."

Nyx gave him a flat look.

I can't exactly test it now, can I? Unless you want to ask Mr. Oak over there whether he'd like to go for a swim?, she retorted mentally.

Tav stated, "Good, we have a plan.", and explained the steps, "I sing it to sleep, we sneak around to the back exit and swim ourselves outta here like a treant is on our tails."

Astarion didn't look pleased with the plan, whereas Karlach was almost bounding on her toes.


Tav started to sing in her rich yet vibrant contralto voice. She chose a well-known lullaby, reinforcing it with her magic she sent it to the treant. Initially, the treant kept swaying slightly. Gradually over the course of the lullaby, the swaying slowed and the bright glow in its eyes started to fade.

Tav repeated the lullaby, the glow in its eyes became undiscernible. Tav made the first move while she continued to sing.

Slowly she raised her foot and set it down.

The treant didn't react.

Tav repeated the motion.

Nothing. The treant had indeed fallen into a slumber, and they all followed suit. Sneaking their way out.


Excruciatingly slowly, they crept towards the back exit. Nyx had to expend a little more magic than usual to ensure the softest landing she could manage from the tree stump. Tav motioned for them to go before her on the bridge. Karlach took the lead, followed by Astarion, Nyx and Tav.

Karlach slid herself into the dark slimy swamp water. She made a face in disgust, but was able to stand with her shoulders above the water. Karlach proceeded to wade through the water to the opposite islet holding her great axe above her head and out of the water's reach.

Nyx noticed Astarion's scowl at the waters.

Come now, we're all going to pick up leeches here, Nyx thought and that made her realize with raised eyebrows, Vampires don't go well with running water.

He saw her put it together and she regarded the water as well.

She looked back at him and stated softly, "It is a swamp, not a river. You'll have to risk it.", as Tav started to draw near. When Nyx saw his anxiety and hesitation, she quickly added, "If you're good in the sun, the water should be as well."

A forceful whispered and ineloquent 'Shit' escaped him, and he too slid into the murky waters. He pinched his eyes shut as he went into the water, standing he managed to wade through without getting his head wet. Nyx saw him make it to the other side.

No bouts of screaming bode well, Nyx and Tav slid into the waters side-by-side.

Tav stopped singing when the cold waters made them both gasp for breath. They had to half swim, half skip across on their toes through the molasses.


Halfway to the islet, they heard another rumble, similar to the one before but far louder. They could hear the enraged treant's three gait gallop behind them as they reached the shores. Karlach scruffed Tav and Nyx by the back of their collars and proceeded to bodily lift them both out of the water and to their feet in one smooth motion. They turned to watch the treant's glowing yellow eyes piercing the hazy fog from across the waters. From the silhouette, it didn't seem to want to brave the decaying bridge.

Small favours, Nyx thanked the graces. However short lived that was.

The treant gave scratching roar and rammed its remaining forelimb into the ground.

Nyx's eyes widened at the motion, then she saw bubbles in the water.

Oh no, she shoved Tav out of the way as roots sprang from the water's edge and grabbed at them.


Roots wrapped around Nyx's waist. She yelped as it tightened into a strangling grip, and she was yanked backwards off her feet. She hit the ground so hard that it made her see stars and she was sure something snapped in her body as well. The vines proceeded to drag her back to the water. Tav grabbed onto one of Nyx's flailing arms, Astarion joined to grasp the other. Nyx's legs kicked of their own accord as the vines continued their tug-of-war with Tav and Astarion. Nyx wrestled against the tightening vines around her waist in more ways than one; reinforcing her ribcage with magic and trying to get air into her panic-stricken lungs.

Karlach bellowed and raised her great axe, darting past Nyx in a steaming trail. Nyx heard the blow cleave the vines, releasing her from its grip. The vines around her waist loosened and fell to the floor next to her. Nyx gasped at first for air, then out of pain when a sharp jolt raced through her body with each breath. Nyx half supported by Tav, scrambled away from the water's edge.


Nyx heard Astarion call to Karlach behind her. There was an uncomfortable crunching noise and Karlach cried out. Nyx flinched at the sound, and more ropes of pain ran the length of her body.

Tav stopped momentarily and looked back. Nyx didn't move, breathing through the pain took all her concentration. Karlach's voice came, claiming to be alright and for the rest of them 'soldiers' to keep moving. To make up distance between them and the treant.

This is when we find out if treants can swim, Nyx's mind had a random thought, or how far they can jump, for that matter. Movement jerked her mind back to focus on breathing and walking, still supported by Tav. Managing the two actions at the same time was suddenly very difficult in her current condition.




After several pain filled steps through torturous laboured breathing, Tav set Nyx down against a boulder. Nyx sucked in breath as she tried to steady herself against the boulder and the pain. Her eyes weren't seeing stars anymore. She saw Astarion walking next to Karlach, who was holding onto her shoulder. Her shoulder and arm looked to have a few scrapes, but it wasn't bleeding badly. However, her shoulder was held at an unnatural angle.

Dislocated, Nyx concluded through the pain while she reached out to accept the healing potion Tav offered. Tav asked her something, but she didn't register what it was. Instead, she braced herself against the rock, held her breath, closed her eyes and moved her broken ribs back into position with her magic. She groaned through clenched teeth and then downed the potion, feeling it take care of the rest.

Tav handed Karlach another potion. Nyx moved to stand.

Tav's head snapped to Nyx, "You should be taking it easy after that", Tav scolded her with a frown.


Nyx motioned with a hand at her shoulder then to Karlach's while she walked over.

"Need to. Set it first", she panted through increasingly less painful breaths and finished with as little words as possible, "Else healing potion. Wasted."

Tav frowned not fully understanding and Nyx stood next to where Karlach sat on another boulder.

Nyx gestured with her chin to Karlach's shoulder, "Give me. A minute, soldier. Need to catch. My breath", and Nyx leaned on the boulder next to Karlach.

"Take your time, soldier.", Karlach returned brightly with a grin, "Doesn't hurt, as long as I don't move."

Nyx smiled weakly, fully appreciating both sentiments. She heaved a couple more times while the healing potion completed its job. She blew out a last relieved breath and gave herself a few seconds to remember how to set a dislocated shoulder. She stood to face Karlach.

Karlach looked at her, "Don't burn yourself.", she quipped as a reminder of her fiery nature.

Nyx nodded and wrapped her own arms in magic just in case of fire. Nyx lifted Karlach's arm for a closed reduction. Nyx nodded at Karlach to drink the potion, subsequently popping her shoulder back in with the manoeuvre. Karlach grunted and groaned with pain, gritting her teeth. After the healing potion had sufficient time to take effect, Karlach rolled her shoulder.

Karlach gave Nyx a brilliant smile, "Thanks soldier!"

Nyx inclined her head and suggested, "Let Shadowheart check it out properly. Make sure I didn't pinch any nerves or tendons in the process."

"Will do.", Karlach replied, the brilliant smile remained. Nyx smiled back and leaned on the boulder again.

Tav sighed relieved, "Phew, that was close."

Silence hung for a little while, though not unwelcome.


Nyx smiled inwardly and remarked with laugher in her eyes, "You might want to check yourselves for leeches."

It elicited exactly the response she was going for.

A horrified, "What?!", escaped the other three at once and they started to look themselves over.

"Ugh, disgusting!", she heard Astarion behind her, it seemed he was the favoured one for today.

They watched him fling the offending worm into the distance with an angry snarl on his face, "I have enough parasites already! I don't want another!"

It’s all that blood, Nyx thought and snickered, as Tav and Karlach laughed freely.




The whole treant ordeal had placed them in an entirely different area of the swamp. After consulting her map, Tav determined where they were as well as the route to get out and back to Moonhaven.

Along the way, they moved from the swamp into the bog. Nyx's magic began to prickle anew with anticipation. The others were uneasy too, but they had no alternative options to the bog.

By the abyss, this a rancid bog. Whatever foul fey had taken up residence here has corrupted it completely.

The putrid stench seeped into the travelling party as they sloshed through the thick muck.


After they'd been walking for some time, Astarion stated plainly, "There is someone up ahead."

They all stopped. Nyx squinted into the haze; it was thicker that the swamp's. She could barely make out a humanoid shaped silhouette. Before they could decide what to do, a voice called out.

"Ho there! Not many travellers around these parts.", came the greeting.

They sound friendly enough, Nyx watched as Tav moved a bit closer.

"Who are you?", Tav asked the voice.

"Name's Gandrel, I'm a Gur looking for the hag that inhabits this area."

A hag definitely suits the place, Nyx conceded as they approached this 'Gandrel the Gur.'


While Tav conversed with Gandrel, Nyx could smell that signature mixture they use to ward off monsters.

Unpleasant to say the least, she wrinkled her nose.

Astarion made another indignant noise and continued in hushed tones next to Nyx, "I much preferred your approach, my dear. I'd rather smell nothing than, that", he spat with a dramatic flair of his hand.

Nyx smirked as she watched Astarion move towards the conversation. Karlach came to stand next to Nyx. They listened while Gandrel explained that he wanted to make a pact with the hag in order to assist him with his hunt. Astarion mocked the potential monster he sought by naming a few not-so-monstrous foes. The insult seemed to escape the Gur completely, and he continued to describe the true nature of his quarry. The description of which was far too close to that of Astarion.

Nyx saw Astarion shift uncomfortably and then tense up. His shoulders locked and he leaned forward, almost imperceivably.

Is he honestly intending on attacking the Gur?, Nyx thought in disbelief as she recognized the threatening pose.

Considering that the Gur is hunting for him and his casual stance on murder, he just might, Nyx concluded with alarm.


It doesn't look like Tav noticed the change in Astarion's posture. Nyx has nothing against the Gur, in fact she recalls them helping her nomadic caravan from time to time. She was not going to stand by and watch Astarion do something that potentially all of them will regret later.

She carefully moved out of earshot of Karlach and Tav. She softly cleared her throat.

She whispered Astarion's name. Generally, most people won't hear their name whispered from that distance, but he was a vampire spawn - so, superior predatory senses and all that. There was a slight motion of his head, he'd heard her, but chose to ignore her.

I can work with that, she crossed her arms and came up with a plan. She'll try to appeal to his need to keep his secret safe, preferably without murdering anyone to facilitate that.


"You're going to give yourself away.", she whispered at him matter-of-factly.

He shot her a momentary glower over his shoulder between his own questions to the Gur. His closest hand was moving to a dagger.

Oh no, you don't, Nyx narrowed her eyes at the movement.

"Don't make me disarm you.", Nyx whispered a warning. He didn't look at her, only discreetly signalling with his hand. You. (Won't). Dare.

"Try me.", she whispered the challenge and watched him like a hawk for any other movement towards his weapons. After a few heartbeats she could see him straightened into a more relaxed pose.

She blew out a breath and rubbed her forehead. Karlach was preoccupied with her shoulder and didn't seem to notice the exchange.

Nyx listened to the valid, yet amusing, protest Astarion made at Tav trying to recruit the Gur into their ranks as well. Gandrel declined, much to Astarion's own relief. Tav instead confirmed the route out of the swamp with Gandrel and they said their farewells. On their way through the bog, Tav read the letter she found in the cache to the rest of them out loud.




As agreed, they were walking back to camp, and would arrive during the late afternoon. The bog was so unpleasantly dim and dank, it felt like they had been there far longer than they actual had been.

Tav was in the lead, Nyx right behind, then Karlach, and Astarion taking up the rear. Nyx was getting progressively winded, due to her previous injuries, her lungs straining against her stiffened ribcage. Healing potions are wonderful, but the rapid healing they encourage eventually takes a toll on the host's energy levels. Magic healing had a similar trade-off between energy and health. Sleep and rest remain the best recovery methods for both energy and health.


Not too far from Moonhaven, Nyx felt Clive shift on her back.

"Good of you to join us, Clive", Nyx greeted by way of a heads up to the others.

She felt him settle and he declared, "Look it's the 'smart' one."

That in reference to Karlach behind her. She wanted to tell him to give Karlach a break as they'd had a rough day, but Karlach beat her to it with an unexpected response, which rendered Nyx's unspoken reprimand wholly unnecessary.

"Oh, look it's the douche-bag", Karlach shot back.


Nyx's took in a sharp breath. In any other circumstance, she'd laughed at the smart retort, but Karlach was forewarned what would happen if she encouraged Clive's behaviour.


Much to Nyx's surprise, Karlach and Clive started to duke it out for mutual entertainment. At first with light-hearted insults.

If there even was such a thing, Nyx pondered.

Nyx watched as Tav looked over her shoulder at Karlach, a grin spreading on Tav's face at the exchange of absurdities. Tav made eye contact with Nyx, Nyx shrugged and Tav winked.


By the time they'd reached camp, the insults had gone from rude to crude. Nyx felt like she wanted to stick her fingers in her ears. Karlach's tent was a stone's throw away from the campfire. Karlach seemed intent on continuing the match as she reached her tent. Nyx noticed that the other four from the 'scouting party' had not yet returned, but there was enough time for them to make it back.

Nyx sat Clive down on one of the logs surrounding the campfire. She opened the flap and retrieved some items. Clive mumbling insults upside down all the while, unperturbed. She closed the flap with Clive facing the direction of Karlach's tent. Nyx retreated to the quiet safety of her own tent.

She'll find out who won the duel later, she had no interest in watching, err, hearing it play out.

It may cost me the rest of my sanity, Nyx smiled at the receding voices. She was far more interested in getting the bog out of her clothing, her equipment and most importantly her person.


Cursed Oak (Artists unknown)

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