| PF2e One Shot | After an Escort Quest into the Cloudburst Coastside goes predictably wrong, your party encounters what the local Elves call a Raikunath, a name that once meant "Lord of Lightning".
The road to avoid death is paved only by casting away that which made life not worth losing.
"I love ruins. They remind us that our stories will stand the test of time; Gone, but never forgotten. That no matter what happens, life will go on. They give the gift of memories."
Drawing and Writing but I'm guessing that might've been obvious by now.
I'm just a big story guy, HUGE story guy even. Storytelling is easily one of my BIGGEST passions.
Sword of the Stranger, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Star Wars, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Spiderverse, Venom, Bee Movie, etc.
Demon Slayer, My Hero Academia, Avatar: The Last Airbender, JoJo, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, One Piece, Rick and Morty, IASIP, most of 2010's Cartoon Network, the list goes on really. Lots of anime.
90% of the entire Sonic series but SPECIFICALLY Frontiers and Unleashed, D&D/PF2e, Monster Hunter, Magic: The Gathering, Minecraft, Halo: Reach, Warframe, BOTW, Pokemon, Slay the Princess (Literally a life changing experience I'll never emotionally recover from), Smash Ultimate, Enter the Gungeon, actually now that I think about it any roguelike I've played for at least 10 minutes; this list ALSO goes on for a while, I play a lot of games.
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