Chapter 21: Things that go Bump in the Night

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Several PoVs towards the end of the chapter. I've labelled them to make it more clear.


Nyx and Astarion found the others in the antechamber to the worg pens. Halsin was expressing his gratitude to Tav for rescuing him and protecting the Emerald Grove from the Shadow Druids in his stead. Tav explained that it was 'her and her crew' who helped while Nyx surveyed the scattered remains of the dead goblin guards on the ground. Before Halsin could fully explain to Tav what led to his capture; loud voices and a goblin war horn sounded followed by echoing battle cries bounding from the cavern walls.

Shit! We've been ousted!, Nyx could hear the din of metal and magic while they collectively sprinted to the main hall.


They were confronted with a swarm of goblins when they reached the main hall. Nyx could see several of her teammates dispersed throughout in the main hall floor below as well as the elevated corridors. Halsin shifted into bear form and stampeded into a group of goblins, trampling, clawing, and mauling them as he went. Tav shot at goblins from a distance with her crossbows while Astarion and Nyx stood in front of Tav and took out goblins who made it past Halsin and Tav's efforts.

It was fortuitous not to have stowed my staff, Nyx thought when she clobbered another goblin across the face with it. There were too many goblins for her knives or bow to deal with, her quarter staff made for superior crowd control - especially when reinforced by her own magic and Tav's buff song. She had ample remaining magic from her cascade to use for the battle. Nyx cracked skulls, crushed windpipes, and broke necks with the force of her staff blows. More goblins simply replaced the ones they felled.

By the abyss! Where have they all come from? Surel-, before she could finish the thought Nyx heard the telltale bouncing clink of a Smokepowder bomb at her feet, she looked down with alarm and its flash enveloped her vision.


Nyx snapped her protective sphere into place when it detonated, the blast throwing her up in the air. The whiteout of her vision made it harder for her to reorientate and she hit the ground in a rolling sprawl. She landed on her back and sprung to her feet blinking the world back into view. She heard Gale's voice behind her, "You alright?", he asked in a raised voice between fireballs and lightning strikes while more goblins swarmed.

Nyx immediately took position at his back, and they fended off the hoard.

She replied shouting over the commotion, "Where are they all coming from?!"

"No idea!", Gale yelled, "I was going for 'keep killing them until they stop!'"

"The only option!", Nyx conceded, and they focused on their respective targets.

After a few moments Nyx yelled again, "We need a better position, start moving to a wall! I'll cover you!", and Gale proceeded to follow her instruction while she kept her awareness on his position using her magic to sense his. They flanked themselves against a wall, both decreasing the number of direction goblins can come from as well as overlapping their own counter efforts. Nyx moved in front of Gale to deal with closer targets that did not succumb to his magic attacks at range. Nyx was getting winded and her muscles complaining at the continued strain on her body and magic. The goblins were thinning too slowly and somewhere along the line Nyx had picked up a deep cut on the side of her head - she could feel the blood running down her face and neck, another long curving wound ran down the front of her stomach. She dodged a throwing axe and intercepted another with the tip of her quarter staff, aimed at Gale's head. Then there was another telltale bouncing clink.

Bugger!, Nyx snapped her sphere into position, encircling them both, but the force of the blast was still enough to fling them into opposite directions of the corridor.


Nyx closed her eyes in time for the second explosion, even though she was not blinded, her ears were ringing, and her head pounded from the impact as she lay on her stomach this time. She raised herself heaving off the floor, shaking with adrenaline and tasting her own blood in her mouth. She rose, anger gripping at her insides. But first she, searched for Gale and saw him on the far opposite side, fighting alongside Karlach.

Good, that's good, she turned her attention to the source of her building agitation. She scanned the area, Where is the culprit?, ignoring all the others who were locked in combat around her. She hunted for the grenadier.

A manic laugh gave his position away and Nyx saw a human rogue standing by the banister overlooking the main hall below. She stalked towards him, his back facing her. She gripped her staff into white knuckled fists while she wrapped layers of her magic around it. He reached for another grenade at his belt, Oh no you don't!

"Over here asshole!", Nyx spat when he motioned to light the grenade. He half turned to look at her then she struck the grenade from his hand in an upwards motion of her staff with so much force that she felt bones break. His manic smile fell from his face, crying out in pain and surprise. She angled the downwards returning blow across his jaw, dislocating it from his skull and the final upward swooping arch connected with his face and drove the resulting broken bones of his nose into his brain. His eyes rolled backwards into his head through fluttering eyelids, and he crumpled to the floor. Nyx stood for a moment over his body, scowling at it. The air around her smelled of pungent and acrid smoke.

Nyx turned around when she heard a woman screaming, dread gripping her heart as she feared it one of her companions. She moved to the sound behind the wall close by. Instead, she found Astarion with one of his daggers in the eye of an elf woman, she dropped her own daggers and fell backwards. Nyx barely made eye contact with Astarion when suddenly a rolling darkness covered the battlefield, plunging them all into black billowing smoke and blocking everything from view.




By the abyss!, Nyx huffed and stowed her quarterstaff, drawing her hunting knife instead. The noise of battle died down into an uncomfortable encompassing silence. Nyx's own breathing sounded far too noisy in the dark. She could hear people speaking to one another in nearby whispered tones or low distant voices.

As if the free-for-all wasn't enough now some bozo decided to cast darkness!, Nyx felt far to exposed in the spell, It must be the most idiotic strategy, because no one can see - let alone do anything!

Then she heard people dying around her; chocking and coughing on their blood. She crouched, listening intently for movement, her anxiety running up her spine making the hairs in her neck stand on ends. She willed her senses to pick up the unseen assailant and her hackled magic responded by permeating invisible whisker-thin strands into the air. Nyx's eyes widened at the entirely new sense it gave her. She could vaguely feel movement around her with her magic, like feathers tickling against her skin, when the assailant brushed against the whiskers. Nyx concentrated on the movement, tracking it behind her. When she felt the person sneaking into range she turned and rose to meet the attacker with her knife at their throat.


Ruby eyes met her gaze while Astarion materialized from the black fog and was close enough for her to see him. He froze when the knife touched his Adam's apple, eyes wide for a split second and then he grinned down at her. She held his gaze, keeping the knife at his throat and said evenly in hushed tones, "Sneaking up on people in the dark is bad for your health, so I hear."

He raised his hands in mock surrender and purred a question at her, "How did you know it was me, darling?"

"I didn't", she said flatly and lowered her knife, "I tend to be a bit more reserved when it comes to ’murder first, ask questions later’."

He grinned wider at the acknowledgement and lowered his hands as well. The darkness spell swirled around them. Nyx was grateful for the breather it provided, especially now that she could ‘sense’ danger approaching, however vaguely. She took the opportunity to retrieve a healing potion from her backpack, offering it first to Astarion, but he shook his head.

Astarion was once again in very close proximity to her, and their eyes met when she finished the potion. His eyes moved pointedly down her body, pupils dilating and nostrils flaring - likely due to her being covered in blood. His lingering roving gaze made heat rise in her body and the tips of her ears burned. His eyes snapped to hers when she took a breath to speak.

"Stop that", she whispered, and he gave her an amused quizzical look, "Its distracting", she finished using his words from earlier.

Nyx was huffing at him mentally, I can't help the fact that I'm bleeding during battle. Besides judging by the blood on your face, I'm sure you fed on the person you just killed back there. It's not like you’re coming up short.

She reminded herself not to confuse his hunger and lust for blood with something else.

She wondered how long the darkness will last, then something brushed against her magic. It was that same distant sensation from the day before. The one she felt during their investigations yesterday and when she almost fell into the chasm. She snapped her head to the side, sending her newly discovered magical whiskers in that direction.

Astarion noticed the change in her demeanour and breathed, "Something the matter, my dear?"


She gave one curt nod and her whiskers practically quivered at the size and speed of the approaching sensation. It was definitely a creature of some sort. Her eyes grew wider when she felt it move closer and she got a better sense of its size. She looked up at Astarion's curious expression and quickly signalling to him.

Tell. Others.

Something. Big. Incoming.

She paused and added.

Keep. Quiet. Stay. Still.

He frowned at her, yet placed his forefingers to his temple. She felt her tadpole's muted response to the warning he sent to the others, his brow furrowing in brief concentration. Nyx admired his handsome face while he did so, her eyes daring to his lips.

Stop it Nyx! Now is not the time!, she tore her eyes from his face and focused on the invisible entity again. It had stopped. She held her breath, thinking she had lost it. She probed for it. Then moved again, but Nyx couldn't pinpoint its location. Her new sense was fuzzy like a person seeing without their glasses or hearing sounds under water.

Astarion waved his hand in front of her face, since she was staring at the ground; she looked up at him and he signalled.

Message. Delivered.

She mouthed a thank you, he nodded once.

He kept her gaze and signalled, Where?

Her brow creased in concentration, and she returned scrunching her nose, Down(?)... Up(?)...

He frowned at her again and shook his head, not understanding. In all honestly, she didn't entirely understand what she sensed either. She tried to focus more, but then saw Astarion tense up.

He was likely hearing or smelling it now. Nyx held her breath while she watched Astarion track the creature with a slow motion of his head behind her, from right to left. She felt it moving toward the main hall now. Her magical whiskers shook like they were being plucked, similar to the way Tav plucked the strings of her lyre. Her anxiety clawed its way to her throat. Nyx slowly sheathed her knife, and retrieved her bow turning towards the main hall, facing the direction of the creature with an arrow nocked.

Astarion sidled silently next to her with his nocked bow in hand.

There was a piercing bloodcurdling cry of a woman, and the darkness lifted. Nyx's heart lurched at the sound and she audibly gasped when she saw the entity they had sensed.




It was an enormous mauve annelid worm with its head reared up halfway to the rafters above. Its coiled serpentine body filling up the raised platform of the main hall floor. Its head was a large gaping circular maw lined with teeth. The mouth was further punctuated by four larger teeth at right angles inside the circle. This quarter symmetry extended from its mouth into four pointed fleshy appendages - shaped like membranous grasping flaps tapering into sharp hooks at their tips. Spines travelled down its tubular body in the same quarter symmetry. It didn't seem to have any eyes, however four tentacles sprouted from its mouth, and they clutched something into its circular maw.

Everyone stared agape while the creature was preoccupied with eating, its tentacles wrapped around a limp body and its maw concealing the head of the victim. It finally released its prey and the body dropped to the floor with a dull thud.

The lifeless body on the floor belonged to a drow. The head torn open leaving a hollowed-out cavity inside its skull. The brain removed with surgical precision; devoured by the creature. Nyx has never encountered this type of creature before, neither in person nor in literature. She did not know anything about it and apprehension clenched her stomach.


Several cries echoed through the chamber after the goblins bellowed, beating their chests, and waving their weapons. They rushed the creature. Between the squabbling and battle cries, Nyx made out what the ruckus was about; the creature had killed Minthara. Other Absolutists joined the goblin fray to exact revenge.

Nyx shifted her stance, wrapping her legs with magic and vaulted to the support beams above intent on attacking the worm from there. Nyx took in the battlefield below from her new vantage point.

She spotted each of her companions, they were in similar shape to herself. Bloodied with armour torn or dented in places, but alert and moving into position without too much difficulty while the goblins swarmed around the creature. Nyx found Astarion on another the opposite support beam already taking aim at the creature's eyeless head.

Lae'zel's voice carried through the air above the commotion, "Neothelid! Watch for its tentacles, mouth, and acid spray!", she yelled as a warning.

The neothelid raise itself higher while the goblins hacked at its slimy, squishy body below. Most of their weapon blows slid off its hide instead of drawing any blood. The creature roared a strange gurgling sound. Bubbling came from the creature’s coils, its tentacles slithered through the air and its body wriggled. Then a cone of translucent pale-yellow liquid shot from its mouth, drenching the goblins below in a wide arch. Nyx could see Shadowheart and Wyll heed Lae'zel's warning, scrambling out of the way of the approaching jet, running up the adjacent stairs.

They witness the goblin hoard whither and scream while the creature's acid dissolved their flesh, limbs and bodies turning them into an indiscriminate pool of crimson muck. All that remained was throbbing floating brains in the resulting puddles.

"By the Abyss!", Nyx breathed at the gore.


Lae'zel's war cry rang out and she charged at the beast, deliberately stomping on some of the brains as she went. Everyone took Lae'zel's lead. Karlach, Wyll and Halsin (in bear form) joined Lae'zel's assault. Shadowheart and Tav provided aid and magical buffs to the melee fighters from a safe distance.

Gale kept back on the floor just above, behind the banister. Gale cast rain to clear the area of acid and muck, since fighting in water was preferred over the slippery dissolved remains of bodies. The rain had the added benefit of washing away some of the neothelid's slimy protection and the melee fighter's weapons could better draw blood from it. Gale proceeded with fire-based attacks, and lighting strikes where the water wouldn't conduct it towards the fighters below. Nyx's arrows joined Astarion’s, and they pelleted the creature from above.




Nyx was heaving with effort while the battle dragged on. The neothelid withdrew its tentacles into its mouth. Its gaping maw and fleshy appendages attempted to snap up Wyll, Karlach, Halsin and Lae'zel in turn. However, it received an Eldrich blast, the cleave from a great axe, a giant claw or great sword swung to its face respectively. It recoiled and a shiver rang along its body, undulating down its hide then a psionic blast emitted from the creature. The blast threw Wyll and Karlach backwards, whereas Lae'zel countered the magic with her Githyanki training and Halsin’s bulk kept him in place albeit dazed. Lae'zel thrust her sword into one of the animals' resting coils and ripped a gash into the hide, black blood oozing from the hole. The neothelid ignored the both the wound and Lae'zel.

Its tentacles shot from its mouth and ensnared Karlach while she tried to stand up. It lifted her from the ground, unbeknownst to it her fiery nature. Karlach struggled against it and then bellowed in rage. Hellfire flames burst from her, and it seared the tentacles from her body. She had a rough landing on the uneven floor below but remained upright eyes flashing with contempt. Two of the creature's tentacles were badly burned by her flames. It turned its attention to Astarion above instead.

It raised itself towards him, tentacles lashing out. Nyx drew a set of knives with one hand and proceeded to shred one of the tentacles. The honed knives gleamed, slashing the tentacle into bloody ribbons while Astarion danced around the other's grasping attempts. The creature made another garbled roar then veered towards Nyx.

Nyx yelped and successfully jumped out of the way when it collided its maw into her support beam. She moved to sprint down the beam putting distance between her and the neothelid. However, its one remaining tentacle lashed towards her and whipped her across the back of the head. Temporarily dazed; her vision blurred, and she lost her balance as well as her footing. The hazy world careened and she toppled from the beam.


Something caught her foot during her fall and the world snapped into clear detail again.

She was dangling upside down, the neothelid's tentacle wrapped around her ankle and it motioned her towards its razor maw. Panic flooded her body when she remembered Minthara's empty skull. She violently kicked and flailed in an attempt to escape its grip, but to no avail, since several coils held fast. She heard the others call her name, glancing down at them briefly and she realized she still clung to her bow. The sight of the bow reminded her of her remaining knives, and she released the bow. It clattered to the ground while she drew the knives. It was incredibly disorientating hanging upside down and being swung around like a rag doll. Nyx abandoned the notion of attacking its maw while she swung from side to side. She still had time before she reached the maw and focused her efforts on the tentacle grasping her foot, since it followed her body's motion making it easier to take aim.

Lae'zel and Karlach bellowed in tandem somewhere below her and she heard the dual strike they levelled at the creature in sync. The neothelid recoiled from the blow, the momentum of its thrashing body tore at the remaining shreds of flesh that Nyx's knives had carved into its last tentacle. Nyx was flung from the creature while the others continued to deliver killing blows to its body. The neothelid was overwhelmed by the uncontrolled spasms of a dying animal.

Nyx's magic was depleted; she was unable to buffer her landing. Her body crashed into the floor or a wall - she wasn't sure which - but she felt the impact break things in her body. Sudden excruciating pain flashed through her and then the darkness consumed her fully.


--- --- ---



Tav was fussing over her crew. All their plans and preparations were going so well, but nothing could have prepared them for the unexpected return of some goblin troops through the Underdark passage of the temple or the neothelid's appearance. Even Tymora's favour has its limits.

Tav was biting her nails while hovering over Shadowheart, who was healing Nyx. Nyx was in bad shape and Shadowheart confessed that her own magic reserves were running thin. Tav took a shaky breath and collected her racing thoughts turning to the rest of her crew.

Gale was draped over a stone bench nearby, utterly exhausted. His eyes were closed, and his chin rested on his chest. Other than that, he was slightly injured and healing potions already saw to his wounds. Astarion was loitering about. He was drenched in blood but only sported minor scrapes and scratches, he came out of the battle almost uninjured. Tav wondered how many potions he had used to achieve that. She turned to the others.

Karlach, Wyll, Halsin and Lae'zel were in worse shape. The death throes of the giant worm had knocked them around within its flailing coils. Its serrated spines had marked them with several deep lacerations. Halsin was treating the worst of the bleeding. Tav joined to offer what little magical healing and whatever potions she had as well.


Tav swerved to the entrance of the main hall when she heard voices and footsteps coming down the stairs. She levelled her crossbows at the doorway, but Halsin stepped in front of her. He motioned for her to stand down. She looked up with raised eyebrows at his slight smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling. He gestured with his head to the doorway and several druids appeared. Tav sighed with relief and stowed her weapons.

Among them was Nettie. When she set eyes on her; Tav wanted to embrace the dwarf and kiss her round nose in gratitude. The druids explained that they had been keeping an eye on the camp and the temple this whole time. When the goblin hoard attacked, they sent word for healers at haste. Tav wanted to kiss each and every one of them on their noses. She contained herself and beamed at them brightly instead. Halsin and Tav organized the healers; Nettie already relieving Shadowheart once more. Nettie frowned at Nyx with concern while another healer saw to Shadowheart herself.

Looks like Nettie has a soft spot for our fellow herbalist, Tav noted. She watched for a while as Nettie worked.

It is strange to see Nyx like this again. Fragile like the rest of us and yet the power she displayed earlier would have suggested otherwise.


Tav checked in on Gale who responded groggily that all he needed was rest and she left him in peace. She also confirmed with Astarion that he wasn't hiding any grievous wounds under all that blood. His pitched laugh escaped him. He confirmed that he was indeed whole underneath and in no need of medical treatment, though he won't turn down a bath.

"You and me both", Tav quipped at the last statement.

It didn't slip Tav's attention that Astarion was pretending not to be overly concerned with Nyx's current condition. For all his extravagant behaviour and seemingly indifferent stance on, well, everything, she has noticed that he did indeed care in his own private way.

She smiled to herself and returned to Nettie when she heard Nyx make a croaking sound when she roused.


"You're a miraculous sight for sore eyes. I was half expecting Shadowheart, but I'm not complaining", Nyx smiled weakly at Nettie and Nettie chuckled in return informing her that Shadowheart had been relieved for treatment herself.

"Oh, I'll thank her later then", Nyx said to no one in particular, and tentatively glanced around at where she landed.

She grimaced then groaned uncharacteristically loudly. Tav suddenly more concerned with her wellbeing; held her breath. Nyx covered her head with both her arms, hiding her face in the crook that her elbows created.

"Is your head injured? More than the obvious?", Nettie asked calmly with furrowed brows.

Nyx didn't move her arms and she replied slightly slurring, "That worm may not have, split my head, but this hells' migraine..."

Nettie nodded sagely then asked, "What was the trigger?", patiently waiting for Nyx to muster enough will to speak through the pain.

"Too much magic use," Nyx managed through clenched teeth slurring between heavy breaths.

Nettie frowned in concentration, her index finger on her lips, "Unusual, but let me see what I can do."

Tav realized that Nyx was referring to the 'scary' magic display from before.

So, she can't freely use all that power? Interesting... Although, all power comes at some cost, Tav conceded and her gaze drifted to Gale; still slouching on the bench nearby, snoring lightly. She turned her head back when she heard Nyx take a breath to speak.

"I'll take anything you can give", Nyx peeked briefly from under her arms at Nettie finishing with, "Thanks."

Nettie set her mouth in determination and worked through her supplies, searching for something appropriate to turn into a remedy. Tav was satisfied that everything was under control with Nyx and left to make herself useful elsewhere.


--- --- ---



Nettie was a miracle worker. Her migraine wasn't gone, but it was exceedingly better. The pain still sat behind her left eye, and she felt its claw extend over her face, down her jaw and into her teeth - but she was functional, at least, both in mind and body.

Nyx decided that Gale had the right idea, and she took up one of the other stone benches for herself watching patiently while the druids finished patching the others.

Astarion strolled over to her, and she peered at him through the pain and gave him a small wave.

He lulled onto her with a sly smile, "You know, you have this nasty little habit of standing to close to the edge, my dear."

Nyx barked a laugh throwing her head back, "Oh, shit!", she hunched over and clung to her head pinching her eyes shut with a smile on her face.

"Don't make me laugh right now", she breathed a chuckle and rubbed her temples; the laugh rattled the pain around her skull.

She heard his wry chuckle and peered at him again through her fingers, "You seem alright. How are the others?"

He surveyed the room and lulled with a shrug, "The usual."

Nyx snorted into her hands and refrained from rolling her eyes as to not set off the painful rattle again.

I'll take it.

"Good, that's good", Nyx remarked, carefully lowering her hands from her face. She kept her eyes closed and leaned against the wall. She shifted to make herself comfortable and meditated lightly.


Nyx and Astarion overheard Tav and Halsin talking, mostly due to their proximity rather than intent. Tav asked whether he could assist them with their 'particular' affliction, which garnered Tav a raised eyebrow. After Halsin examined Tav using his magic he was taken aback that she (and by extension her entire crew) were not only infected with mind flayer tadpoles, but aware, and acting against the Absolute by their own volition.

He confessed that he cannot cure them, Nyx heard Astarion sigh dramatically. Halsin continued to explain that the True Souls seem to have modified tadpoles and the Absolute compels her followers to do her bidding, which led to him questioning why they were able to avoid such control.

Tav told him about the artefact, which Halsin did not recognize. Instead, he provided assistance by way of information about the source of the modified tadpoles. He explained to Tav that captives and recruits were sent to Moonrise Towers. He suspects that it was the source of the Absolute's influence and may potentially yield a cure.

He further reiterated his thanks to Tav for their assistance both with the Grove and clearing out the perverted threat of the goblin camp. He declared the Emerald Grove, and its druids were friends and allies of Tav and her crew, inviting them to return to the Grove for additional support and rest before continuing to Moonrise Towers.

Tav thanked him in return for his generosity and said they would definitely take him up on his offer before they continue their journey. For now, her main priority was to get her crew in good enough health to return to Moonhaven and rest properly.

Halsin declared that Tav and her crew would rest with ease tonight; the druids of the Emerald Grove would stand watch over them. He inclined his head and oversaw that everyone made it to back to Moonhaven with the druids' assistance.


--- --- ---

Astarion PoV


Astarion watched as Nettie made her rounds back to Nyx to query her about her migraine. Nettie was shocked that Nyx was still in pain and Nettie provided her with even more of the concoction she made. That in and of itself wasn't noteworthy, but rather what followed.

They were being escorted back to Moonhaven by the druids while the light faded from the skies. Nyx and Astarion were taking up the rear of the group when the entertainment started, surprisingly provided by Nyx herself.


"Feckin' hells Nyx!"

There was only one entity that greeted her that way, and Astarion indulged himself to a theatrical sigh.

"Hey Clive", Nyx replied dreamily while they continued to walk. No one else was privy to the conversation.

"Are ye alright? I felt that cascade of ye ripple right through the astral plane!", the backpack grumbled with genuine concern in his voice.

"Yeah, sorry about that", she responded, slurring a bit.

"Uh, Nyx?", Clive asked confused, "Are ye sure ye in the right mind?"

The backpack is rather insightful, isn't it?, Astarion observed.

Nyx declared, "I feel like a floating head."

"What? What are ye talking about?", Clive was getting agitated.

Nyx stopped and gawked something on the side of road, she turned so that Clive could see Astarion.

The patterns on Clive's flap narrowed its expression at him and it growled in a low tone, "Is this yer doin'? I'd choose me next words wisely if I were ye."


Astarion scoffed and lilted, "No. It was a druid healer."

Besides what does the backpack think it’s going to do after threatening me?

Nyx straightened and said happily, "Nice Nettie, hmm."

Clive's suspicion did not relent, "Why?"

Astarion couldn't believe he was explaining Nyx's situation to her own backpack, surely it could figure out why for itself.

Astarion pointed to his own head and drawled the obvious, "Her 'magic induced migraine'."

Clive harrumphed then said onto Nyx, "He knows about yer cascade then?"

Astarion barked a laugh. Nyx didn't answer, she was too distracted.

Astarion continued, "My dear backpack, if you're referring to her ostentatious display of how much power she truly possesses. Then I do not merely know of it, I witnessed it."

He started to walk again; they were falling far behind. Nyx saw him and hazily drifted after.

Clive grumbled incoherently and directed to Nyx again, "What happened?"

"'Twas... the feckin' parasite.", she provided and snickered.

Clive swore and asked what she was going to do about it.

"Sleep for a thousand years", she replied with a serious expression dragging out the last two words making a swooping animated gesture of her arm.

Clive sighed and conceded, "Yer really high right now, aren't ye?"

"Totally... trippy", she agreed with a slow nod of the head.

Clive grumbled some more then directed at Astarion, "I'll be here until I know she is safe, so don't try anything."

A sly smile split Astarion's features, and he challenged over his shoulder, "Such as?"


Clive started to say something and stopped when Nyx suddenly drew to a halt and said in a small voice, "Did you hear that?", then she looked around wide-eyed.

"Nyx?", Clive asked with far more concern in his voice than before.

Astarion didn't hear anything out of the ordinary, but he perked his ears, nonetheless. Only normal early evening sounds.

There is nothing here except us.

Clive repeated Nyx's name with what almost sounded like alarm; her mild bewildered expression did not leave her face.

What in the hells is going on?

He stepped in front of her, even though she locked eyes with him - it was though she looked straight through him. She blinked, her eyes promptly snapped into focus, and she shook her head absently.

"It's gone", she declared and smiled warmly up at Astarion. He tilted his head at her, searching her face. He isn't used to people looking at him in that way. He had seen it before on other people when they were between friends or family. For a brief moment he wondered how much of it was because of her simply being drugged.

Clive made an unimpressed noise then declared in a firm almost brotherly tone, "Nyx, even if yer high right now ye will let me know if that becomes a problem. Aye?"

Nyx hmmed swaying slightly and remarked, "Pretty rubies".

Astarion gave her a raised eyebrow, then she pushed past him towards camp.

I'll be sure to monitor it as well, Astarion smiled to himself in the dark. He was certainly on the heels of a potential tantalizing secret of hers. This behaviour was similar to her pacing in the small hours around Moonhaven a few nights ago.

They walked in silence for the rest of the way. Astarion was also looking forward to putting this day to bed. The druids were true to their word with helping the camp inhabitants end their day off by getting fully healed up, cleaned up, fed, and retired for the evening. Several druids remained to keep silent watch throughout the night as they slept.



Neothelid from Forgotten Realms Wiki

Now I'm not a DM by any stretch of the imagination, but I wanted to use the neothelid here because of so many great plot and lore reasons. Thus, you can safely assume that this is a 'juvenile' neothelid and won't be nearly as big or powerful as the ones you'd find stats for online. I'm not fixated on monster stats for story purposes and I do enough maths in my day job... Thus, as head writer I took some (*ahem*, a lot of) creative liberties here.

Also its 'acid spray' is actually enzymatic, but I went with acid in the scene, since explaining the 'enzymatic action of breaking down the protein bonds in tissue to liquify bodies' was far too technical for mid-battle exclamations from a warrior (as per Lae'zel's character and personality).

You can also safely assume the spiders were set free by the gang. They've already added most of their value to Karlach's personality and contribution to the story, so I didn't want to labour the point. Maybe I could have used them to eat Dror Ragzlin...

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