tlcassis Progress Report

Follow my worlds: Arrhynsia and Compendium and check out my author website at to see my latest work!

FairFeather's Emporium:

Fairfeather's Emporium carries a breadth of quality goods designed to appeal to those, such as yourself, who possess impeccable taste and deep pocketbooks.

1111 words

Warhawks Guild

The Warhawks Guild acts as surety for those who would hire mercenary troops.

1291 words

Zol Dak

The Zol Dak, or mercenary soldier practices an ancient prefession.

1330 words

The Lost War

The death and destruction of the Lost War almost resulted in the genocide of an entire race.

1505 words

Lord Walter Ralsh

The High Paladin of Guldari, Lord Walter Ralsh first gained worldwide notoriety by defeating the Dark Knight Bozarth in hand to hand combat.

2329 words

The Temple of Sinhala

The Temple of Sinhala in norstum is a small location with a devout following in the local community.

402 words

Norstrolm General Goods

Norstrolm General Goods carries a wide selection of dry goods for your every practical need!

412 words


734 words

Trespin's Smithy

435 words

The Oaken Barn Inn

745 words

tlcassis Progress so far

10294 words 102.94% completed!

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Writer, foodie, gamer, rocket scientist.

I had to give up square dancing during COVID :-(

I look for heros.
I love people who have the courage to do something meaningful and useful with their lives.
I know that no one is perfect and that forgiveness is necessary.
I act as though every person matters and that our actions have impact in the world around us.
I rest in the tenant that faith in God is the foundation of hope and the key to surviving the inevitable darkness that enters everyone's life.
I seek to make the world a better place by making myself a better person and encouraging others to do so too.
I know that the only meaningful measure of success in life is the content of your character. Every other measure is effected by things outside our control, but how we respond to the world around us is entirely in our own control.

I find heros every day.

Favorite TV Series

Big Bang Theory, Dead Like Me, Mom, America's Test Kitchen, Milk Street

Favorite Books

Lord of the Rings, The Belgariad & Mallorean, Foundation Series, The Corinthian, God Game, Jhereg, The Path of the Wise

Favorite Games

DnD 5e (we homebrew), FFIVX, WoW, Diablo, Rummikub


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