Why Register?

Registration: It's the Law.

Registration offers many benefits. From valuable training to legal aid, the Registered Super gains access to a worldwide network of resources nearly unlimited in scope.

The Academy provides all the essentials of life in a safe environ where Supers may learn about their powers and test them out in simulated real-world conditions. Academy-trained Avatars are in high demand all over the globe to take on missions from the miraculous to the mundane. The people feel safe when an Academy graduate is near.

Academy life affords the opportunity for the newly Awakened Avatar (or any other recently-endowed Super) to mingle with his or her own kind as equals. The Supers-only campus of the Academy allows gifted individuals to start making a name amongst tomorrow's elite. All Academy staff are both talented instructors and proven Supers who genuinely care about making the world a better place for all.

In addition to the important social connections that such an environment provides, Academy students gain membership in the renowned Network. More than a social site and less than a government, the Network matches up appropriately talented individuals with interested employers. The most exclusive contracts on Earth are fulfilled by skilled Network agents.


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