Icradin Author's page | World Anvil



Alex Terziev | Member Since 27 Dec, 2017
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A story writer, DM, game designer and general nerd. I mainly spend my time creating new story lines, places and people for my players to meet in the two weekly games of D&D that I'm playing. And if I'm not nose deep in books I often times like to create 3D art for games and or make functional prototypes that never get off the ground.

Favorite Movies

Nothing fancy, the usual Sci-Fi stuff sprinkled with some Fantasy toppings.

Favorite TV Series

Critical Role, Shokugeki no Souma, The Crown (at the moment of writing)

Favorite Books

Chronicles of the Drenai (David Gemmel) The Martian Ender's Game 2001 Space Odissey

Favorite Writers

David Gemmel Wise&Hickman A lot of others I can't think of right now

Favorite Games

Witcher 3 Freelancer Metro (any)