Chapter 9: Smoke and Mirrors

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Nyx PoV

Dragon Age Origins Easter Egg


The sight of the brightening horizon was enough to draw a sigh of relief from Nyx as she stood watch outside. She had made several rounds during the night, even though it wasn't her 'official' turn. But sleep was elusive, and the far-off baying of Hyaenas and Gnolls during the wee hours was enough to rob everyone of sleep.

"Thank the graces", she softly greeted the morning light.

She wasn't sure whether she was surprised or impressed that all of their preventative measures had actually worked. Perhaps a bit of both. The knots in her stomach were loosening and her appetite reminded her that she'd been awake the whole night. It should be safe enough for a quick hunt and to return before those who did manage to fall asleep, to awaken. The night had been rough, and a hearty meal would lighten everyone's spirits.


Nyx returned with several rabbits this time. While she hunted, she took the opportunity to widen her survey area for Gnoll activity. She found none. She set up herself outside as to not disturb the others and proceeded to prepare the animals. She watched the sun leaving the horizon and started to ascend the sky. Not long after she heard footsteps approaching from behind.

"Good morning.", it was Gale, "My, you've already got breakfast halfway done. I'm starting to feel a little redundant as head cook."

Nyx laughed, "Good morning. I'm head hunter.", she pointed at herself and then to him, "You're head cook. Preparing the meat is part of my job. Yours is completely safe."

"Ah, such a relief.", he placed a hand over his heart. He sobered, "Speaking of which, it is another relief to see the sun rise. All that howling last night had me fretting the seams out of my robes."

Nyx blew out a breath, "You and me both. I wasn't convinced that the measures we took would even work. Surviving a hunting Gnoll pack like we did is unheard of."

"Well, we have you to thank for that.", he said with a smile.

"Hmm, thank you. We all contributed our parts. Besides, I'm of the opinion that it was Karlach's scorched earth that had them really scared."

"You fucking bet your ass it did!", came Karlach's voice that made Gale jump out of his skin and she continued with a grin, "They were downright pissing themselves with their tails between their legs rather than come after us!"

Karlach glanced between them, "So, how's breakfast work? I'm so hungry I could likely eat one of those ugly bastards right now.", she asked trying not to stare at the rabbits that Nyx was preparing.

Gale sighed dramatically, "No rest for the wicked", and gathered up what Nyx had already finished.

Nyx watched as Gale set off to prepare breakfast with a hungry Karlach on his heels. Nyx smiled to herself.

A hungry Karlach is scarier than a Gnoll.




The trek back to Moonhaven was slow going, but mercifully uneventful. They were all pretty much exhausted from the whole ordeal, however they wanted to get some more distance between them and the Gnoll infested area. They collectively agreed to return to Moonhaven and camp there. The swamp and its secrets would simply have to wait for the following day. There was no point in dying, because of some avoidable stupid decision brought on by fatigue. Rather remain tadpole infested a little longer than properly dead.

Tav mentioned that she noticed a cellar hatch in the herbalist's shop floor, and she wanted to explore what was down there. She was hoping it may yield some useful items, especially considering the battle with the pretenders and the Gnolls had taken a toll on party resources.


A quick inspection at Moonhaven revealed that the goblins had collected their dead and burned the bodies. Universal good practice against attracting predators, but it also meant that goblins may be in the area. Thus, they searched for a more defendable spot to camp. Settling for a sheltered spot behind a shambling windmill backed by cliffs, away from the main plaza. By mid-day they had finished setting up camp and retired to their respective tents.


Nyx woke up some hours later and found a few others around camp as well. She found Tav, Wyll and Karlach at the campfire. Seemed like there was no bad blood between Wyll and Karlach regarding the bounty. However, Wyll did mention something ominous about his debt being collected in another way.

Tav turned her head, "Ah, Astarion.", she said as he strolled up to join them, "I was hoping you could help me with the cellar hatch."

"If it's too heavy then it's best to ask someone else, my dear.", he stated dismissively.

"It has a rather stubborn lock on it.", Tav provided instead.

"In that case", he seemed to perk up, "Let's crack it open."

Tav smiled and then Astarion added with a wave of his hand, "But I have one condition in offering my services.”, he paused with a smirk, “A payment of sorts."

Tav rolled her eyes and nodded for him to continue.

"If we find something, I take a particularly fancy to, I get to lay claim to it. Regardless of who found it.", he grinned.

Tav narrowed her eyes at him and raised a finger, "Only one such confiscation."

"You have yourself a deal, darling.", he agreed.

"Choose wisely.", Tav added and turned to the others. "Would anyone like to join?", Tav asked and looked around.

"Ooh! Count me in!", Karlach jumped from her seat.

"Nah, I'll stay here.", Wyll said.

"Sure.", Nyx answered.

"I'll come too.", came Gale's voice as he reached the fire.




With deft fingers Astarion picked the cellar hatch lock and they descended into the room below. It seemed to be large dual storage area and an office of the previous owner. There was a room lined with storage shelves and the office was lined with bookcases. Tav and Nyx searched the shelves, finding some dried herbs in good enough condition for later use. Astarion and Gale inspected the books. Considering how dry, dusty and woody everything was, Karlach refrained from touching anything lest she set it on fire.

Tav started to search nearby boxes, Karlach hovering over her shoulder. Nyx went through the office desk. She found some apothecary logs and the herbalists' journal on patient care and treatment notes. Astarion peeked over her shoulder.

Not looking up from the pages, Nyx asked, "See something you like?", fully knowing the answer.

"No, though I do question your taste in reading material, my dear."

She snorted, "I'll take any medicinal knowledge I can find. Never know when I might need it."

She noticed a few interesting observations, but nothing of great importance. She set the book down. Astarion was looking rather annoyed with the merger pickings.


Karlach asked pointing at a space behind the crates, "What's that?", she tilted her head and squinted her eyes , "Is that, a lever?"

Tav abandoned her box and moved the rest of the boxes out of the way that were stacked against the wall. Indeed, there was a lever hidden behind the boxes. Tav regarded the lever for a few moments with crossed arms.

Astarion lilted impatiently at Tav, "Well, what are you waiting for, darling? An invitation?"

"I was imagining all the things that could happen if I pulled that.”, Tav replied dryly, “Given our luck of late there might as well be a sharpened spike shooting up my unsuspecting arse when I pull this lever.", Tav gestured with her hands, fingers pointed upwards.

Nyx mused, "Or a giant cleaver swinging down from a slot in the roof."

Karlach grinned, "Ooh, I'll go for a trap door into a pit full of vipers", and added some hissing sounds for good effect.

Gale smirked with his hand on his chin stroking his beard, "Poisoned darts to the face was always my preference."

They all waited for Astarion to add his suggestion to the mix. Gale gave him a raised eyebrow.

"Hmm, I'm partial to decapitation, more blood that way."

And why doesn't that surprise me?, Nyx thought snidely. 

Tav nodded sagely, "All marvellous suggestions.", and sighed.

"Well, get ready. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.", she proceeded to pull the lever.


For a few heartbeats nothing happened, and they all looked at one another.

Gale said with a blank expression, "That was rather uneventful."

Karlach whispered with a finger at her lips, "Shh! Don't jinx it!"

Something started to slide and clack within the walls.

They turned to watch wide-eyed as one of the large bookcases distended from the wall and slid to the side with a creaking moan to reveal a hidden passageway.

"Much better.", Gale observed.




They peered into the gloom of the passageway. Tav remarked that they should be careful as they waded into the darkness. With Karlach in the lead, the passage opened into a large cavern. Light was streaming in from the roof ahead and Karlach took a cautionary glance around the corner.

She whistled, "I don't like the look of them coffins."

"Coffins?", Tav asked.

Nyx was closest to Karlach, and she inched beside her. There were half a dozen coffins dotted around the area. The centre of the area was lit up by the streaming light, which obscured the rest of the view beyond.

Nyx muttered, "Yeah, far too conspicuous for my taste too."

The others joined them and assessed the scene as well.

Gale commented, "There must be something valuable over there if it has so many, err, potential guardians."

Tav suggested, "Then let's be smart about it."

Karlach turned to addressed Tav, "So, what do we do soldier?"

Tav scrunched her forehead thinking. "Worse case, it'll be some flavour of undead in there.", she started.

"So, we're looking at fire and light-based offensives.", Gale provided and Tav hummed in agreement.

Tav pointed, "Karlach, you can take their heads off with a fiery blow and Gale can back that up with more light or fireballs if necessary.”

Nyx listened to the developing strategy. She considered the coffins and offered, "We can catch them unawares by ripping off the lids and dealing with them one by one."

Astarion shifted, "And who is going to be willing to stand so close to one as to 'rip' the lid off?", he asked her with a quirking smirk, "Are you going to volunteer, my dear?"

Nyx confirmed plainly, "Yes, in a manner of speaking.", and wriggled her fingers in the air.

Gale catching on with a snap of his fingers, "Ah yes, inanimate objects."

Tav nodded, "Sounds like we have a plan. Nyx you get the lids off, Karlach stand ready to chop heads and Gale back them up with fire or whatever." Tav concluded , "Astarion, you and I will have to improvise."

Astarion answered with a smirk, "My favourite kind of plan."

Tav chuckled, "Hopefully, there is nothing in there and we'll just be smashing a bunch of dry bones to dust."

Gale laughed, "Better safe than, well dead."


Tav was correct in her statement, except that the bunch of dry bones were in fact undead skeletons. The first coffin's coordination left much to be desired. Nyx overestimated the amount of force needed to rip the lid off, sending it smack into Karlach's upper body when she brought her great axe down. Karlach's blow split the lid and ended in the skeleton's face, partially crushing it, and lodging the axe in the skeleton's skull.

In order to remove the axe, Karlach had to pin the struggling skeleton down by planting a foot in its chest. Its ribs cracked and broke under the pressure, leaving Karlach standing on its spinal cord, while Nyx rushed to disarm its flailing arms. Nyx yelped and jumped out of the way as Karlach's second blow landed on the skeleton's neck, severing the vertebral bones and the creature stilled.

Karlach glared at Nyx, "Hey, watch it soldier! I don't want a bloody nose full of splinters by the time we are done with them."

"Apologies, I yanked too hard, but I think I've got it now.", Nyx said sincerely and Karlach's glare instantaneously morphed into a grin.

"Hah! Good show!", Astarion called. Nyx and Karlach turned to watch the other three snickering from their safe distance.

Some help you were. Bunch of jerks, Nyx regarded them over her shoulder and rolled her eyes.

Nyx turned back to Karlach, who was starting to glow with heat and fire.

Nyx asked with an amused glint in her eyes, "Shall we show them how it’s really done?"

"Poor fuckers."


Karlach and Nyx dispatched three more skeletons without a hitch. Karlach's flaming axe came down as soon as Nyx removed the lid to give her a clear view. Instead of taking the lid off upwards, Nyx either pushed or pulled it off sideways, away from Karlach. Karlach's axe seared through the wood and bone like melting butter, sending up plumes of wood smoke and ash.

The last two coffins were closer to one another, and Nyx was standing between them. As soon as they started with the second last coffin, the last one's host had unexpectedly sprung from its coffin as well.

"Look out!", Karlach shouted when the skeleton lunged at Nyx from behind.

Nyx whirled around and threw her hands up sending a wave of energy towards it. She meant to disarm the skeleton. Yet, the force of her magic shattered the skeleton, flinging every bone in its body into the darkness in different directions. They could hear bones bounding off the cave walls beyond.

"Wow.", Nyx blinked in surprise.

That was effective, she looked at her hands.

She mumbled to herself, "I'll remember that for next time."

Karlach guffawed, "Boom! That was awesome!", throwing a fist in the air.

The three onlookers applauded, and the cheers echoed. Karlach and Nyx turned to the audience. Karlach bowed loosely with her one arm resting on her great axe while it stood upright, pinned to the ground. Nyx did a dancer's curtsy in a slight fourth position plié with a hand flourish, bending at the waist.

Tav started to collect the skulls and hurled them off into the darkness, mentioning something about making sure they don't 'find' themselves again. Karlach joined in to work off her excess energy. More bones clattered in the darkness with commentary about throwing form from the audience. After all the theatrics, they found a wooden platform beyond the streaming light at the back on the cave with what looked to be an enormous mirror in a wall.




The mirror was as black as an opaque gemstone. Tav walked up to it and peered into the glass, but there was no reflection. As she motioned to touch it, a glow emanated from it. Tav took a step back gasping and snatching her hand away. They all reached for their weapons as the mirror's view swirled and a generic-looking face condensed from the mist. It regarded them silently as if waiting for something.

Tav ventured , "Um, hello?"

"Spea-k your name.", it stated.

"Uh, Tav."

"I do no-t know this name."

Tav tilted her head while it asked her to declare herself an ally to some master named 'Ilyn Toth', before they were allowed to proceed. Gale cautioned against hastily declaring unknown allegiances, especially where magic was involved. Tav tried to reason with the entity of the mirror, but it seemed to be unreasonable; threatening terrible consequences to those who cannot prove themselves allies of its master.

Karlach, who was already getting fidgety, didn't like that one little bit. "Was that a threat? I sure hope it was.", Karlach said and she walked up next to Tav drawing her great axe.

The face noticed her, "Spea-k your na-."

"Look, Mr. foggy face,", Karlach cut it off and Tav watched the exchange with careful interest.

Nyx readied herself, Things went rather poorly the last time Karlach prematurely lost her cool.


Karlach glared into the mirror. "I have half the mind of rearranging your face with my axe here." She tapped against the glass with the tip of her great axe, "Unless you stop with your bull crap riddles and let us through."

Astarion lulled in a serious tone, "She does so like to shatter mirrors. It's a favourite past time of hers."

Gale confirmed with a grave voice and slow nod of the head, "Truly devastating."

Nyx leaned into her smile and widened it with malicious intent. Tav crossed her arms raising an eyebrow at the mirror.

The face retreated somewhat from the glass pane and regarded them in silence for a few more moments.

Making up its mind it conceded, "This is acceptable."

The face disappeared and the mirror went dark. The glass undulated with magic and faded out of existence creating a doorway.




There was a large chamber made of stone, similar to a crypt or tomb and only slightly less depressing. Looked to have been abandoned for years like the rest of the village up top.

Gale scrunched up his nose in revulsion while he surveyed the room, "Necromancer's lair, I'd say."

Astarion chirruped, "I'd say: 'Don't look a gift horse in the mouth'". He seemed pleased at the new turn of events.

Nyx observed, Not eager to confiscate herbs and logs, then?

They spread out across the room. At its heart there was a stone operating table of sorts with a skeleton of a huge creature hanging overhead. Some of its vertebrae had fallen from their ceiling fixtures onto the floor, scattering equipment and cratering the tiles below.

Hmm, Nyx studied the bones for a moment, Whale? No, teeth too large. Sea monster?

She wasn't going to be able to identify it properly seeing as its legs were missing, but it does resemble a crocodilian more than a lizard. She shrugged to herself.

She stood at the stone slab, eyeing the intact humanoid skeleton laying on top of decades old blackened and dusty blood. Some more bones were scattered on the slab, faded research notes and another journal. She blew the dust off the faded journal and carefully pried it open, reading the still-legible handwriting inside.


Gale had spotted more bookcases in one of the corner rooms adjacent to the chamber. Nyx could hear him muttering something about 'amateur necromancy' and 'not very impressive'. Astarion was going through a workstation on the other side of the slab in front of her. He also found a journal, gave it a quick page through and pocketed it. Karlach and Tav were gawking at more of the strange skeletons around the room.

Astarion sauntered over to Nyx and glanced at the open journal on the slab.

"My, quite an improvement. I didn't know you had such, macabre tastes, my dear.", he lilted.

"I don't", she said flatly, "I find it all appalling and disturbing. The things people justify to themselves, to do onto others."

The journal details how this 'Ilan Toth' experimented on both the living and the dead, under the guise as the local herbalist. Those who succumbed to his experiments in life went on to serve him in death. He was obsessed with resurrecting a particular woman, but the journal does not state why.

Gale seemed to have found something and Astarion moved over to him. Nyx scrunched up her nose and closed the book, that was about as much as she could take. More nightmare material, but she hopes that it may give her some insight into the minds of such people for future reference. Nyx watched as Gale happily offered his spoils for Astarion's perusal.

Something's afoot.

Astarion turned up his nose at both Gale's findings and his beaming smile. Gale has found those scrolls he mentioned to assist him with his 'future acrobatic endeavours'. Much to Astarion's disappointment.

Nyx felt Clive shift.




"Feckin' hells, Nyx", his voice rang out, "In what shitehole did ye fall into now?"

Everybody startled, except Nyx, Karlach even drew her great axe.

"Impeccable timing as always, Clive.", she commented. He chuckled and she continued, "We happened on a necromancer's lair while looking for supplies."

He shifted, looking around. "We? Ye still with them bozos?"

Nyx rolled her eyes. "Yes, I am and we have a new recruit."

She turned around so that Karlach could see him.

"Karlach, this is Clive. Be careful he has a bad case of running at the mouth.", Nyx made introductions and Clive harred.

Karlach asked confused, "A talking backpack?"

Clive rumbled, "You must be the smart one."

Nyx warned in an even tone, "Clive."

He harrumphed and continued, "Oh, and the princess is here too!"

Nyx could hear Tav and Gale snicker. When she turned, she found Astarion scowling at a grinning Karlach.

Karlach was leaning on her great axe, "Princess, eh? It suits you.", she said onto Astarion.

"Don't you encourage it. You might come to regret it later, darling.", he tried to brush it off.

Gale explained to Karlach some of what Nyx had provided about Clive, who made noises of agreement at important points.


They returned to their rummaging.

Karlach walked towards metal grating at the back of the chamber and Tav sucked in a hasty breath, "Woah, stop. Don't move", she instructed. Karlach froze.

Tav moved over to show Karlach, "Pressure plate". It was positioned just before a gate that housed another stone table.

They stood in front of the gate. Squinting through the bars, there seemed to be a book atop the stone table. Karlach gazed down at the pressure plate and then turned to Astarion with a questioning look. Astarion shook his head.

"Oh no, don't look at me. I only do locks, less dirty work.", he turned to Nyx, "Don't you use traps for hunting, my dear?"

"No. As you say traps are dirty, and cruel. I prefer clean and quick methods.", Nyx stated plainly.

Tav sighed deliberately, "Don't worry, no one would have to break any nails. I got this.", she said while pulling tools for disarming traps from her hair bun.

Nyx raised her eyebrows and shared a glance with Gale. They watched as Tav lowered herself to the ground, laying flat on her stomach. She swept her fingers along the edge and then lifted the plate slightly with one of her tools.

Tav turned her head, "Gale, would you mind giving me some light here?"

"With pleasure."

Gale knelt beside her, and she directed his magic lights. Tav lifted the plate and slipped her free hand underneath with another tool. Some probing resulted in a rattle and a snap under the plate.

"There.", she said, "All done."

Gale snuffed the lights and helped Tav up. Tav gave the plate a test with her foot. Nothing happened and she grinned.

Gale smirked, "Nicely done. Where did you learn how to do that?", he asked her.

"Ah. I, picked up, a few things here and there as a travelling minstrel.", Tav answered coyly.

"I'll get the story out of you sooner or later.", Gale mused, mischief in his eyes.

"I'd like to see you try.", Tav challenged.

Astarion lilted impatiently, "Alright, that's enough you two. Could we get on with it then?"

"After you.", Tav gestured towards the gate, and then pointedly gestured towards the lock, "The next one is yours I believe."

Astarion chuckled, walked up to the gate, and lulled, "Easy."

Tav rolled her eyes.


The gate swung open. The room was small, so Nyx and Gale waited outside. Tav, Astarion and Karlach went in. Tav immediately spotted several other traps in the room and asked the others to stop what they were doing. She instructed Karlach and Astarion to wait outside with Nyx and Gale. In quick succession Tav had disarmed fire traps stashed in the mouths of two gargoyles statues on either side of the room. There was another pressure plate underneath the book. After rendering it harmless as well, Tav picked up the book and came out of the room frowning at it.


She showed it to the rest of them. It was a, disturbing, book much like everything else in the chamber. A large, leather bound tome with actual vertebrae protruding from its spine. The front of the book sported a face that seemed frozen in place while it was trying to escape the cover. The face had glowing amethyst inlaid eyes and its mouth agape with a full set of teeth. The mouth seemed to have a recess in it, as if waiting to hold something between its teeth. Tav turned the book around in her hands, it had a faint embossed symbol on the back that no one recognized. It was secured shut with clasps, which had no keyholes.

Nyx frowned at the book, I do hope that's not human skin it is bound in. On second thought, it probably is, she stifled a shudder at the conclusion.

Gale regarded the book with a frown of his own, "How does one open it?", he pondered out loud.

Karlach shifted and pleaded, "Please tell me you're not going to open the creepy book!".

Tav shook her head and confessed, "I don't like it either. Just holding it feels wrong and the eyes are giving me goosebumps."

Astarion saw an opportunity and purred, "I'll take it off your hands then, my dear."

"You want to claim this?", Tav asked incredulously and continued. "Have at it. I certainly don't want the thing.", Tav was all too eager to release it into Astarion's care.

Nyx doesn't blame her, the thing does feel wrong, even from where she was standing her magic senses prickled in its presence. Gale looked rather disappointed that Astarion exercised his agreed-to expropriation.

The chamber had nothing else to show and they made their way back to camp. Along the way they met up with Wyll and Shadowheart in the passage. The two had set out to look for them as they had been away for quite some time. Wyll mentioned that Shadowheart insisted they ensure that 'the others' didn't get Tav killed or badly injured again. Satisfied that Tav remained in good health, everyone returned to camp to settle down for the night.

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