Chapter 29: Old Enemies

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Opening with Astarion POV, then switching to Tav and back to Nyx.

Dragon Age II Easter Egg.


Astarion led Nyx up to the roof via several cascading vines that drooped over the platforms and ledges from the floors above. He poked his head over the last ledge and observed that the Giant Eagle mother and her fledgling were out for the night.

Excellent. I'll have the opportunity to inspect the machinery I saw earlier, he smiled and glided towards the stairs that lead to the lookout point on the roof.

It was a gorgeous night, cool breeze, full moon, a spectacular view of the monument and mountains between the clear dark blue skies.

He heard her gasp and remarked behind him, "There's a sight to behold", he watched as she walked past him to stand at the low banister to survey the scenery.

He smiled and quipped, "Including the moon herself. Say, my dear, you're not going to start turning into a werewolf and drooling now, are you?"

She barked a laugh, "No risk of wolfing-out here", he turned towards the strange machinery, and she continued, "Although, I'm not above howling at the moon when the mood takes me."

He chuckled, "Well, let's hear it, then."

She snorted, but cleared her throat, nonetheless. She took a few warmup breaths and actually howled. He watched her over his shoulder with a grin. If he didn't know it was her; he would have honestly mistaken her for a wolf. She cupped her hands over her mouth and nose then made a long drawn-out howl from deep within her chest. Starting with her head held low and her eyes closed, holding the low notes throughout - those meditation techniques have given her a truly impressive lung capacity. She lifted her head creating the trailing higher register, and finished off by laughing heartily. She smiled at him, and he gave her a small applause, "Bravo". She bowed grinning and looked back at the view.

He continued his investigation of the machinery that looked like an armillary sphere mounted with a giant crystal. The construction reminded him of an artillery weapon.

It clearly didn't help the monks when the Githyanki came knocking.

He walked around the crystal weapon towards the stairs leading to a receding wall. He narrowed his eyes at it. The far-off haunting sounds of howling wolves echoed through the mountain air.

Nyx snickered, "Oops, it sounds like I started a territorial dispute."

He chuckled and walked down the stairs to take a closer look at the wall. He was twirling her knife in his hand while he searched for a lever, or a button, recess, anything really.

He was wondering, though, how it was that she managed to talk him into whatever it was during her 'negotiations'. He was not entirely sure what he has gotten himself into. However, if it forwards his plan, then he's sure he can provide what was necessary to help it along.

He heard her speak, "Who is tha-", followed by a yelp.

He frowned slightly and responded not looking away from the wall, "Have the wolves come to settle their dispute?"

She didn't answer. He tilted his head when he heard her straining against something. He turned, but his view was blocked by the stairs and the machinery.

"Astarion, I need some -", her words were cut off and he hurried up the stairs. He found her struggling; a rope wrapped around her wrists, leaning backwards against its leash that extended toward the banister and disappeared off the side of the platform. His eyes met her bewildered expression, and she finished with, "Help."

What in the hells?

Another grappling hook flew over the banister and whirled around one of her legs.

He wasn't fast enough to intercept.

In swift succession, she was yanked off her feet then dragged over the ledge with another yelp.


Astarion rushed towards the banister and leaned over to witness the unfolding scene below. Five drow surrounded Nyx. She managed to free herself from the grappling hook and ropes. Her knives hovered in the air before her as the drow started to back her away from the temple. From his position, he was neither able to assist nor access the floor below. He swore. He'll have to take the long way down. He sprinted towards the shortest route.




He was weaving through rooms and sliding down beams.

Why are the cultists here? Surely, not to rescue the Githyanki captives? Then, why attack Nyx?

Something didn't make sense. He could hear them clearly while he rounded the last corner where Nyx and the drow were fighting. He could smell blood; theirs and hers.

The scuffle had moved away from the temple, passing the fountain with Lathander's statue in the middle. Nyx had already killed two of the drow. Astarion retrieved another dagger from one of the fallen while he ran, swooping it up along the way.

Nyx's throwing knives were discarded on the ground and her hands were bound yet again, but not by rope. It looked to be braces fused together, clamped around her wrists and they pulsed with magic. She was using the braces as a shield to deflect incoming daggers from the leading assailant. The other two behind the leader turned to engage Astarion.

These are not cultists, Astarion realized very quickly when they started their dance macabre. Not only were there no cultist amulets around their necks, but they moved with the grace and efficiency of trained killers, Assassins?

The drow mocked him while they fought; they were good, and cocky about it - but they underestimated him and he used that to his advantage. He was not a mere elf after all. One came too close, lunging towards him. Astarion sidestepped then lashed out with speed at her neck, nicking an artery while she tried to dodge.

She'll bleed out soon enough.

From of the corner of his eye he saw Nyx running out of ledge while she and the other drow wrestled over the opponent's last remaining dagger.

He focused on the drow in front of him, but he heard the other drow grab Nyx by the throat mocking her while she chocked her.

A gruff female voice addressed Nyx, "Streeaka Valsharess'uh awaits. You'll be returned to her, and you'll serve Lolth as you were meant to, Syol'yr'yn."

Nyx snarled through the chocking and sneered, "She'll have to come down to the void and fetch me herself."

Who in the hells are they talking about? What in the hells are they talking about?

Astarion drove Nyx's knife into his opponent's eye, letting the body fall to the floor. The drow held Nyx by her throat, leaning her backwards over the ledge; Nyx was clinging onto the drow's arm, barely standing on the ledge touching it with the tips of her toes. Nyx's eyes were locked with the drow, burning with hatred and defiance - it stopped him in his tracks.

Nyx shifted her weight, Nyx don't!, she hooked her foot behind the drow's knee, grabbed onto her tunic and pulled them both backward. The drow cried out and they disappeared over the ledge. Astarion bolted, but he wasn't close enough or fast enough yet again.

He slid to a kneeling stop, clutching at the edge of the ledge, peering into the haze below.

I heard them land somewhere below. I know I did.

Silence stretched. Something gripped at his insides. He couldn't see anything; the fog had settled over the area. He called out to her. Nothing came of it. The gripping feeling inside him sharpened into a claw.

"Blast it!", he snarled, slamming his fists on the ground and called to her again searching the fog for movement.

Mercifully, there was a cough and a pained groan that sounded like her voice.

She croaked weakly, "I'm here. Drow dead."

Everything in him relaxed; relieved. The claw in him released as well.


He ventured, "I can't see anything from up here. Where are you?"

He waited and then she replied in a strained voice, "I, can't move. Broke too many, things. Can't see. Much. They", she fell silent.

He called out to her again, but she didn't answer.

"Damn it all to the hells!", he stood furious.

One of the drow moaned behind him, not yet dead. He stalked over to her, seizing her by the tunic and demanded to know who they were. The drow smiled wickedly through bloody teeth and spat at him. He viscously bit into her neck and drained the last of her life. He didn't even realize he was injured until he felt the wounds knit of their own accord after the blood intake. He must get the others to help Nyx.


--- --- ---


Clive wasn't being mollified, not by Tav at least. A stream of never-ending cussing echoed off the cliffs and crags. Tav was even convinced that he was getting winded at the exertion - if that was even possible.

The evening up to this point had been peaceful and quiet. They setup camp, ate, talked, laughed and dispersed. Each going off to their usual nightly routines, which included Astarion wandering off and later Nyx leaving too. Halsin also went to go 'bear' somewhere.

Gale and herself were enjoying the view and the mountain air from one of the precipices that jutted out from the crags. The wolves serenaded each other too on this splendid night. Then the upheaval started with shouting and cussing from inside Nyx's tent.

She raced to the tent and tried to talk Clive down, who had somehow managed to crawl his way out of the tent. She barely understood half of what he said between the swearing. What she gathered was that he had 'lost magical contact' with Nyx and that meant she was in danger. She promptly gathered up the squirming, swearing backpack and set out with whomever else was around to find Nyx.


Tav was sure that every Githyanki, manticore, wolf and whatever else resided in these mountains knew exactly where they were if the trail of cussing was anything to go by. They rounded the corner towards the stairs underneath the cable car and nearly ran into a blood-stained Astarion jogging up the stairs. He confirmed that Nyx was indeed in grave danger and likely in need of healing since she took a dive off a cliff. Tav's heart lurched.

Clive's rampage started anew, "I knew it! It's those damnable drow bootlickers that bitch sent after Nyx and...", Tav wasn't going to repeat the other things he assigned to whomever was on the receiving end of his verbal assault. They followed Astarion.

Clive turned his aggravations on Astarion, "How many this time?"

This time?

Astarion answered in clipped tones, "Five and w-"

"Did you kill all of them?", Clive's next question.

"Yes, now if you give me a cha-", Astarion attempted.

"Good, that's good. Means they don't get to report anything back.", Clive continued, although he did sound like he was calming down. "What did they do to her magic?", his barrage continued.

Astarion made a sound of annoyance in the back of his throat, "I. Don't. Know. It's likely those braces they put on her."

Incoherent grumbling form Clive along with a few insults directed at Astarion. By this point they were standing at the fountain in front of the temple entrance. Drow strewn on the ground, including Nyx's knives and trails of blood leading to the ledge. Astarion waited with waning patience while the rest of them walked over and peered into the whiteout below.

Karlach asked with concern, "She's down there?"

Astarion nodded curtly, "I think she landed on another overhang, but she passed out."

Clive declared abruptly, "Toss me over!"


"What?", several of them asked either out of astonishment or exasperation.

Clive groaned, "I'm surrounded by idiots.", then announced, "I'm a feckin' backpack! Now, toss me over to where ye think she landed, Princess!"

Astarion directed over Tav's shoulder, "My name is Astarion. I don't appreciate being ordered around by a gods ugly talking backpack."

Clive replied while Tav removed him from her back, "Grow a few brain cells so that I don't have to think fer ye then!"

Tav tried very hard not to laugh at Astarion and Clive glowering at each other. Clive's impatience more pronounced than Astarion's and Clive asked, "What are ye waitin' fer? Toss me down already!", and he moved like he was kicking himself out at the corners.

Astarion made a face of disgust and took Clive by one of his straps.

Clive quipped with a rumble, "Don't toss me like a sack of potatoes or a trash bag! Then I'll consider not calling ye Princess anymore."

Astarion was tense for a moment, his back to Tav. She couldn't decide whether he was composing or restraining himself. Then he took aim and dropped Clive down into the fog below with a smooth effortless swing.

Clive exclaiming 'Geronimoooo!' followed by a grunting thud when he hit the floor.

Clive was grumbling to himself down there, yet his booming voice carried all the way up to the concerned and worried faces above.

"Nyx!", he called, "Nyx, can ye hear me?", followed by more grumbling about 'the drow's landing didn't go so well fer her' then he declared, "She's breathin! Does need aid though."

Several sighs of relief from around Tav. She released her own wringing hands.

Clive continued to state that he was looking for a way down to reach Nyx then he grumbled something about how being low to the ground has its advantages.

Astarion huffed with annoyance, "Well?"

"Keep yer bloomers on! It takes some time fer meself to get around."

Astarion tutted and sighed dramatically.


Tav turned toward the others to find Gale and Wyll's backs turned to her. They were hunched over, inspecting one of the drow corpses. She ambled over and looked between them askance. Neither said anything. Instead, both made suggestive motions towards the corpse, Gale glimpsed down at the corpse and gestured with his chin towards the ledge. Wyll brushed the side of his neck and picked his teeth. Tav frowned at this strange covert interaction they were having then looked down at the drow herself.

"Oh", she said in a small voice.

It wasn't the fact that the drow was intimidating, even when stone cold dead, or the fact that they were not your average ruffians, or that one had Nyx's knife sticking out of her eye.

None of these things were nearly as disconcerting as the two neat puncture marks on the one drow's neck.


There had been a lot of speculation between her and the others on this topic. Tav finding the exsanguinated boar back at Moonhaven, Shadowheart pointing out his pallor, Wyll pondering about the longer-than-average-canines, the obvious red eyes and then Gale theorizing over the fact that he does not burn up in the sun. More signs included several battles in which Astarion was covered in blood yet remained uninjured and did not even suffer from any fatigue in the slightest. However, it all remained speculation - it technically still was, other than witnessing him feeding on someone with her own eyes. But Tav can't ignore the signs anymore, especially when they start piling up like this.

The bats have returned to the belfry to roost.

Tav shared a shrewd look with Gale and Wyll.

She knit her brows thoughtfully, she doesn't want to make it confrontational - it's not like he had hurt anyone of them, yet, but it was best for everyone to know that one of their companions was a vampire and the consequences that come with it.

She mirrored one of Nyx's deep, long breaths through the mouth, It truly does help.

She bundled up her courage and turned around to address him before she drops it on the floor.

He was watching them with his usual indifference, Had he been watching the whole time?

She swallowed, caught herself and simply came out with it, "Astarion, there is something I would like to confirm with you right now."

He tilted his head with a quizzical expression, noticed the drow corpse between them and his face split in a slow predatory smile, "Finally figured it out have you, darling? I must say it took you quite long enough. Nyx had me pegged since day one."

Another amazed "What!?" escaped the three of them, alerting Karlach and Lae'zel to the conversation.

Tav glanced at Gale and Wyll, something seemed to be dawning on Gale in particular and he breathed, "When she hurried away that morning looking like she'd seen a ghost."

Tav's eyes widened as well when she recalled, Why didn't she say anything?

Karlach frowned, "When, who, what, nowed?"

Lae'zel clocked their collective expressions, the huddled stances around the drow, the drow's neck and then turned an intense glower onto Astarion.

Lae'zel was the one to put a name to him through a scowl, "Vampire."

Tav was shocked that Lae'zel even knew about vampires at all, until Karlach took the wind out of all their sails, "Oh, that.", she guffawed. Karlach took in everyone else's expressions then with genuine curiosity and upturned hands asked, "What? You guys didn't know?"

They gaped at her.


Wyll managed a croaking, "How?"

She shrugged unaffected, "Scratch told me."

"Scra-", Gale breathed in disbelief.

"Yeah, told me Astarion smells of blood - like all the time, even when we're not fighting", she provided with her shit eating grin, pleased that she was able to school them on something for once.

Tav started, "Why", then paused to blink, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you already knew. I mean", she pffted and gestured dismissively, "He has been here longer than I have and everyone just 'carried on as usual' so, no biggie.", she shrugged again.

No biggie!?

Tav didn't know how to reply to that. She looked back at Astarion, who wore that smug grin of his.

He gloated, "Outwitted by the barbarian? My, I do seem to be in agreement with the backpack. We are surrounded by idiots."

Tav was suddenly furious at his flippant disregard for their very legitimate concerns. She pointed a finger at him trying to formulate her words, "Some fine cheek! Concealing the fact that you're a dangerous, blood feeding vamp-" then Clive called out, "Oi! If yer all quite done discussing the blood sucker. I've found a way fer ye to get yer arses down here. Yer welcome", followed by grumbling along the lines of 'having to do everything himself'.

Tav deflated immediately, Astarion's grin simply widened, reigniting some of her rankle. However it was best to return their attentions to Nyx, who remained injured.

Clive is right. Nyx is the priority here, Tav felt a pang of guilt at getting so sidetracked when one of her crew was in need.

They promptly followed Clive's instructions to search the area to his right (their left) of the temple. He spotted a series of protruding rocks and ledges they could use to get to Nyx.




Shadowheart had stayed the course and already found the route down herself. Tav was greeted with the scene of Shadowheart dragging Nyx off the broken corpse of the fifth drow. Tav won't be surprised if Nyx purposefully maneuvered the drow to take the pillowing impact of the fall.

Tav noticed the braces Astarion mentioned; they gleamed and throbbed around Nyx's wrists with alien magic. Its power made her queasy and the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Speaking of necks, Nyx had dark bruises along hers shaped like fingers - Tav fisted her hands and glared at the dead drow whose limbs were splayed out at unnatural angles.


Tav eyed Clive who was watching Shadowheart with guarded concern and she queried pointing at the corpse, "May I ask: who these drow are and why they attacked Nyx?"

Clive gave her a side-eye, "Nae, silver-tongued lassie. Yer not getting anything from me without Nyx's say-so."

Tav was disappointed, but she'll respect that and prompted Shadowheart instead, "How is she?"

Shadowheart was at ease, which was usually a good sign, and explained, "A broken leg and other minor fractures. But this", she gestured to the braces, "This is a problem. I think it's draining her magic and keeping her under."

Tav's eyebrows climbed into her hairline. Pointing at the braces she asked, "Those made her pass out? Keeps her... unconscious?"

Shadowheart nodded and Clive's insult grumblings started anew.

Gale sidled next to Tav, frowning at the braces with his fingers on his chin, stroking his beard. He made an outstretched hand above them and Tav could feel him probe the braces magically. He nodded and smiled, Tav gave him an expectant raised eyebrow.

He smirked, "Here, allow me."

Shadowheart made space for him, and he grabbed the braces with both hands. Tav was alarmed at first, but then Gale started to absorb the magic from the braces like he does the other artefacts. Flashes of magic erupted from the braces and its tendrils lashed out against Gale's efforts, until his orb simply pulled those in towards itself as well.

Tav blinked at the display then Gale released the braces. There was a click, the braces separated at the seams and fell from Nyx's wrists, clanking on the floor; useless. Gale straightened and placed his hand on his chest remarking, "Ooh yes, that really hits the spot", smiling with reverie and patting his orb.

"Blimey!", Clive called out snapping their attention to him as he gaped at Gale, "Well, cut my straps and call me a purse! Yer best keep yer hands to yerself lest ye want me to send them to the astral plane man skirts", he teased-threatened.

Gale held his hands up in surrender and quipped, "Wouldn't dream of it", then frowned - likely at the 'man skirts' part. Tav smirked.

Nyx stirred.


Nyx jerked awake, sitting upright and leaning away from Shadowheart in a moment of confusion. Recognition settled on her features, and she relaxed. Nyx squeezed her eyes shut, drew her legs into her chest and doubled over with her head on her knees, wrapping her arms around herself holding still. They watched her and shared uncertain glances amongst each other.

Clive prompted, "Nyx lass? What's happening?"

Nyx raised her head slowly; her skin has taken on a green tint. She answered in a small voice, "It's a mess."

Clive hopped over and angled himself upwards to her face, "How?", he asked with knitted pattern eyebrows next to her.

Nyx shook her head like something unseen was bothering her and replied with unfocussed eyes, "It's all there, but moved around - not where it should be. All wrong - upside down, inside out."

Tav has no idea what they were referring to.

Clive glanced back at them then provided, "Whatever foul magic those braces had; messed with her mind. We need to get her somewhere safe so she can take care of it."

Tav's eyes widened as she put together the ramifications, "Or she'll slip?"

Clive made a casual noise of agreement, "Me thinks it'll take more than that fer her magic to get to that point. Best not to take chances. Aye?"

Tav nodded curtly and promptly organized the others. Nyx was able to walk, albeit like someone who was drunk, thus Wyll offered to support her back to camp. Wyll had hooked one of Nyx's arms over his shoulders and guided a shambling, muttering Nyx along. Tav noticed the tension in Astarion's shoulders and how his jaw moved when his eyes settled on Wyll's arm around Nyx's waist. She narrowed her eyes, but decided not to think too much on it. Now is not the time.

Tav gathered up Clive, who was rather amused that he gets to 'hitchhike' with her again.


--- --- ---


Nyx felt like her mind had been ransacked. Everything was thrown off the shelves, tables and displays. Cupboards were emptied out, furniture overturned, and things were littered about all over the floors in each and every room. If she tried to make a coherent thought, she would trip over something and fall on her face. She was vaguely aware that the tadpole itself didn't know which side was the right side around either. After a while she stopped thinking and focused on her feet instead.

Wyll paused at a series of rocks that she would need to scale. She decided she was not going to clamber over them. The others passed them and waited at the top. She somehow managed to gather up enough of herself to leap to the top using her magic, and her fumbling landing was caught by Shadowheart. Wyll appeared and took over from Shadowheart. Nyx managed an absent-minded 'thank you' between her mental flailing.


The rest of it was a blur between her feet, meditation techniques, the moving bodies of her companions and Clive's grumbling. Wyll sat her down on the log at the campfire and Clive dissolved next to her. She balanced herself on the log with her hands, but failing miserably, so she slid down the log to the ground and leaned against it instead.

The world took shape when her mental spaces started to make sense again. She blinked the others into view, they were seated or standing around the campfire watching her anxiously. She looked at Tav who queried, "Are you alright? You look to be less green than before."

Nyx's face pulled into a lopsided smile and her mouth replied automatically, "It's when I turn white that you should be really worried. I'm here - or getting, here..."

Nyx turned to Clive, and he replied without being prompted, "Coming up."

His flap flew open, and her quarterstaff propelled upwards from the pack, her hand caught it on the return down with trained muscle memory and she laid it over her lap. She ran her hands over the runes, and they burst into silver. She heard some of the others take in a sharp breath.

Laying her hands upon the silver bathed staff anchored her mind. As though she had jumped down and landed back into her body. Something snapped and she was back, fully settled in herself again. Most things in her mind were still a mess, but she can sort through it later. She looked up and smiled. The tension melted away from the group and she felt a surge of affection for them in her heart, followed by sadness.

My reckoning is here, she closed her eyes, took a steadying breath, twirling the silver streams of her life magic between her fingers.


She opened her eyes and announced making eye contact with each of them in turn, "I owe all of you an apology for what had transpired. It was unacceptable and unworthy of me to place you in such danger."

They stared at her in unblinking, shocked, confusion. She continued.

"I can usually sense an attack coming. The previous few times I had at least. I assumed this would continue and that'll I'll be able to warn you as well, but", she paused trying to figure out why this time was different and surmised, "The tadpole may have changed that."

Tav replied genuinely, "The tadpole has affected all of us in unexpected ways. I don't think anyone here blames you for what happened", there were nods and sounds of agreement then she added, "Besides no one got hurt like you did."

Nyx smiled, humbled by their understanding, "However, therein lies the crux of the matter. They will come again, but now I don't know when and they have...", she took a shaky breath, "Never hesitated to maim, kill or use people around me to get to me. I cannot allow that to happen again.", she gripped her staff and took a shuddering breath, "I understand if you'd feel it best that I leave."

Nyx was astounded that the shock on their faces could deepen.

A seated Karlach curled her lip and leaned forward clenching her fists, "Let. Them. ComeI'll. Fuck. Them. Up. If they wanna mess with Mamma K or any of her soldiers then I'll send them packing straight to the hells", she declared with fire sprouting from her to punctuate her words.

Nyx raised her eyebrows at that, and she listened with near disbelief as the others agreed, each with their own response:

"Here, here", from Wyll,

"Nothing a little stabbing can't solve, my dear", Astarion grinned,

Gale beamed, "I wouldn't mind  another drow artefact like that",

"Githyanki aren't known to simply lie down and die", Lae'zel stated,

Shadowheart quipped, "We're all pretty much lethal to each other in our own way",

Tav said seriously onto Nyx, "You're not going anywhere", and nodded as though that settled it.

"I", Nyx attempted, "That means more to me that I can put into words. Thank you." She was blinking profusely to keep the choking sob in her throat at bay.

Thank the graces for these people. My people.


Nyx managed a weak, yet heartfelt smile, but urgently needed a moment to herself. These feelings were overwhelming her shattered defences, and the black tendrils were swarming into her periphery. She said, "Excuse me", and addressed Clive in Tufani vernacular, "Tell them about the drow and why they are after me, but not about her or the black pit. If the conversation leans that way; speak about it in broad terms", he grunted an affirmation and she added in a small voice, "Thank you."

Nyx turned to their curious expressions and smiled again, "I need to go take care of a few things now. Clive will continue for me."

They nodded or inclined their heads, and she lowered hers. She closed her eyes and partly dissociated retreating into her inner sanctuary to take stock of the damage and prioritize repairs.

She could still hear Clive speak to the others.

Clive grumbled while 'he got his straps straightened' and elaborated, "Yer familiar with Raphael and his dealings, aye?"

The others shifted, likely taking seats themselves.

"Well, these drow are part of an elite house within their society. They deal in magic too and are interested parties like Raphael himself. The only difference being that, Nyx", he threw in a few choice words before uttering the next statement, "belongs to them and they want their asset back - by force if necessary."

She heard some gasps and restrained exclamations of outrage.

Tav ventured, "So, she is half-drow and not moon elf. I take it that she is blood-related to this house as well?"

"Aye", Clive said gravely, "They send bounty hunters after her every few years. It takes a while fer them to find us, but eventually they do and yer seen the results fer yerself."

Gale queried, "But how did she escape in the first place? I heard you simply don't do that."

Another 'aye' from Clive followed by, "Nyx was somehow smuggled out by her human father. She doesn't remember specifics other than what she was told by others. They found her as a babe next to what they presumed to be his corpse in the woods.", he stated without tact.

Nyx felt herself grimace.

Wyll probed, "Does she know who her mother is?"

Clive shifted, "She does. The bitch did things to Nyx too, to her magic. Why it is the way it is. And the bounty remains.", he redirected the conversation.

Gale took the bait, "How many have been sent after you?"

Clive rumbled under his breath and recounted, "There have been seventeen attacks, groups of three to six mostly."

Wow! I had lost count at eight, Nyx paused her reparations, listening more intently.

"By Ahghairon's lost nose!"

Clive continued, "Last one was three years ago, eighty-one days.", he had an exact and superior memory to most. Nyx always wondered whether that was just him or something to do with his magic.

Karlach asked, "And you've been on the run that whole time? Alone?"

Clive grunted, "Aye, it has been forty-six years since we left Tufani."

By the Abyss, has it been that long!? ... I'm suddenly older by a couple of years, Nyx realized. The years start to blur into one another after a while in the wilds.

He added, "We have travelled with others like yer good selves - or some not, come to think of it - but none of it fer this long."

He yawned then finished abruptly, "I have other pressing business elsewhere", she heard him shift, likely looking at her, followed by, "She'll come out of it once she's ready."

He addressed Karlach, "Hot head we're still up fer another round aye?"


And he left.


Nyx snorted mentally, That's Clive for you.

The others spoke among themselves. Mostly commentary about 'how awful it must be to be on the run like that'. To Nyx it was a fact of life, an ugly truth that she had learned to accept and manage. Life, after all, deals her cards differently to every person and Nyx made do with hers. She collected a few new cards and discarded others, but the core unchanging set remained. Other have a better hand than hers, some had it worse - but comparisons doesn't change or help hers - so she tried to focus on how to best use what she had instead, without taking away from others.

She returned to her mental realm, the initial layer of seals was patched and reinforced. Now she needed to put the rest of the scattered remains of her mind back into their proper places.



BTW, I decided to forgo Astarion's vampire bite scars on the neck. I feel like it is too much of a giveaway so much so that the mobs of pitchforks and torches would've burned down Cazador's mansion a long time ago.

Also, it seems that BG3 forwent (now that's a word I don't get to use everyday LOL) moon/star elves in their DnD lore and if you 'reintroduce' the other sub-races of high elves (moon elves being the most common high elf ancestor to half elves) then drow or drow-like-appearance isn't nearly as obvious or disconcerting anymore (apart from when they have red eyes). On that note, Astarion would likely be a sun elf.

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